- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXVI—No. 131 on 23 August 2024
- Commenced on 16 August 2024
1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Employment and Labour Relations Court (Procedure) Rules, 2024.2. Interpretation
In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires—“appeal” means an appeal made to the Court by any party against an award, order, decision or decree of the Registrar of Trade Unions, Cabinet Secretary, Director of Occupational Safety and Health’ Subordinate Court, local tribunal or commission or any other body as may be prescribed under any written law, and includes a cross appeal;“appellant” means a person who initiates an appeal;“Central Planning Monitoring Unit” means, the unit of the Ministry for the time being in charge of matters relating to labour responsible for analyzing economic trends, undertaking investigations of economic disputes and advising the Court accordingly;“claim” includes any claim, complaint, application, reference, motion or labour dispute referred to the Court by a party for adjudication under any written law;“claimant” means a party who files a claim with the Court under any written law;“Court” means the Employment and Labour Relations Court and includes a judge of the Court;“economic dispute” means a dispute or difference, apprehended dispute or difference, between employers and employees, between employers and trade unions, or between an employers’ organization and employees or trade unions, concerning any economic compensatory matter and includes disputes regarding negotiations of collective agreements, salary, basic pay, allowances and terms and conditions of service;"open court” includes physical courtroom and virtual court proceedings;"party" means a person, trade union, employer, employer’s organization or any corporate body directly involved or affected by an appeal or claim to which the Court has taken cognizance or who is a party to a collective agreement referred to the Court for registration;“pleading” includes the statements in writing of the claim or demand of an applicant, petition, judicial review application, and the defence by a respondent thereto, the reply of an applicant to any defence or a counterclaim of a respondent;“registry” means any office designated by the Court for the purpose of filing pleadings under these Rules;“respondent” means a person against whom a suit has been instituted in the Court or who replies to any proceedings in Court;“statement of claim” means a memorandum of claim filed in Court by a party as prescribed under these Rules;“suit” means a claim, petition, application for judicial review, appeal or any proceedings before the Court for determination; and“summons” means a notice requiring a party or witness to appear before the Court or to call upon a person to attend court.3. Sittings of the Court
The Court may sit in any station established by the Chief Justice in consultation with the Principal Judge or, such place as the Court may order if circumstances of the case warrant it.4. Divisions of the Court
The Chief Justice may, where the workload and number of Pivisions of the judges in a station permit, establish any of the following divisions of the Courts—5. Sub-registries and circuit courts
6. Place of suing and hearing
7. Institution of claims
8. Statement of claim pursuant to the Labour Relations Act
9. Statement of Claim Issued other than under the Labour Relations
Where a claim is filed in the Court other than a reference under the Labour Relations Act (Cap. 233) under rule 8, the statement of claim shall—10. Institution of petition and judicial review proceedings
11. Appeals
12. Time for filing appeals
13. Service of memorandum of appeal
A memorandum of appeal shall be served upon the respondent within twenty-one days from the date of filing.14. Form of memorandum of appeal
A memorandurn of appeal shall be in Form 1 as set out in the First Schedule with necessary modification.15. Record of appeal
16. Supplementary memorandum and record of appeal
The appellant may, with the leave of the Court, file and serve a supplementary memorandum of appeal or a supplementary record of memorandum and record of appeal.17. Cross appeals
18. Extension of time
The Court may, if circumstances justify, extend the time prescribed for the filing of an appeal or any document relating to an appeal.19. Preparations and service of supplementary record of appeal
20. Filling
21. Stay of execution in case of appeal
22. Hearing of appeals
23. Suits by several persons
24. Filing procedures
25. Service of summons
26. Service of summons by electronic mail service
27. Service of summons by mobile-enabled messaging application
28. Service on a cooperate body
29. Response to pleadings
30. Notice to third and subsequent parties
31. Undefended suits and formal proof
32. Pleadings generally.
33. Objections to pleadings
A party may, by notice, object to a pleading and in that notice, state the grounds of objection except that no objection may be raised to any pleading on the ground of any want of form.34. Amendment of pleadings
A party may amend pleadings before service or before the close of pleadings:Provided that after the close of pleadings, the party may only amend pleadings with the leave of the Court on oral or formal application, and, the other party shall have a corresponding, right to amend its pleadings.35. Witness statements
36. Expert witnesses
A party who intends to call, an expert witness shall notice to that effect, together with a summary of the evidence, report opinion, of the expert-witness, as part of the witness statement or list and copies of documents to be relied upon and as prescribed under this rule.37. Witness summones
Any party who requires a witness to attend any proceedings to give evidence on his behalf may upon-order by the Court have summons issued by the Registrar for that purpose.38. Additional documents
Where a party, intends to rely on a document that has not been filed as at the time of filing pleadings, the party shall make sufficient copies of each document for the Court file and serve the other party with a copy at least fourteen days before the case is set down for hearing or such shorter, period as the Court may, order:Provided that after the close of pleadings, the Court may allow the filing of a supplementary bundle of documents.39. Memorandum of agreed issues
40. Pre-trial conference
41. Framing of issues by the Court
Where parties to a suit fail to agree on issues for determination, the Court may frame the issues for determination.42. Discovery of documents
43. Notice to show cause why suit should not be dismissed
44. Urgent applications
45. Interlocutory applications and temporary injunctions
46. Discharge, variation or seeting aside of orders of injunction
Any order for injunction may be discharged, varied or set aside by the Court on application by any party dissatisfied with such order.47. Notice of motion.
A notice of motion shall state in general terms the grounds of the application and where the motion is supported by an affidavit, both the notice of motion and a copy of the affidavit shall be served on the other party.48. Opposition to notice of motion
A party may respond to an application by filing grounds of opposition, a replying affidavit or notice of preliminary objection.49. Written submission to accompany interlocutory
Every interlocutory application to the Court shall be filed together with written submissions and shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, be determined by way of written submissions.50. Service of interlocutory applications
An interlocutory application together with submissions shall be served within seven days of filing or such other period as the Court may direct.51. Response to the interlocutory applications
A response to the interlocutory application together with written submissions shall be filed and served within seven days or such other period as the Court may direct.52. Rejoinders in interlocutory applications
The applicant, upon service of the response, may file a rejoinder which may include supplementary submissions within seven days or such other period as the Court may direct.53. Court not to grant orders of reinstatement
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Rule, the Court shall not grant an ex parte order that reinstates into employment an employee whose services have been terminated.54. Applications to maintain status quo
A party who has reported a trade dispute for conciliation under the Labour Relations Act (Cap. 233) may file a notice of motion in a suit seeking an injunction, conservatory or restraining order or any other order to maintain the status quo pending the conclusion of the conciliation.Part IX – CASE MANAGEMENT
55. Case management
56. Alternative dispute resolution
57. Consent orders
58. Witness summons
59. Determination by documentary evidence
The Court may, either by an agreement by all parties, or on its own motion, proceed to determine a suit before it on the basis of pleadings, affidavits, documents filed pnd submissions made by the parties.60. Procedure in the absence of a party
61. Consolidation of cases.
The Court may consolidate suits if it appears that in any number of suits—62. Test suit
63. Representation by trade unions or employer organizations
64. Withdrawal of suits
65. Hearing procedure
66. Close of hearing
67. Submissions
68. Decisions of the Court
69. Adoption and enforcement of alternative dispute resolution agreements by the Court
70. Costs and interest.
71. Records of proceedings and decisions
72. Decrees
73. Execution and warrants
74. Review
75. Correction of errors
The Court shall, at the request of the parties or on its own motion, cause any clerical mistake, incidental error or omission to be rectified and shall notify the parties of such rectification.76. Seal of the Court
The seal of the Court shall be authenticated by the signature of the Registrar.Part XII – COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS
77. Collective agreements
78. Disagreement over collective agreement
79. Collective economic disputes in public service
80. Court may extend time
The Court may, upon application or on its own motion, extend any time prescribed under these Rules or such time as may be stipulated in an order of the Court.81. Fees
82. Reconstruction of files
83. Role of the Registrar in case management
The Registrar shall be responsible to the Court for—84. Revocation.
The Employment and Labour Relations Court (Procedure) Rules (Sub. Leg) are revoked.History of this document
23 August 2024 this version
16 August 2024