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- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXII—No. 78 on 30 April 2020
- Commenced on 30 April 2020
- [Amended by Public Procurement and Asset Disposal (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 (Legal Notice 220 of 2020) on 24 December 2020]
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Citation
These Regulations shall be cited as the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations.2. Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—"access codes" means the user identification and password collectively;"accounting officer" has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Public Finance Management Act (Cap. 412A);"classified procurement and asset disposal" means procurement and asset disposal whose information on source, ownership and use is limited to particular authorized officers;"corporate governance" means the process and structure used to direct and manage business affairs of national or county government entities towards enhancing prosperity and good governance with the ultimate objective of realizing national long term value while taking into account the interest of all stakeholders;"county government entity" has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Public Finance Management Act (Cap. 412A);"County Treasury" has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Public Finance Management Act (Cap. 412A);"digital signature" means an electronic signature based on cryptographic methods of originator authentication, computed by a set of rules and parameters such that the identity of the signer and the integrity of the data can be verified;"electronic document transmission" means the electronic transmission of information via computerized systems;"electronic" means any electrical, digital, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic or other form of technology that entails capabilities similar to these technologies;"e-procurement system" means a system or technology that can be used to automate the internal and external processes associated with supply chain management including strategic sourcing, purchasing and inventory management of goods, works and services;"e-tender" means an electronic bid submitted by a candidate to the procuring entity for the supply of goods, works and services;"e-tender documents" includes electronic tender documents issued by a procuring entity specifying the goods, works or services it intends to purchase, the contractual terms, conditions for the tender and instructions for responding to bids;"malware" means any form of hostile or intrusive software, not limited to computer viruses, worms, trojan horses or other malicious programs and includes executable code, scripts, active content, and other software;"micro enterprise" means a business undertaking with an initial staff establishment of not more than ten employees and annual turnover or investment not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings;"national government entity" has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Public Finance Management Act (Cap. 412A);"password" means the secret information in the form of characters which, in combination with the User Identification allows the authentication by the procuring entity's server;"performance security" means any security provided by a supplier or contractor solely for the protection of the procuring entity, against non-performance for the supply of goods, works or services;"procuring entity" has the meaning assigned to it under section 2 of the Act;"professional opinion" means an advice given by the head of a procurement function to the accounting officer of a procuring entity in respect of a procurement matter;"public entity" has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Act;"records" includes electronic and manual archives containing the data, documents and information relating to procurement and disposal processes;"small enterprise" means a business undertaking with an initial staff establishment of not less than eleven and not more than fifty employees and annual turnover or investment not exceeding five million shillings;"supplier registration" means the process by which a supplier registers their interest in receiving tenders from a procuring entity;"system" means the solutions and electronic instruments that allow the use of computerized application cited in these Regulations;"state corporation" means a state corporation within the meaning of the State Corporations Act (Cap. 446);"state portal" means the electronic online platform developed by the Authority;"user authorization" means the results of the process that allows the supplier, through the allocation of a user identification and password, to access the system, obtain qualification and participate in e-tenders;"user identification" means the electronic means to determine and identify an authorized supplier or contractor used when accessing the system;"value for money" means the undertaking by a procuring entity that results in a benefit accruing to that procuring entity defined in terms of cost, price, quality, quantity, timeliness and risk transfer; and"vote" has the meaning assigned to it under section 2 of the Public Finance Management Act (Cap. 412A).3. Application
These Regulations shall, unless otherwise provided for in the Act, apply to—4. Object and purpose of these Regulations
5. Bilateral and multilateral agreements
6. Responsibilities of the National Treasury
7. Functions of the Authority
In addition to the functions of the Authority provided for under section 9 of the Act, the Authority shall develop, promote and support the training of persons involved in public procurement and asset disposal.8. Nomination of members of the Public Procurement Regulatory Board
When nominating members to be appointed to the Regulatory Board under section 10(1)(b) of the Act, each organization referred therein shall submit to the Cabinet Secretary the curriculum vitae of three members being nominated, of whom one shall be of the opposite gender and shall reflect regional balance.9. Accessibility of Review Board Services
10. Qualification and nomination of Review Board members
11. Full board meeting of the Review Board
12. Resignation of the Chairperson or a member of the Review Board
The Chairperson or any other member of the Review Board may at any time, by notice to the appointing authority, resign from the office.13. Removal of Review Board Chairperson or member
14. Appointment of Review Board Secretary
15. Functions of the Review Board Secretary
Subject to the general supervision and direction of the Review Board, the Review Board Secretary shall be responsible for the—16. Acting Review Board Secretary
The Director-General in consultation with the Chairperson of the Review Board may designate a member of the staff of the Authority to act as the Board Secretary in case of a vacancy in the office.17. Employees of the Review Board
The Director- General of the Authority shall in consultation with the Secretary of the Review Board deploy such number and categories of staff as necessary for the effective functioning of the Review Board.18. Funds and operations costs of the Review Board
19. Annual performance reports
20. Additional responsibilities of county treasury
In addition to the county treasury functions under section 33(1) of the Act, the county treasury procurement shall—Part IV – POWERS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE AND DEBARMENT PROCEDURES
21. Powers of investigators
22. Request for debarment and debarment proceedings
23. Responsibilities of the accounting officer
In addition to responsibilities provided for under section 44 (2) and in accordance with section 44(2)(j) of the Act, an accounting officer shall—24. Minimum requirements of a procuring entity
25. Appointment of tender opening committee
The accounting officer shall appoint a tender opening committee in accordance with section 78 of the Act.26. Threshold matrix
Subject to section 45(3)(b) of the Act, the threshold matrix shall be as provided for under the Second Schedule.27. Low value procurements
For purposes of section 46(8) of the Act, low value procurements as per the threshold matrix under the Second Schedule shall not require an evaluation committee.28. Establishment of evaluation committee
29. Composition of an evaluation committee
30. Conduct of members of evaluation committee
In discharging the mandate provided for under the Act, members of the evaluation committee shall—31. Independent evaluation
32. Compliance and evaluation criteria
The financial evaluation of the tenders or proposals received shall be in strict adherence to the compliance and evaluation criteria set out in the tender documents or request for proposals.33. Establishment and role of the procurement function
34. Role of the user department
Subject to the Act, a user department of a procuring entity shall be responsible for—35. Appointment and role of the inspection and acceptance committee
36. Sector-specific procuring and disposal agencies
37. Consortium buying
38. Registration of procuring or asset disposal agents
39. Transfer of procuring responsibility to another public entity
40. Procurement planning
41. Contents of a procurement plan
The annual consolidated procurement plan for each procuring entity shall include—42. Annual Procurement Plan format
Pursuant to section 53(2) of the Act, the annual procurement plan shall be done in accordance with the format specified in the Third Schedule.43. Procurement pricing and requirement not to split contracts
44. List of registered suppliers
45. Tender security
46. Tender Securing Declaration Form
The Tender Securing Declaration Form for procurement reserved for small and micro-enterprises or enterprises owned by women, youth, persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups participating in procurement proceedings in accordance with section 61(5) of the Act shall be in the format provided in the Fourth Schedule.47. Self-declaration form
A declaration that a person submitting a tender, proposal or quotation is not debarred or shall not engage in any corrupt or fraudulent practice as required under section 62 of the Act shall be in the forms specified in the Fifth Schedule of these Regulations.48. Termination or cancellation of procurement and asset disposal proceedings
49. Forms of communications, electronic procurement and asset disposal
50. Annual procurement plan, preparation and publication
51. E-tender clarifications
The e-procurement system referred to in Regulations 50 and 52 shall be interactive and have the capability to enable bidders participating in a procurement proceeding to request or seek information or clarification.52. Requisition
Where the e-procurement system is in place, procuring entities shall requisition all the procurement and asset disposal requirements through the approved system in regulation 49 through the procurement function.53. Tenderer registration
Tenderers, suppliers and consultants may register as a single entity, joint venture or association with sub-contractors or sub-consultants in compliance with the Act through an application form provided by the system for registration.54. Procuring entity registration
The National Treasury shall ensure that all procuring entities are registered into the e-procurement system and that they have their respective facilities to carry out different activities of initiating the procurement process, annual procurement plan preparation, procurement document preparation, evaluation, professional opinion, contract award, contract management, internal procurement process, workflow management, tracking payments, deliverables and other processes through the available features and modules of the e-procurement system.55. Submission of e-tenders
56. Inquiries relating to tender document
57. Opening of e-tenders
58. Access to e-procurement system
59. Digital signature
60. Publication of e-tender and contract awards
All contract awards shall be reported by the procuring entity through the e-procurement system to the Authority and the Authority shall upload the information in the State portal accordingly.61. E-notification and acceptance of e-tender awards
62. E- administrative review of tender disputes
63. Award of e-tender
After the award of the contract, the contract agreement shall be prepared and entered into in accordance with Part XI of the Act.64. E-invoicing and e-documentation
The system envisaged in section 64 of the Act shall—65. Confidentiality declaration form
The confidentiality declaration form to be signed by an employee, agent or member of a board, commission or committee of a procuring entity during or after the procurement proceedings under section 67 of the Act shall be in the form provided for under the Sixth Schedule.66. Procurement records form
67. Dissemination of laws, regulations, directives and circulars
The Authority shall disseminate and ensure accessibility of all public procurement and asset disposal laws, directive, manuals, guidelines, circulars, market price indices, standard tender and asset disposal documents, public procurement and asset disposal formats in the State portal envisaged under section 9(1)(k) of the Act.Part VII – BASIC PROCUREMENT RULES
68. Standard tender documents and formats
69. Registration of suppliers
70. Registration procedure
71. Initiation of procurement
72. Invitation to tender
The tender advertisement invitation under section 74 of the Act shall indicate the mode of submission of tenders by specifying whether the submission shall be done electronically or manually.73. Opening of tenders
74. Preliminary evaluation of open tender
75. Non-responsiveness to tender
76. Technical evaluation
77. Financial evaluation
78. Evaluation report and professional opinion
79. Approval of the accounting officer
80. Post-qualification
81. Professional fees
82. Notification of intention to enter into a contract
83. International tendering and competition
Where the provisions of section 89(c) of the Act apply with respect to foreign tenders, the minimum period of time between the advertisement and deadline for submission of international tenders shall be seven days.Part VIII – CLASSIFIED PROCUREMENT METHODS AND PROCEDURES
84. Classified procurement methods and procedures
A. Open Tender
85. Threshold for advertising of open tender
86. Time for preparation of open tenders
The minimum time for preparation of tenders for purposes of section 97(1) of the Act shall be a period of seven days for national and county specific tenders.B. Two Stage Tendering
87. Two stage tendering
Two stage tendering shall be done in accordance with section 99 of the Act and the minimum time for preparation of tenders shall be a period of seven days at every stage of tendering.C. Design Competition
88. Design competition
D. Restricted Tendering
89. Restricted tendering
E. Direct Procurement
90. Direct procurement
F. Request for Quotations
91. Request for quotations
G. Low Value Procurement
92. Low value procurement method
A procuring entity may use low value procurement method under section 107(b) of the Act, where—93. Procedure for low value procurement
H. Force Account
94. Force account
95. Procedure for use of force account under section 109(2)(a) of the Act
Where a procuring entity uses force account under section 109(2)(a) of the Act, the procedure shall be as follows—96. Procedure for use of force account under section 109(2)(b) of the Act
Where a procuring entity uses force account under section 109(2)(b) of the Act, that procuring entity shall—97. Procedure for use of force account under section 109(2)(c) of the Act
98. Procedure for use of force account for user department
I. Electronic Reverse Auction
99. Electronic reverse auction
J. Competitive Negotiations
100. Procedure for competitive negotiations
K. Framework Agreement Method
101. Conditions for use of framework agreement method
102. Procedure for framework Agreement
103. Contracts under the framework agreement
104. Threshold for framework agreements
The thresholds for framework agreements shall be as specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations.105. Indexing prices
For goods or services whose prices are volatile, framework agreements may include an indexing mechanism to adjust prices based on prevailing Central Bank's monthly rate of inflation or the consumer price index of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.106. Procedure for ordering
L. Specifically Permitted Procurement
107. Specially permitted procurement procedure
M. Community participation
108. Community participation method
109. Conditions for use of community participation method
Where a procuring entity intends to use community participation as a method of procurement that procuring entity shall ensure—110. Procedure for use of community participation method
111. Direct community participation
112. Community based service provider
113. Request for proposals
A procuring entity that conducts procurement using the request for proposal pursuant to section 116 of the Act shall be subject to the procurement thresholds set out in the Second Schedule.114. Expression of interest
115. Opening of expression of interest.
The opening of expression of interest shall be carried out in accordance with section 78 of the Act and Regulations 25 and 73.116. Submission of technical and financial proposals
The instructions for the submission of technical and financial proposals envisaged under section 123(2)(c) of the Act shall be as specified in the request for proposal document.117. Regulated professional services
118. Evaluation of proposals
119. Time for preparation of request proposal
Pursuant to sections 125 and 97 of the Act, the time for preparation of proposal shall be a minimum period of seven days.120. Opening of technical proposals
121. Terms of reference
For purposes of section 117(b) of the Act, the terms of reference prepared by a procuring entity shall set out—122. Procedure for quality and cost based selection method
123. Procedure for Quality Based Selection (QBS) evaluation method
124. Procedure for evaluation of fixed budget selection
125. Procedure for evaluation of least cost selection
126. Procedure for consultants' qualification selection method
127. Conditions for use of individual consultant selection
Pursuant to section 124(6)(d) of the Act, individual consultant selection method may be used for an assignment for which—128. Procedure for individual consultant selection
129. Single source selection method.
130. Negotiations with successful tenderers
131. Publication of procurement contracts
132. Amendments or variations to contracts
133. Interest on overdue amounts and liquidated damages
134. Framework contracting
135. Performance security
136. Advance payment and letters of credit
137. Complex and specialized contracts
In managing complex and specialized procurement contracts under section 151 of the Act—138. Contract review reports
139. Payments to a contractor
140. Contract monitoring
141. Contract termination
142. Handover and acceptance of goods, works or services
143. Requirement for preference and reservations in procurement
Pursuant to Article 227(2) of the Constitution and sections 155 and 157 of the Act, candidates shall participate in the procurement proceedings without discrimination except where participation is limited in accordance with the Constitution, the Act and these Regulations.144. Transfer of skills and technology
145. Eligibility criteria
146. Registration of enterprises and groups
147. Qualifications of contractors
148. Application by foreign contractors
149. Reservation of budget
An accounting officer of a procuring entity shall, when processing procurement under section 157(5) of the Act, allocate at least thirty percent (30%) of its annual procurement budget for the purposes of procuring goods, works and services from enterprises owned by youth, women and persons with disability.150. Prompt payment for performed contracts
151. Regions where exclusive preference shall apply
152. National reservations
153. Single preference to tenderers
Subject to section 156 of the Act, a candidate shall be entitled to one preference and reservation scheme at a time in a procurement proceeding.154. Unbundling of procurements
155. No requirement for tender security
156. Preference and reservations term limit
An enterprise registered by the National Treasury as a target group benefitting from the preference and reservation scheme shall be entitled to such benefits for a period of two years, which may be renewed biennially for up to a maximum period of ten years.157. Open tender advertisement
An advertisement relating to an open tender under a preference and reservations scheme shall state that such tender is open to small and micro enterprises and to disadvantaged groups registered with the National Treasury or regions, as appropriate.158. Procurement to be competitive
Procurement of goods, works and services under these Regulations shall be competitive in accordance with the provisions of section 157(3)(b) of the Act.159. Framework contracts and framework agreements with target groups
A procuring entity shall make use of existing framework contracts or framework agreements with disadvantaged groups, small, micro and medium enterprises to provide an efficient, cost effective and flexible means to procure goods, works and services that are required repeatedly or continuously over a set period of time.160. Monitoring and evaluation
161. Formats for preparation of reports
162. Guidelines on the reporting requirements
The Authority shall issue guidelines on the reporting requirements relating to contractors' workload and performance pursuant to section 157(7) of the Act.163. Threshold for exclusive preference
For the purpose of section 157(8)(a)(ii) and (iii) of the Act, the threshold which exclusive preference shall be given to citizen contractors shall be—164. Margin of preference for international tendering and competition
For purposes of section 157(8) (b) of the Act, the margin of preference for international tendering and competition pursuant to section 89 of the Act shall be—165. Sourcing of supplies from citizen contractors by international tenderers
For greater certainty, supplies under section 157 (9) of the Act shall include goods, works, non-consulting and consulting services.Part XIII – INVENTORY CONTROL, ASSET AND STORES MANAGEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
166. Receipt and recording of goods, stores and works
167. Guidelines and the role of an accounting officer in asset management
168. Objectives of inventory control assets and stores management and distribution
An accounting officer of a procuring entity shall ensure proper management and distribution of inventory, stores and assets by ensuring that—169. Transfer of inventory, stores and management systems
170. Inventory for assets and liabilities
171. Responsibilities of head of procurement function
172. Responsibilities of officer in charge of stores
The officer in charge of stores of a procuring entity shall—173. Procurement and maintenance of motor vehicles, plant, equipment and related spare parts
174. Procedure for maintenance of motor vehicles, plant and equipment
175. Maintenance of ICT equipment and related accessories
176. Annual assets disposal plan
177. Establishment of disposal committee
178. Quorum for disposal committee
The quorum for the disposal committee shall be three members including the chairperson.179. Functions of a disposal committee
Pursuant to section 163(2) of the Act, the disposal committee shall perform the following functions—180. Procedure for disposal
181. Methods of disposal
182. Transfer to another public entity
183. Sale by public tender
184. Disposal documents and proceedings
185. Tender notice for public tenders
186. Site visit for the public
A procuring entity shall organize a site visit to enable bidders to gain access to the unserviceable stores or surplus or obsolete assets or equipment to make their own assessment of the items.187. Sale by public auction
188. Inviting bids under the public auction sale method
189. Eligibility criteria for the public auction sale method
190. Notice period for the public auction sale method
191. Public auction notices, sale, administration and awards
192. Payment for and collection of Items
193. Use of waste disposal management
194. Assessment of waste disposal management
195. Justification for waste disposal management
The disposal committee shall give justification and recommendations to dispose off the stores, assets or equipment or the use of the waste disposal management method to the accounting officer of a procuring entity.196. Destruction certificate
Upon execution of waste disposal management, an accounting officer shall obtain a certificate duly signed and issued by the disposing public entity or disposal agent.197. Use of trade in method of disposal
198. Justification for the trade-in method
199. Procedure for trade-in method
200. Evaluation report and recommendations
201. Reserve price
202. Disposal to employees
203. Request for a review
204. Deposits
205. Notification of the review and suspension of procurement proceedings
206. Notice of Hearing
207. Hearing panels, quorum, and proceedings
208. Representation by person of own choice
Any party to a request for review filed under regulation 203 shall, at the hearing thereof, be entitled to be represented by an advocate or a representative of his choice.209. Preliminary objections
210. Hearing notice
211. Business hours
The business of the Review Board shall be transacted between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on normal working days unless as otherwise agreed to by the Review Board Secretary in consultation with the chairperson.212. Disclosure of interest
213. Attendance at the hearing
Where on the day set for the hearing of a request for review for which due notification has been given—214. Procedure at the hearing
At the hearing of the request for review, unless decided otherwise by the Review Board, the applicant shall be given the first opportunity to present the case in support of the request for review and the procuring entity shall be given an opportunity to reply thereto.215. Consolidation of requests
Where two or more requests for review are instituted arising from the same tender or procurement proceeding, the Review Board may consolidate the requests and hear them as if they were one request for review.216. Withdrawal of the requests
217. Experts
The Review Board may engage an expert to assist it in any proceedings in which it feels it lacks the necessary expertise, but the opinion of the expert shall not be binding on the Review Board.218. Rules of evidence
The Review Board shall not be bound to observe the rules of evidence in the hearing of a request for review under these Regulations.219. Proof of documents
An order of the Review Board certified by both the chairperson and the secretary to be a true copy thereof shall in any legal proceedings be prima facie evidence of the issuance of that order.220. Communication to the Review Board
All communications to the Review Board relating to matters pending before the Review Board shall be through the Review Board Secretary.221. Powers of the Review Board
Pursuant to section 173(d) of the Act, the determination of costs between parties to the review shall be determined by the Review Board.222. Security fee
The filing of the judicial review application under section 175(2) of the Act shall be accompanied by a refundable security fee valued at 3% of applicant's tender sum subject to a maximum ten million shillings in a mode of payment determined by the High Court.Part XVI – OFFENCES, SANCTIONS AND REVOCATION
223. Prohibitions and sanctions
224. Revocation of L.N No. 174 of 2006
The Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006 (L.N. 174/2006) are hereby revoked.History of this document
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Public Finance Management Act | 685 citations |
2. | State Corporations Act | 152 citations |