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- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVIII—No. 87 on 5 August 2016
- Commenced on 5 August 2016
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the High Court (Organisation and Administration) (General) Rules.2. Interpretation
In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires—"Commission" means the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission established under Article 88 of the Constitution;"Duty Judge" means a judge of the Court assigned to hear and dispose of matters during recess;"election" means the election of the Principal Judge of the Court;"eligible voter" means a judge of the Court who is eligible to vote under rule 5; and"party" in relation to a cause before the court includes every interested party.3. Effect of non-compliance
4. Eligibility to vote and to stand for election
A person shall be eligible to vote or to be nominated to stand for an election if that person—5. Initiation of an election for the Principal Judge
6. Nomination of candidates
7. List of nominated candidates
8. Register of eligible voters
9. Conduct of elections
10. Counting of votes
11. Resolution of disputes
12. Vacancy in the office of the Principal Judge
13. Recall of a Principal Judge
14. Handover of office by the Principal Judge
Whenever a new Principal Judge is elected, the outgoing Principal Judge shall formally hand over the office to the incoming Principal Judge who shall assume office immediately after an installation ceremony presided over by the Chief Justice not later than thirty days from the date of declaration of the result.Part III – DISPOSAL OF URGENT AND PRIORITY MATTERS DURING RECESS
15. Duty judge during recess
The Presiding Judge shall, in consultation with the Principal Judge, appoint at least one Duty Judge in a station or division who shall sit, hear and determine urgent or priority matters when the court is in recess.16. Hearing of applications, etc. during recess
All applications which are determined to be urgent shall be heard promptly during recess by the Duty Judge.17. Applications when court is in recess
18. Registry to remain open during recess
When the Court is in recess, the Registry and each sub-registry of the Court shall remain open during official working hours.19. Notification of public of recess dates of the Court
The Principal Judge shall, by notice in the Gazette and in at least two newspapers with national circulation, notify the public of the exact dates of Court recess of the at least fourteen days before the beginning of the recess.Part IV – SUPERVISORY JURISDICTION OF THE COURT AND APPEALS FROM SUBORDINATE COURTS
20. Filing of appeals, bail applications and references from subordinate courts
21. Procedure for filing of appeals etc., from subordinate courts
22. Application of Part
The provisions of this Part apply in addition to and not in derogation from the provisions of Order 11 of the Civil Procedure Rules (L.N. 151/2010).23. Court may review progress of a matter
The Court may, on its own motion, after notifying the parties or in the course of hearing any application in a case, review the progress of the case and make any order that it may consider necessary to ensure that proceedings are conducted in an expeditious manner.24. Case management strategies and facilities
For purposes of ensuring proper management of cases, the Deputy Registrars are designated as case managers and shall in that capacity—25. Principles of case management
In addition to the requirements of the Civil Procedure Rules, 2010, relating to case management, the Court shall apply the following principles and measures—26. Case management measures
27. Matters to be disposed of within one year
28. Pleadings, affidavits, etc.
29. Further pleadings, affidavits, etc
30. Service and transmission of documents
31. Representation of a party before the Court
A party in a proceeding before the Court may—32. Delivery of rulings or judgements
33. Consideration and disposal of procedural or administrative matters by Deputy Registrar
34. Internal arrangements to facilitate expeditious disposal of cases
For purposes of ensuring expeditious disposal of cases, A judge in a station or division of the Court may, in consultation with the Presiding Judge and with the approval of the Principal Judge, make arrangements with a view to—Part VII – COURT RECORDS
35. Information sharing and management
36. Records management system
37. Automation of court records
38. Custody of records of the Court
The Registrar shall be the custodian of the records of the Court.Part VIII – PROCEDURE RELATING TO CONTEMPT OF COURT
39. Object of Part
40. Summary proceedings
41. Procedure where contempt is in the face of the court
42. Revision of orders of a subordinate court
43. Registry of the Court
There shall be a Registry in every station of the Court which shall be administered and operated in accordance with the guidelines and directions issued by the Chief Justice from time to time.44. Use of other language other than official languages
45. Alternative dispute resolution
46. Meetings of leadership management teams
47. Code of conduct
48. Revocation of G.N. No. 1756 of 2009
The Practice Directions relating to the filing of suits, applications and references in proper courts issued on the 19 th of February 2009 under sections 11 to 18 of the Civil Procedure Act (Cap. 21) are hereby revoked.History of this document
31 December 2022 this version
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
05 August 2016
Cited documents 6
Act 6
1. | Civil Procedure Act | 19809 citations |
2. | Judicial Service Act | 243 citations |
3. | Community Service Orders Act | 200 citations |
4. | Legal Aid Act | 156 citations |
5. | High Court (Organization and Administration) Act | 114 citations |
6. | HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act | 80 citations |