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- Is amended by East African Community Mediation Agreement Act
- Amends Limitation of Actions Act

CAP. 36
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. LXXII—No. 29 on 19 June 1970
- Assented to on 16 June 1970
- Commenced on 1 January 1970
- [Amended by East African Community Mediation Agreement Act (Act No. 7 of 1987) on 14 May 1984]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1992 (Act No. 11 of 1992) on 23 October 1992]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Defamation Act, 1970.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"legislature", in relation to any part of the Commonwealth which is subject to a central and a local legislature, means either of those legislatures;"newspaper" means any paper containing public news or observations thereon, or consisting wholly or mainly of advertisements, which is printed for sale, and which is published in Kenya either periodically or in parts or numbers at intervals not exceeding thirty-six days;"parliamentary report" means a report, paper, notes or proceedings purporting to be published by the order or under the authority of the National Assembly or the East African Legislative Assembly;"wireless broadcasting" means publication for general reception by means of radio Communication within the meaning of the Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporations Act (Cap. 4) of the Organization, and "broadcast by wireless" shall be construed accordingly;“words” includes pictures, visual images, gestures and other methods of signifying meaning.[Act No. 7 of 1987, 2nd Sch.]3. Slander affecting official, professional or business reputation
In any action for slander in respect of words calculated to disparage the plaintiff in any office, profession, calling, trade or business held or carried on by him at the time of the publication, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove special damage, whether or not the words are spoken of the plaintiff in the way of his office, profession, calling, trade or business.4. Slander of women
In any action for slander in respect of words imputing unchastety to any woman or girl, it shall not be necessary to allege or prove special damage:Provided that in any such action a plaintiff shall not recover more costs than damages unless the court shall certify that there was reasonable ground for bringing the action.5. Slander of title, etc.
6. Newspaper reports of judicial proceedings
A fair and accurate report in any newspaper of proceedings heard before any court exercising judicial authority within Kenya shall be absolutely privileged:Provided that nothing in this section shall authorize the publication of any blasphemous, seditious or indecent matter.7. Qualified privilege of newspapers
7A. Right of reply
8. Wireless broadcasting
9. Parliamentary reports
10. Copies of parliamentary reports
In any action for libel in respect of the publication of a copy of a parliamentary report it shall be a defence for the defendant to produce to the court such parliamentary report, and such copy, together with an affidavit verifying such parliamentary report and the correctness of such copy.11. Extracts from parliamentary reports
In any action for libel in respect of the publication of any extract from, or abstract of, any parliamentary report it shall be a defence for the defendant to show that the matter in question was in fact an extract from, or abstract of, a parliamentary report and that the publication thereof was bona fide and without malice.12. Publication without malice
13. Unintentional defamation
14. Justification
In any action for libel or slander in respect of words containing two or more distinct charges against the plaintiff, a defence of justification shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every charge is not proved if the words not proved to be true do not materially injure the reputation of the plaintiff having regard to the truth of the remaining charges.15. Fair comment
In any action for libel or slander in respect of words consisting partly of allegations of fact and partly of expression of opinion, a defence of fair comment shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every allegation of fact is not proved if the expression of opinion is fair comment having regard to such of the facts alleged or referred to in the words complained of as are proved.16. Mitigation of damages
16A. Award of damages
In any action for libel, the court shall assess the amount of damages payable in such amount as it may deem just:Provided that where the libel is in respect of an offence punishable by death the amount assessed shall not be less than one million shillings, and where the libel is in respect of an offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of not less than three years the amount assessed shall not be less than four hundred thousand shillings.[Act No. 11 of 1992, Sch.]17. Consolidation of actions
18. Agreements for indemnity
An agreement for indemnifying any person against civil liability for libel in respect of the publication of any matter shall not be unlawful unless at the time of such publication such person knows that the matter is defamatory and does not reasonably believe there is a good defence to any action brought upon it.19. Proceedings affected and savings
20. Amendment of section 4 of Cap. 22
Subsection (2) of section 4 of the Limitation of Actions Act (Cap. 22) is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following:Provided that an action for libel or slander may not be brought after the end of twelve months from such date.History of this document
23 October 1992 this version
14 May 1984
19 June 1970
17 June 1970
16 June 1970
Assented to
01 January 1970
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 108
Judgment 107
Act 1
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