Judgment date
December 2020 |
Cyrus Munuhe Mwaniki & another v County Land Registrar, Laikipia & another; Francis Gihaiga Gachago & another (Interested Parties) [2020] KEELC 335 (KLR)
11 December 2020 |
Jeremiah Thuku Nganga & another v John Waithaka Aidan (suing on behalf
of the estate of Aida Wangui Waithaka [2020] KEELC 316 (KLR)
11 December 2020 |
Samuel Waiya Githukurio v Stephen Mungai Waita & 3 others [2020] KEELC 343 (KLR)
11 December 2020 |
Christopher Murage Wahome v Cecilia Njoki Ngunjiri [2020] KEELC 232 (KLR)
8 December 2020 |
David Maina Waigwa v Elishiba Mweru Waithaka [2020] KEELC 149 (KLR)
8 December 2020 |
John Mathenge Gichuhi v Cyrus Ndung’u & 2 others [2020] KEELC 337 (KLR)
8 December 2020 |
Lucy Nyaguthii Githinji v Jacob Githinji Macharia [2020] KEELC 148 (KLR)
8 December 2020 |
October 2020 |
Hannah Wangari Kamau v Mary Mugure Kamau [2020] KEELC 1070 (KLR)
13 October 2020 |
Charles Kariuki Njuri v Francis Kimaru Rwara (suing as Administrator of Estate of Rwara Kimaru alias Benson Rwara Kimaru (Deceased) [2020] KEELC 1122 (KLR)
6 October 2020 |
September 2020 |
James Chemusi Edungi v Maria Tala Cheserek (Environment & Land Case 10 of 2020) [2020] KEELC 1239 (KLR) (29 September 2020) (Ruling)
29 September 2020 |
Jane Wangui Macharia & 2 othersv Ruth Mohagi Macharia & another [2020] KEELC 1175 (KLR)
29 September 2020 |
Peter Ngure Macharia v Patrick Gaitho Macharia [2020] KEELC 1214 (KLR)
29 September 2020 |
Peter Thuita Kariuki & 3 others v Kenya Rural Roads Authority [2020] KEELC 3976 (KLR)
29 September 2020 |
Joseph Muchiri Karuri v Minister of Lands, Housing & Physical Planning,County Government of Nyandarua & another [2020] KEELC 1354 (KLR)
21 September 2020 |
Republic v Attorney General & 3 others Exparte Allan Njuki Murage & another (Suing as Administrator of the Estate of John Murage Nathan Gtheru) [2020] KEELC 1352 (KLR)
21 September 2020 |
Stephen Mwihia Maragara v Mwangi Kamurara (suing as legal Representative of the estate of Mwangi Kamurara Mathigi (deceased) (Environment and Land Appeal 16 of 2018) [2020] KEELC 1353 (KLR) (21 September 2020) (Judgment)
21 September 2020 |
August 2020 |
James Macharia Mariga v Ruth Kanini Ndungu [2020] KEELC 1438 (KLR)
6 August 2020 |
Loisia Letoluai v Kamogi Limited [2020] KEELC 1448 (KLR)
6 August 2020 |
Peter Mucheru Njuguna,Samuel Wainaina Njuguna,Mary Mwihaki Nyoro,Paul Njuguna Waithera,Beatrice Mukuhe Njuguna,Mary Wanjiku Kabugi,Hannah Kahaki Mucheru & David Kariuki v Attorney General,Chairman Land Control Board, Ol Kalou Nyandarua County,District Land Registrar, Nyandarua County,Eunice Muthoni Njuguna & Daniel Mwangi Marigi (Environment & Land Case 2 of 2017) [2020] KEELC 1454 (KLR) (6 August 2020) (Ruling)
6 August 2020 |
July 2020 |
Joseph Mwangi Munga v Duncan Kimani Njoroge [2020] KEELC 1530 (KLR)
21 July 2020 |
Njora Muronyo v Wilson Kiama Gachunji & another [2020] KEELC 1520 (KLR)
21 July 2020 |
Daudi Abdalla v Hakim Yusuf Mohamud & another [2020] KEELC 1729 (KLR)
14 July 2020 |
Joel Ndiritu Ndiang’ui v Ann Kabura Chomba [2020] KEELC 1725 (KLR)
14 July 2020 |
Patrick Ndirangu Kimani v Milka Wambui Kimani [2020] KEELC 1756 (KLR)
14 July 2020 |
Sitonik Ole Lotapash v Humbprey Mbugua Njache (Environment & Land Case 326 of 2017) [2020] KEELC 1747 (KLR) (14 July 2020) (Ruling)
14 July 2020 |
June 2020 |
James Gachiri Mwangi v John Waweru Muriuki & 3 others [2020] KEELC 1876 (KLR)
25 June 2020 |
Joseph Mwangi Kangethe (substituted as the legal representative of Lucy Njeri Nganga (Deceased) [2020] KEELC 1852 (KLR)
25 June 2020 |
Keibukwo Investments Ltd v Daniel Kimutai Chuma (Environment & Land Case 15 of 2019) [2020] KEELC 1888 (KLR) (25 June 2020) (Ruling)
25 June 2020 |
Lucy Mumbi Ndungu (Suing as the legal representative of the estate of Peter Kariuki Wambugu) v Daniel Mwangi Warugendu [2020] KEELC 1850 (KLR)
25 June 2020 |
Peter Kimani Njenga v Mugo Kamambuni Mugo & 3 others [2020] KEELC 1878 (KLR)
25 June 2020 |
Elijah B. Wamburi & 2 others v Joshua Wilson Muthioma & 6 others [2020] KEELC 1893 (KLR)
23 June 2020 |
Peter Ngugi Kainamia & another v Tabitha Wambui Munyao & 7 others [2020] KEELC 1849 (KLR)
23 June 2020 |
Daniel Karanja Mutitu v Smart Shop Limited [2020] KEELC 2042 (KLR)
17 June 2020 |
Edward Kungu & another v David Ndung’u Njihia & 7 others; Jessy Karanja Mucheke (Proposed Interested Party) [2020] KEELC 2095 (KLR)
17 June 2020 |
Mary Gathoni Gathuo &another; v David Kariuki Mathenge [2020] KEELC 2109 (KLR)
8 June 2020 |
Ngorika Farmers Co-operative Ltd v John Kiarie & 2 others [2020] KEELC 2220 (KLR)
8 June 2020 |
David Wahome Gitonga (Suing as the legal Representative of the Estate of the Late Lucy Nyokabi Kiarie) v Mary Nyakio Kanini & 3 others [2020] KEELC 2218 (KLR)
3 June 2020 |
John Ndegwa Maina & 11 others v John Ndun’gu Mwaura & another [2020] KEELC 2311 (KLR)
3 June 2020 |
Joseph Gicheru Karanja v Mburu Karanja Kabuchia & 3 others [2020] KEELC 2186 (KLR)
3 June 2020 |
May 2020 |
Bertha Wanjiru Mweri & another v Samuel Njoroge Mwangi & 3 others; James Mukure Mweri & another (Interested Parties) [2020] KEELC 2728 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
Gilbert Chege Njoroge & Another v Joseph Muchiri Mungai [2020] KEELC 2727 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
Hanah Njeri Kogi & another v Samuel Munyua Gichaga [2020] KEELC 2564 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
James Kihara Wanderi & 5 others v Paul Wachira Muchunu [2020] KEELC 2673 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
John Kimani Nganga v Stephen Kamau Kariri & Others [2020] KEELC 2779 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
John Kimini Kamutu v Joseph Macharia Ngunjiri & 3 others [2020] KEELC 2763 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
John Maina Ngunjiri v Esther Waceke Kimani (sued as the Administrator of the Estate of Harun Kimani Musa-Deceased) & Moses Ngari Kimani (Environment & Land Case 33 of 2019) [2020] KEELC 2671 (KLR) (6 May 2020) (Ruling)
6 May 2020 |
Kitiri Farmer’s Co-operative Society Ltd v Chief Land Registrar & 3 others [2020] KEELC 2767 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
Mary Wambui Waweru v Serah Wanja Wachira (sued as the personal Representative of the Estate of Lyster Wachira Mwangi (Deceased) [2020] KEELC 2769 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
Miriam Nyambura Mwenja & another (suing as the legal representatives of the Estate of Mwenja Ngure alias Ezekiel Mwenja Ngure alias Ezekiel Mwenja Ngure) v Susan Muringi Wachira [2020] KEELC 2729 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |
Peter Ngure Macharia v Patrick Gaitho Macharia [2020] KEELC 2565 (KLR)
6 May 2020 |