Court of Appeal - 2016

841 judgments

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December 2016
Bakari Etan v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Hashon Bundi Gitonga v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Henry kaindio v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
James Mwebia M’irware v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Japheth Gituma Joseph & 2 others v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Japheth Ngera Mikwa v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Julius Murithi M’Manyara v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Patrick Gituma v Republic (Criminal Appeal 30 of 2015) [2016] KECA 8 (KLR) (21 December 2016) (Judgment) 21 December 2016
Samuel Kaaria v Chairman, Mwimbi Land DisputesTribunal & another [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Silas Muchui M’ Ithula v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Stanley Mwithalie Muchui v Republic [2016] eKLR 21 December 2016
Geoffrey Mangera Omwoyo v Yobencia Kemunto Kemoni & Margaret Nyaitodi Gwoma (Civil Application 24 of 2016) [2016] KECA 27 (KLR) (16 December 2016) (Ruling) 16 December 2016
George Loch Mbuya Ogola v Elisha Okea’s Family & County Government of Migori (Civil Appeal (Application) 199 of 2001) [2016] KECA 45 (KLR) (16 December 2016) (Ruling) 16 December 2016
Hassan Musambayi Mbaruku v Nashon Aseka (Civil Application 44 of 2016) [2016] KECA 44 (KLR) (16 December 2016) (Judgment) 16 December 2016
Holy Redeemed Apostolic Ministries International v New Spring of Life Ministries (Civil Application 54 of 2016) [2016] KECA 6 (KLR) (16 December 2016) (Ruling) 16 December 2016
James Nyasimi Kiana v David Nankone Mboa (Civil Application 33 of 2016) [2016] KECA 39 (KLR) (16 December 2016) (Ruling) 16 December 2016
James Ochomo Odionyi v Republic [2016] eKLR 16 December 2016
Mohammed Nyongesa Sichangi v Benson N. Opwora [2016] eKLR 16 December 2016
Mpata Investments Limited v Sylvanus Lusi Amito t/a Savorsen Safaris [2016] eKLR 16 December 2016
Naphtaly Omido v David Akonya Amaya & 2 others [2016] eKLR 16 December 2016
Richard Buluma Wedodo & another v Esau Namulanda & another [2016] eKLR 16 December 2016
Tobias O. See v Maseno University, Dominic Makawiti & Vitalis Ouko, Bedrock Holdings Limited (Civil Application 37 of 2016) [2016] KECA 28 (KLR) (16 December 2016) (Ruling) 16 December 2016
Dewdrop Enterprises Limited v Wambugu Wambui Angeline T/A A.W. Kinuthia & Co. Advocates (Civil Appeal 70 of 2014) [2016] KECA 40 (KLR) (Civ) (9 December 2016) (Judgment) 9 December 2016
Diana Kethi Kilonzo v Republic (Criminal Appeal 129 of 2016) [2016] KECA 19 (KLR) (Crim) (9 December 2016) (Ruling) 9 December 2016
Geoffrey Asanyo & Charles Maranga v John Kiragu Ngunyi, Jeremy Marambi, Stephen Kioko (All sued as Executive Director, Executive Secretary & Treasurer Respectively of Central Kenya Conference) & 9 others (Civil Application 252 of 2015) [2016] KECA 43 (KLR) (Civ) (9 December 2016) (Ruling) 9 December 2016
Isaiah Ochanda v Attorney General & Permanent Secretary Ministry of Defence (Civil Appeal 212 of 2014) [2016] KECA 42 (KLR) (Civ) (9 December 2016) (Judgment) 9 December 2016
Julius Suvi Ndambu v Republic [2016] eKLR 9 December 2016
Leonell Mwangi Kahugu v Republic [2016] eKLR 9 December 2016
Narok County Government v Senate & another [2016] eKLR 9 December 2016
Paul Kinyanjui Kimauku v Republic [2016] eKLR 9 December 2016
Samuel Karanja Wanjiru v Republic (Criminal Case 43 of 2015) [2016] KECA 23 (KLR) (Crim) (9 December 2016) (Directions) 9 December 2016
Samuel Ndiba Senior & 2 others v Esther Wangari Kihara [2016] eKLR 9 December 2016
University of Nairobi v Devcon Group Limited [2016] eKLR 9 December 2016
Alexander Ngotho Ngunyi & 3 others v John Ngugi Gachau [2016] eKLR 8 December 2016
George Ngata Njogu v Jonah Goodwin Kariuki Kaniu, Municipal Council of Naivasha, Commissioner of Lands & Director of Physical Planning (Civil Appeal 202 of 2010) [2016] KECA 9 (KLR) (8 December 2016) (Ruling) 8 December 2016
Kishor Kumar Dhanji Varsani v Amolak Singh, Kenneth Ndungu, Onesmus Matheri, Daniel Njoroge & Ndeffo Limited (Civil Appeal 199 of 2010) [2016] KECA 58 (KLR) (8 December 2016) (Ruling) 8 December 2016
Martha Njeri Wanyoike & 2 others v Peter Macharia Mwangi & 4 others [2016] eKLR 8 December 2016
Parkirestephen Munkasio & 14 others v Kedong Ranch Limited & 8 others [2016] eKLR 8 December 2016
The County Government Of Bomet v Moi University & 2 others (Civil Application 59 of 2016) [2016] KECA 13 (KLR) (8 December 2016) (Ruling) 8 December 2016
Willie Kiritu Kigotho v Freshia Wambui Muiruri (Civil Appeal (Application) 93 of 2016) [2016] KECA 60 (KLR) (8 December 2016) (Ruling) 8 December 2016
Daniel Mwangi Wambui v Republic (Criminal Appeal 40 of 2008) [2016] KECA 14 (KLR) (Crim) (2 December 2016) (Judgment) 2 December 2016
David Kahura Wangari v Republic (Criminal Appeal 8 of 2015) [2016] KECA 22 (KLR) (Crim) (2 December 2016) (Judgment) 2 December 2016
Edward Kamau Mbochi v Lucy Njeri Mbochi [2016] eKLR 2 December 2016
Kenya Commercial Bank (suing as the administrator of the Estate of Paul Njoroge Muchene) v Serah Njeri Muchene (sued on behalf and as the administratix of the Estate of Perminus Muchene Mwangi) [2016]eKLR 2 December 2016
Mjengo Limited v Commissioner of Domestic Tax (Civil Appeal 85 of 2014) [2016] KECA 66 (KLR) (Civ) (2 December 2016) (Judgment) 2 December 2016
Okiya Omtatah Okoiti & another v Afrison Export Limited & 8 others [2016] eKLR 2 December 2016
Rift Valley Railways (K) Limited v William Nembe Obora & 74 others (Civil Appeal 265 of 2015) [2016] KECA 69 (KLR) (Civ) (2 December 2016) (Judgment) 2 December 2016
Samuel Karoki Muthee v Republic [2016] eKLR 2 December 2016
Unicom Limited v Ghana High Commission [2016] eKLR 2 December 2016
United States International University v Eric Rading Outa (Civil Appeal 146 of 2013) [2016] KECA 78 (KLR) (Civ) (2 December 2016) (Judgment) 2 December 2016