By Emily Nakhungu.

The Hon. Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga commended Kenya Law for being the focal point in Africa as far as Law Reporting is concerned and making legal information accessible to all. He underscored the importance of the Legal information institutes (LIIs) working together and looking for viable solutions to common problems.

In his opening remarks, during inaugural Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop at the Olesereni on October 12 2015, he said: “It is paramount that we share our experiences, learn from each other and capitalize on our strengths and shore up our weaknesses so that together we can achieve the goal of providing information freely and accessibly to our citizens.”

Delegates pose for a photo at the Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop held at the Olesereni hotel, Nairobi  in October 12, 2015.

 Kenya Law in partnership with African Legal Information Institutes hosted the event, themed   “The Role of Free Access to Law in deepening democracy and the Rule of Law”. This  was the first of its kind in Kenya and it brought together representatives from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Sudan, Malawi, Seychelles, Ethiopia and South Africa.

Deliberations at the Conference focused on identifying ways to build, consolidate and strengthen partnerships that would facilitate sustainable free access to law services in Africa, support governments in facilitating access and building bridges between the open data movement and free access to law community.

It sought to build momentum towards establishing a free access to law community, where African LIIs could share best practices and collaborate in addressing the challenges impeding free access to law in the region.

The delegates also discussed ways of equipping African citizens and empower them so as to participate meaningfully in Law reform issues and contribute to the region’s economic development as well as deepening democracy.

Kenya Law CEO Mr. Long’et Terer gave a presentation on the Sustainability of free Access to Law Services in East Africa-Government Perspective. At the outset, he gave a brief history of the National Council For Law reporting and explained its mandate.

Delegates listen keenly in one of the sessions of Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop held at the Olesereni hotel, Nairobi  in October 12, 2015.

 He stated that as a member of the Free Access to Law Movement, Kenya Law believes that Public legal information is part of the common heritage of humanity and maximizing access to this information promotes Justice and the Rule of Law.

Other presenters at the workshop included;

  1. Hon. Adan Haji Ali Ahmed, Chief Justice of the Republic of Somaliland.
  2. Hon. J George Lado Tartiso, Judge of the Court of Appeal, South Sudan.
  3. Dr. Katherine Getao, Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology, Kenya.
  4. Prof. Richard Calland, University of Cape Town, SA.
  5. Hon. Jane Mugala, Magistrate in Uganda/ULII.
  6. Hon. Wilberforce Lukhwago, Tanzanian Law Reports.
  7. Simeon Mdeza, Assistant to Registrar of the Judiciary, Malawi.
  8. Joelle Barnes, Legal Assistant to the Chief Justice of Seychelles/SEYLII.
  9. Liku Worku, Abysinnia Law, Ethiopia.
  10. Mendi Njonjo, HIVOS.
  11. Michael Murungi, Google EA.
  12. Wambui Kamau, Senior Law Reporter, Kenya Law.
  13. Njeri Githang’a, Senior Law Reporter, Kenya Law.
  14. Martin Andago, Head of ICT, Kenya Law.

A comprehensive report on the 2 day workshop will be made available on and other African Legal information institutes (LIIs) websites.

Delegates pose for a photo at the Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop held at the Olesereni hotel, Nairobi in October 12, 2015.

The Hon. Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga signs the Kenya Law visitor’s book during the Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop held at the Olesereni hotel, Nairobi in October 12, 2015. Looking on are Kenya Law staff members.

Delegates listen keenly in one of the sessions of Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop held at the Olesereni hotel, Nairobi in October 12, 2015.

The Hon. Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga signs the Kenya Law visitor’s book during the Open Law Eastern Africa Workshop held at the Olesereni hotel, Nairobi  in October 12, 2015. Looking on are Kenya Law staff members.