| Issue 115| Newsletter Archive | Friday 16th July 2010 | |
Marcus Evans proudly presents a World Class ‘Best Practices for In-House Legal conference taking place on 5-6 August 2010 in Nairobi Kenya. From this conference you will gain a competitive edge through practical insights into improving the overall functioning of your legal counsel thus enabling your team to compete on a global level. Attend this informative event and gain practical insights into:
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Vol CXII – No .69 Dated July 16,2010 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8068 APPOINTMENT OF VALUER IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government, approves the appointment of – DANIEL M. KIBUCHI As valuer to prepare the Draft Valuation Roll for Municipal Council of Meru. Dated the 8th July, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8069 SITE VALUE RATE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (10) (b) of the Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government, approves adoption by Municipal Council of Meru of undeveloped “site value” for purposes of levying rates. Dated the 8th July, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8070 TIME OF VALUATION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Valuation for Rating Act, the Deputy Minister and Minister for Local Government gives approval to the Municipal Council of Meru’s Resolution under Min. No. SP.FSGP/29/2010 as follows: “That the time of valuation for the Municipal Council of Meru’s Valuation Roll shall be 31st December, 2009”. Dated the 8th July, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8071 DECLARATION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Valuation for Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government declares that “valuer in preparing any Draft Valuation Roll or draft Supplementary Valuation Roll, need neither value nor include in the roll the value of the land or the assessment for improvement rate, as required by paragraphs (c) and (e) respectively of this section”. Dated the 8th July, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8072 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the National Museums and Heritage Act, 2006, the Minister for State for National Heritage and Culture appoints- SWALEH SAUDA M. (DR.) to be a member of the National Museums of Kenya Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 2nd July, 2010. Dated the 5th July, 2010. WILLIAM OLE NTIMAMA, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8073 DECLARATION OF A NATIONAL MONUMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 25 (1) (b) of the National Museums and Heritage Act, the Minister of State for National Heritage and Culture in consultation with the National Museums, declares the building specified in the schedule which he considers to be of historical interest to be a monument within the meaning of the Act. Any objection to the declaration shall be lodged with the Minister within two months from the date of publication of this notice. SCHEDULE All that building known as the Pumwani Community Memorial Hall, on L.R. No. 209/2378/9 measuring approximately one-acre, situated within Pumwani Majengo Location, in Nairobi North District, Nairobi Province. Dated the 5th July, 2010. WILLIAM OLE NTIMAMA, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8074 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (e) of the State Corporations Act, the Minister for Agriculture appoints- JUSTINE N. SITTI (MRS) to be a member of the Board of the Kenya Seed Company, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st July, 2010. Dated the 30th June, 2010. S.J. KOSGEI ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8075 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (b) of the State Corporations Act, the Minister for Agriculture appoints – ROBERT ILTARAMATWA KOCHALE to be a member of the Board of the Chemilil Sugar Company, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st July, 2010. Dated the 30th June, 2010. S.J. KOSGEI GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8076 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 15 (1) (f) of the Science and Technology Act, The minister for Agriculture appoints- KARWITH KIUGU (PROF.) to be a member of the Board of the Management of Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st July, 2010. Dated the 30th June, 2010. S.J. KOSGEI GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8077 DECLARATION OF A WILDLIFE SACTUARY IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 19 (1) of the Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act, the Minister for Forestry and Wildlife declares the area specified in the schedule to be a wildlife sanctuary. SCHEDULE LAKE ELEMENTAITA WILDLIFE SANCTUARY All that area of land measuring approximately 2533.9 hectares situated within south-east of Nakuru Town, Nakuru District. Rift Valley Province, boundary plan No. 216/67, which is signed, sealed and deposited at the Survey Records Office, Survey of Kenya, Nairobi, and a copy of which may be inspected at the office of the Director, Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi. Dated 6th July, 2010. N.M. WEKESA GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8078 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2 (6) of the Law Reform Commission Act, the Attorney-General appoints- JOASH ODHIAMBO DACHE To be secretary to the Kenya Law Reform Commission. Dated the 9th July, 2010. S.A. WAKO, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8079 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 26 (4) of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and second schedule of the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional affairs appoints – AMB. DAVID M. MUTEMI to be the Chairman of the Ministerial Tender Committee, with immediate effect for the financial year 2010/2011. Dated the 9th July, 2010. A.C. MOHAMED, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8385 COMPLETION OF PART DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PDP No. TRD/1355/2010/04 for Proposed Site for Sheikh Bulle NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned part development plan was completed on 15th May, 2010. Copies of the part development plan have been deposited for public inspection at the offices of the District physical planning Officer, Tana Delta, District Commissioner, Tana Delta, County Clerk, County Council of Tana River. The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge by all persons interested at offices of the District Physical Planning Officer, Tana Delta, District Commissioner, Tana Delta, County Clerk, County Council of Tana River, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above-named part development plan may send such representations or objections in writing to be received by the District Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 201, Hola, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated the 15th June, 2010. J.M. MUTINDA, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8386 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED VOI-TAVETA 132Kv SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority, (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed Voi-Taveta 132 kV Single Circuit Transmission Line. The construction of the transmission line will involve the following activities:
The proposed site starts from Voi Town located on the Mombasa-Nairobi Highway and runs westwards through Mwatate, Maktau to Taveta town covering a total distance of 110 km. crossing through three (3) new created districts namely Voi, Mwatate and Taveta which resulted from the subdivision of the former Taita Taveta District, Coast Province. The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. WILKISTER MAGANGI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8387 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED RESETTLEMENT PROGRAMME IN CHEPYUK PHASE II AND III SETTLEMENT SCHEME IN MOUNT INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority, (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed resettlement programme. The project is for the proposed degazettement and excision of Chepyuk Phase II and IIII Settlement Scheme from Mt. Elgon Forest Reserve which has been considered by the Government for the purposes of resettlement among other tasks. A total of 7,750 hectares were authrorized by the Government to comprise Chepyuk Settlement Scheme Phase I, II and III. The proposed project is located in Chepyuk Location, Kopsiro Division in Mt. Elgon District, Western Province. Phase II lies in Korongotuny, and partly in Kabura Sub-locations while Phase III lies in Emi and Chepyuk, Kaimugul and partly Kabura Sub-Locations. The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. B.M. LANGWEN, GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 8388 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED LAKE VICTORIA ECOLODGE IN KISUMU IMPALA SACTUARY, KENYA INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority, (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed Lake Victoria Eco lodge. The proposed project will be 24-bed high-end luxury eco-lodge at the site to offer tourist accommodation, catering services and act as a base for various tourist activities within the Sanctuary and will include:
The proposed project is located within the Kisumu Impala Sanctuary in Nyanza Province The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. B.M. LANGEWEN SUPPLEMENT NO. 43 99–103–The Registered Land (Application) (Nos. 5-9) Orders, 2010 ![]() SUPPLEMENT NO. 44 The tea (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 2010.
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Kenya Law Weekly Issue 115/2010
16 July 2010