| Issue 100| Newsletter Archive | Friday 09th April 2010 | |
DISOBEDIENCE OF COURT ORDER NEGATES RELIANCE ON “THE OXYGEN PRINCIPLE” “The advent of the “O2 principle” in our opinion, ushers in a new management culture of cases and appeals in a manner aimed at achieving the just determination of the proceedings; ensures the efficient use of the available judicial and administrative resources of the courts; and results in the timely disposal of the proceeding at a cost affordable by the respective parties.” Hunker Trading Company Limited v Elf Oil Kenya Limited [2010] eKLR This ruling was unique in the sense that it might have been the on the first application grounded on the new provisions of the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, namely sections 3A and 3B that make for the principle of overriding objective in civil litigation. The said sections provide that the overriding objective in civil litigation aims at facilitating just, expeditious, proportionate and affordable resolution of an appeal. The sections were introduced in February 2009. While interpreting the application of these sections, the Court of Appeal has in the recent past referred to the principle as the “Double O principle” or as “the oxygen principle” as it did in the present ruling. One notable decisions emerging from the Court of Appeal where the overriding principle has been applied is Deepak Chamanlal Kamani & another V Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission & 3 others eKLR. The applicants in that case sought to strike out the appeal filed by the 1st respondent on the ground that primary documents including the notes of two trial judges had been omitted from the record of appeal. The applicants argued that the omission made the appeal incurably defective. In considering the merit of the application, the appellate court made reference to section 3A and 3B. Prior to this amendment the appellate court automatically struck out a record of appeal where the applicant failed to file such primary documents. Based on the amendment the court held that striking out the appeal would not facilitate the just, expeditions, proportionate and affordable resolution of the appeal. The background to the instant ruling was that the applicant, Messrs Hunker Trading Company Limited, had applied to the High Court for a stay of execution of the judgment and decree in favour of the respondent, Elf Oil Kenya Limited, for the sum of Kshs.10.031,358/15 plus interest. The applicant contended that settling the claim would render the company insolvent thereby causing the results of the intended appeal nugatory. The respondent countered that the applicant was a large company dealing with petroleum and in the event of the appeal succeeding, they would repay the money. The High Court proceeded to grant the stay but instructed the applicant to deposit a sum of Kshs.5 million in an interest earning account to be opened in the joint names of the applicant’s and respondent’s advocates within 30 days. However, the order subsequently lapsed without compliance by the applicant. The applicant under section 3A and 3B made an application to the Court of Appeal seeking for a stay off execution of the judgment and decree of the High Court. The appellate court observed that the notice of appeal lodged before it was not against the above ruling or any part thereof but it was directed against the main judgment. The court took the view that although the notice of appeal was not premised on the ruling it could not ignore the non-compliance of the order made under that ruling. The court held that that order had a bearing on the provisions of section 3A of the Appellate Jurisdiction Act. The court remarked that the disobedience of the order had an impact on the management of the court resources. The applicant was therefore in breach of section 1A (3) of the Civil Procedure Act and section 3A (3) of the Appellate Jurisdiction Act. Judges of Appeal Githinji, Visram & Nyamu held that the fact that the order had since lapsed had not in any way eroded the relevance of the disobedience of the order to the operation of the overriding objective. The judges observed that the thrust of the applicant’s application under section 3A was substantially to seek similar orders to those it was granted in the High Court and failed to obey. They further states that under section 1A (3) the applicant had a duty to obey all court processes and orders and therefore, in their opinion, the applicant appearing before the court having abused the process in the High Court violated the overriding objective. Since the applicant had not appealed against the order of stay on terms and had not challenged it in any way for instance, demonstrating that it was onerous or unjust but instead just ignoring the order, in the court view, ensured that the application fell outside the ambit of rule 5(2) (b) of the Court of Appeal rules and section 3A of the Civil Procedure Act and therefore made the application incompetent. However, the appellate court observed that the exercise of any original jurisdiction under the said sections of the law would be inappropriate where the lower court had exercised a parallel jurisdiction. In cases involving the said sections, it must be demonstrated that the jurisdiction of the lower court had not been properly exercised otherwise that would encourage the duplication of effort and poor management of the available resources. The court chose to call the overriding principle the “oxygen principle” (O2 principle) because it intended to re-energize the processes of the courts and to encourage good management of cases and appeal. The judges stated “Perhaps, it is appropriate for us to observe that litigants and their advocates should note that in “O2 principle”, they have a powerful ally where they are advancing its aims and a powerful adversary where they are bent on subverting its aims.” The court reiterated that it was a requirement of the “O2 principle” that the exercise of any power under the Act or the rules must be in line with its principal aims The Court of Appeal made reference to several of its previous decisions among them the case of Mradula Suresh Kantaria and Surech Nanillal Kaptaria where it observed that one of the principal purposes of the overriding objective was to enable the court to take case management principles to the centre of the court process in each case that came before it so as to conduct the proceedings in a manner that made the attainment of justice fair, quick and cheap. The court in the present case went on to state that the advent of the “O2 principle” ushered in a new management culture of cases and appeals in a manner aimed at achieving the just determination of the proceedings; ensuring the efficient use of the available judicial and administrative resources of the courts; and results in the timely disposal of the proceeding at a cost affordable by the respective parties. However, the court noted that the O2 principle posed a great challenge to the courts in both the exercise of the powers conferred on them and in interpreting them in a manner that best promoted good management practices in all the processes of the delivery of justice. This challenge may involve the use of an appropriate summary procedure where it was not previously provided for in the rules but the circumstances of the case called for it so that the ends of justice were met. That this may also entail redesigning approaches to the management of the court processes so that finality and justice were attained and decisions that ought to be made presently were not postponed to another day. The court reaffirmed that the principle was certainly not going to be a magic potion as previously stated in the Kantaria case capable of solving all the problems in the civil justice system. It took the position that the best design for each matter would be determined on a case to case basis; and above all the attainment of the objective at least in the short term would depend on the skills, innovativeness and the commitment of the courts including the Rules Committee, which in its view had a special role in assisting the courts attain the objective by, for example, undertaking a continuous review of the rules so as to retain those that would serve the interests of the objective and shed off those that hindered the objective. The court cautioned that in the exercise of its powers under the “O2 principle” it needed to guard against any arbitrariness and uncertainties and for that reason, the court reiterated on the insistence on full compliance with past rules and precedents which are O2 compliant so as to maintain consistency and certainty. The court concluded that the disobedience of a court order that was intended for the same purposes being pursued by the applicant in the present application was a clear violation of the “O2 principle” and proceeded to dismiss it. |
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Gazette Notice Vol CXII No.37 Dated April 9,2010 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3463 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the State Corporations Act, I, Mwai Kibaki, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya, appoint- Richard Otieno Muga (Prof.) to be Chairman of the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), for a period of three (3) years. Dated the 24th March, 2010. MWAI KIBAKI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3464 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the State Corporations Act, I, Mwai Kibaki, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya, appoint- JOSEPH O. MUSAA (DR.) to be Chairman of the Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute (KEVEVAPI), for a period of three (3) years. Dated the 24th March, 2020. MWAI KIBAKI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3465 IN EXERCISE of the powers, conferred by section 4 (1) of the Universities Act, I Mwai Kibaki, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya, appoint Under section 4 (1) (b) – Under section 4 (1) (a) to be Commissioners of Commission of Higher Education, for a period of five (5) years. The appointment of Prof. Kihumbu Thairu, is revoked. Dated the 24th March, 2010. MWAI KIBAKI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3466 APPONTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (1) (a) of the national Accord and Reconciliation Act, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya appoints- SAMUEL KIPNGETICH SIGEI To be a member of the Business Process Outsourcing/Information Technology Services working group, for a period of two (2) years, with effect from 31st March, 2010. Dated the 31st March, 2010. R.A. Odinga, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3467 APOINTMENT OF VALUER IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government, approves the appointment of- SARAH WANYANDE As valuer to prepare the Draft Valuation Roll for Municipal Council of Siaya. Dated the 29th March, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3468 SITE VALUER RATE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (1) (b) of the Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government approves adoption by the Municipal Council of Siaya of a “site value’ for purposes of the levying rates. Dated the 29th March, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3469 TIME OF VALUATION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Valuation for Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government gives approval to the Municipal Council of Siaya’s Resolution under Min. No. 9/2009 as follows; “That the time of valuation for the Municipal Council of Siaya’s Valuation Roll shall be 31st December, 2009”. Dated the 29th March, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3470 DECLARATION IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Valuation for Rating Act, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government declares that “valuer in preparing any Draft Valuation Roll or draft Supplementary Valuation Roll, need neither valuer nor include in the roll the value of the land or the assessment for improvement rate, as required by paragraphs (c ) and (e) respectively of this section”. Dated the 29th March, 2010. MUSALIA MUDAVADI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO.3471 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 155 (1) and paragraph (b) of Ninth Schedule to the Children Act, the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Development appoints IRENE WANJIRU WAGEMA to be a member of the Adoption Committee, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 19th March, 2010. The appointment of Bernard Muindi (Rev.)* is revoked. Dated the 25th March, 2010. E.M. MATHENGE, *G.N. 5677/2008 ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3472 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (1) (j) of the National Commission on Gender and Development Act, 2003, the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Development appoints- Naomy Wambui Wangai, To be Board members of the National Commission on Gender and Development, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st April, 2010. Dated the 26th March, 2010. E.M. MATHENGE, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3473 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (e) of the State Corporations Act, the Minister for Agriculture appoints SOLOMON B. A MUTHAMIA To be a member of the Board of Nyayo Tea Zones Authority, over a period of three (3) years, with effect from 6th April, 2010. Dated the 30th March, 2010. WILLIAM ARAP RUTO, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3474 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 51 of the Water Act, 2002, the Minister for Water and Irrigation appoints – George Ndonji- (Chairman) Members: Permanent Secretary, Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance, to be members of the Board of Directors of Lake Victoria South Water Services Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 6th April, 2010. Dated the 30th March, 2010. C.K. NGILU, ![]() GAZETE NOTICE NO. 3475 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 83 of the Water Act, 2002, the Minister for Water and Irrigation appoints- PERIS TOBIKO to be Trustee of the Water Services trust Fund, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 6th April, 2010. Dated the 30th March, 2010. C.K. NGILU, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3476 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 51 of the Water Act, 2002, the Minister for Water and irrigation appoints- Margin Rogers – (Chairman), Members; Permanent Secretary, Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance, to be members of the Board of Directors of Lake Victoria North Water Services Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 6th April, 2020. Dated the 30th March, 2010. C.K. NGILU, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3477 AUTHORITY TO EXAMINE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred y section 21 (b) of the Education At, the Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology authorized the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Registration Number MRTTT./PC/258/98 to examine and award the following Diploma and certificates: Diploma in Business Science with following options-
Dated the 12th March, 2010. S. J. KOSGEI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3478 APPROVAL IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 19 (1) (b) of the Hotels and Restaurants Act, the Minister for Tourism approve that Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees establish, equip and control Ronald Ngala Utalii Academy for training persons employment in the hotels and restaurants Dated the 25th March 2010. NAJIB BALALA, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3479 APPOINTMENT IT IS notified that the Minister for East Africa Community has appointed- EDWARD GACAU KARIUKI as a member of the Task Force on the East African Community Common Market Legal Reforms , for a period of 45 days with effect from 23rd February, 2010. Dated the 30th March, 2010. A.J. KINGI ![]() GAZETTE NOITCE NO. 3480 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 9 (1) of the Kenya Medical Training College Act, the Minister for Medical Services appoints- Noor Mohammed Ali (Dr.), To be members of the Kenya Medical Training College Board of Management, with effect from 25th March, 2010. Dated the 25th March, 2010. P.A. NYONG’O ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3481 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 1 (a) of the schedule of valuers Act, the Minister for Lands appoints ANTHONY MATENDE ITUI to be the Chairman of the Valuers Registration Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st July, 2009. Dated the 30th March, 2010. JAMES ORENGO, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3482 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 1 of the Schedule for the Valuers Act, the Minister for Lands appoints- RUTH M. KIVIU To be a member of the Valuers Registration Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st July, 2009. Dated the 30th March, 2010. JAMES ORENGO, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3483 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Valuers Act, the Minister for Lands appoints- TERESIA WAMBUI KIMONDIU To be the Registrar of the Valuers Registration Board, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 1st July, 2010. Dated the 30th March, 2010. JAMES ORENGO, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3485 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Mohammedan Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, the Attorney General appoitns SHEIKH MOHAMEE MBWANA To be an Assistant Registrar of Mohammedan Marriage and Divorces in the Nairobi area. Dated the 31st March, 2010. Amos Wako, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3486 APPOINTMENT IT IS notified for the general information of the public that the Attorney-General has appointed- MILLY ODONGO To be an ex officio member of the Task Force on the Implementation of the Sexual Offences Act, 2006 Dated the 6th April, 2010. AMOS WAKO, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3487 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 140 of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005, the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government appoints- Mary M. A Owino, to be the Chairperson, Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government Tender Committee. Dated the 26th March, 2010. F.K. MUSYIMI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3488 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the Liquor Licensing Act, the District Commissioner, Gatundu South District appoints – Samuel KamauNyoike, to be members of the Liquor Licensing Court. Gazette Notice no. 2929 of 2010, is revoked. Dated the 31st March, 2010. J.M. MWIRIGI, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3490 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Marriage Act, and in pursuance of a delegation of such powers* under section 38 (1) of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, the Registrar General appoints- CHRISTOPHER SIELE To be the Assistant District Registrar of Marriages for Kilifi District. Dated the 22nd March, 2010. B.W. GACHEGU, *L.N. 186/63 ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3491 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 45 of the Marriage Act, and in pursuance of a delegation of such powers* under section 38 (1) of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, the Registrar General appoints KATEE MWANZA to be the District Registrar of Marriages for Kilifi District. Dated the 22nd March, 2010. B.W. GACHEGU, *L.N. 186/63 ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3492 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 45 of the Marriage Act, and in pursuance of a delegation of such powers* under section 38 (1) of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, the Registrar General appoints CAROLINE MBATHA MBAI to be the District Registrar of Marriages for Nakuru District. Dated the 22nd March, 2010. B.W. GACHEGU. *L.N. 186/63 ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3493 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 45 of the Marriage Act, and in pursuance of a delegation of such powers* under section 38 (1) of the Interpretation and General Provisions Act, the Registrar General appoints ALBERT GILBERT KIMATHI To be the District Registrar of Marriages for Kilifi District. Dated the 22nd March, 2010. B.W. GACHEGU, *L.N. 186/63 ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3568 CORRIGENDA In Gazette Notice no. 2633 of 2010: Page 647 Insert the following- Code: 015- Lumumba Social Hall Polling Area – Hamza Lumumba Local Authority – City Council of Nairobi Page 673 Code : 032-Fafi Constituency Delete Yumbis in Station Code 032/002 and insert Doi Mobile Page 675 Dode: 033: - Ijara Constituency Delete Harerider Vilalge Dam in Station Code 033/056 and insert Doi Mobile After 033/057 Local Authority Polling Area Station Code Station Page 687 Code: 049-Igembe South Constituency Page 690 Code: 049- Tigania West Constituency Tigania West 049/047 Delete Maanthi and insert Maanti Page 691 Code: 050 – Constutency Tigania East Page 827 Code: 140- Constituency Tigania East After 140/062 insert; Local Authority Polling Area Station code Station County of Olkejuado Meto 146/001 Linkiito Primary School Code 146- Kajiado South Constituency Delete from the list, the following: County of Olkejuado Namanga 146/060 A.I.C. Primary School
Code: 145 – Kajiado Central Constituency After 145/136 insert the following: Local Authority Polling Area Station code Station County of Olkejuado Meto 145/137 Inkiito Primary School Local Authority Polling Area Station code Station County of Olkejuado Namanga 145/141 Oloolaroi Nursery School Page 873 After 172/080 insert the following: Local Authority Polling Area Station code Station Code: 173-Bumula Constituency Delete from the list, the following: Local Authority Polling Area Station code Station Dated the 7th April, 2008. A.I HASSAN O.J. H. OSWAGO
THE PRESIDENTIAL AND PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 41A of the Constitution of Kenya and in Accordance with the second schedule of the presidential and Parliamentary Elections Regulations, paragraph 1, the Interim Independent Electoral Commission appoints the following person to be members of the Language Board and language Appeals Board, for the purpose of section 34 (c ) of the Constitution. The appointments shall take effect from 4th April, 2010 to 23rd April, 2010, which is the final date of formal nomination for parliamentary candidates. Language Board – Ministry of Education Headquarters, New Jogoo House “B”, 6th Floor, Room Nos 607. Enos O. Oyaya – (Chairman) Members Language Appeals Board – Ministry of Education Headquarters, New Jogoo House “B”, 6th Floor, Room Nos 607 George I. Godia (Prof)- (Chairman). Members Dated the 6th April, 2010. A.I Hassan O.J.H. OSWAGO ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3570 DECLARATION OF ELECTED COUNCILLOR- MULALA/EMALI IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by s section 41A of the Constitution of Kenya and pursuant to a Court decree dated 17th July 2009 issued under section 61 of the Local Government Act, the Interim Independent Electoral Commission gives notice that the Election of Albernus Kyongoi Mule as councilor has been revoked and in place thereof Allois Mwaiwa Muia declared the elected councilor for Mulala/Emali electoral area. Dated the 6th April, 2010. A.I HASSAN ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3571 APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 39 (1) of the Copyright Act, 2001, the Kenya Copyright Board appoints- SNR. SGT. EMILY CHERUIYOT to be a copyright inspector, with effect from 9th December, 2009. Dated the 25th March, 2010. MARISELLA OUM A HENRY CHAKAVA, ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3742 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN RESPECT TO ALL JOURNALISTS NOTICE IS given that pursuant to section 19 (1) of the Media Act, 2007, the Media Council of Kenya, a regulatory body established by the Media Act, 2007, all journalists operating in Kenya are required to pay subscriptions for each subsequent year with effect from 1st January, 2010 as follows: Category Amount Ksh Local Journalists and correspondents 2,000 Dated the 29th March, 2010. WACHIRA WARURU ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3749 INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed petrol station. The proposed development involves construction of a petrol station comprising of two shops, a service bay, tyre centre, car wash area, parking area, three pump islands under a canopy, a kerosene pump and four underground fuel tanks. The project site will be on plot L.R. No. Dagoretti/Riruta/1795 along Ngong Road in Ng’ando Sub-location, Riruta Location, Dagoretti Division, Nairobi West District. The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. B.M. LANGWEN ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3751 INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed Heller Petroleum Limited At Modakar Township within Garissa Municipal Council. The proponent intends to develop a petroleum fillings station which is meant to provide and supply of bulk petroleum products and other services that go with this type of activicy. The proposed project is situated in Garissa Town on Plot NO. block 1/183 and 184, along Kismayu Road and opposite Armed Forces Military Camp across road. The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. B.M. LANGWEN ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3752 INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed Eldoret-Kitale 132kv transmission line. The proposed development will involve construction of a new single circuit 132kV transmission line between Eldoret- Kitale Power transmission, comprising the following;
The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. B.M. LANGWEN ![]() GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3753 INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS PURSUANT to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an environmental impact assessment study report for the proposed Mumias-Rangala-Kisumu 132kv transmission line. The proposed development will involve construction of a new single circuit 132kv transmission line from Mumias Sugar Company through Rangala to Kisumu Mamboleo substation power transmission, comprising the following:
The project anticipates the impacts and mitigation measures set out in the gazette. The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the approval process of the project. B.M. LANGWEN ![]() SUPPLEMENT Nos. 18 and 19 The Wildlife (Conservation and Management) (Amendment) Bill, 2010 SUPPLEMENT NO. 20 LEGAL NOTICE NO.
The National Council for Law Reporting Milimani Commercial Courts Building, Ground Floor P.O Box 10443 - 00100, Nairobi Kenya. Tel: (254 020) 2712767,2719231 Fax: (254 020) 2712694 © Copyright 2009 Kenya Law Reports |
Kenya Law Weekly Issue 100/2010
9 April 2010