Maina v National Transport And Safety Authority (Appeal 016 of 2022) [2022] KETLABT 684 (KLR) (Civ) (8 June 2022) (Decision)

This matter coming up for ruling of the Memorandum of Appeal dated May 19, 2022; before the fully membership of the Honourable Transport Licensing Appeals Board. And whereas the said ruling was delivered in presence of both parties in open court.
1.That the appellant’s driving license should be immediately be updated with the missing classifications so that it corresponds with the appellant’s earlier issued driving license.
2.That the respondent to issue the appellant a new smart driving license with the correct classification within 21 days.
3.That the respondent to communicate to the Honorable Tribunal confirming compliance of the same within the said 21 Days.
4.That each party shall bare its own costs.Given under the hand and seal of this Honourable Appeals Board this June 8th, 2022
HONOURABLE TRANSPORT LICENSING AND APPEALS BOARDISSUED AT NYAHURURU THIS JUN 8TH, 2022SIGNED AND DATED AT NYAHURURU LAW COURTS BY THE TRANSPORT LICENSING APPEALSBOARD ON THIS JUNE 8TH, 2022.Dick Waweru Chairman ……………………….Joseph McDonald Member ………………………..Lillian Waithera Member ……………………….James Ngomeli Member ……………………….Maryan Hajir Member ………………………..
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