TKI v JWK [2014] eKLR

TKI v JWK [2014] eKLR








In this divorce cause filed on  18th  AUG . 2014 the petitioner prayed  for:

1- Divorce

2- Divorce certificate to issue

3- maintenance on the child  as per his means

The Proceeding of this suit proceeded  inter parties the applicant sought that: He married  the defendant in accordance with Islamic law the year 2008 at embarks  mosque Nairobi  a marriage which was contacted   by  Imam sheikh Hassan and her  dowry was ksh 20000/= which has been paid . Their  marriage has been  blessed  with one child namely  IK  aged 4 years old .

The applicant alleged that  their marriage has never  been a bed of roses as they have  had number of fights and  violence  in addition to  that the respondent twice  held a knife  and threatened  to stab  him .

The applicant claimed that the respondent  has also denounced   the Islamic religion and this makes it difficult for the plaintiff to continuo  staying with her as  it contradicts the Islamic teaching .

To support the matter the petitioner availed one  witness, namely  sheikh Hasan imam of embarkas  mosque he  testified confirming the petitioner’s claim in respect of the performs of  nikah.

on the other  hand the respondent  totally denied   all applicant's allegation and claimed that  she  has never  been a Muslim  and has never performed nikah    and there is no money given to  her as dowry.   They  have been living   (come we stay ) type of relationship as per respondent's allegation.

I have  noted the matter clearly and I found that the p w 1 failed to proof the nikah because he didn't know date and the year of the marriage in addition to  that the applicant didn't bring  the tow witnesses who were present in the nikah  as necessary in any Islamic marriage.  he has   not produce any legal documents  indicating   the marriage was contacted according to  Islamic law  the burden of proof    is upon the plaintiff and not the defendant  . further the respondent claimed they were staying as friends and not as husband and wife .

The view  of this   court is that  this marriage is not worthily  according to Islamic law  so that  all the consequent of this marriage this court has no jurisdiction to determine the mater and less proved otherwise . that's all.

R/A   30 days

Delivered  in court is 17th   day  of  march  2014  in the presence of

Mursal  M Sizi     kadhi

  Court assistant Rehema Akidah


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