Sekel v Republic (Petition E005 of 2023) [2024] KEHC 6360 (KLR) (4 June 2024) (Ruling)
Neutral citation:
[2024] KEHC 6360 (KLR)
Republic of Kenya
Petition E005 of 2023
AK Ndung'u, J
June 4, 2024
Joseph Lesinik Sekel
1.The Applicant moved this court by way of Notice of motion where he sought the following orders;a.That this Honourable court be pleased to allow the applicant bring forth mitigation for sentence review.b.That may this honourable be pleased to again to hear and determinec.That the applicant has not drafted this application against the conviction but only for sentence review.d.That this application be certified urgent and ought to be heard expeditiously.e.That the substantive constitutional application is heard on priority basis.f.That such other grounds that the court may deem fit, fair and just.g.That is deponed here-in is true to the best of our knowledge, information and belief.
2.It is also supported by an affidavit sworn by the Applicant.
3.The DPP raised a Preliminary Objection on grounds;1.That this court lacks the jurisdiction to entertain, hear and/or determine the Application.2.That the Application is an abuse of the court process and should accordingly be dismissed.
4.What the Applicant seeks is that this Court exercises the power of revision over proceedings in this Court. It is trite law that this Court has no jurisdiction to revisit a matter that was determined and settled by a Court of concurrent jurisdiction.
5.In the case of Bellevue Development Company Ltd v Francis Gikonyo & 7 others [2018] eKLR, Kiage, JA stated considered of a judge reviewing the finding of a judge of concurrent jurisdiction and stated: I have no difficulty upholding the learned Judge holding that as a judge of the High Court he had no jurisdiction to enquire into or review the propriety of the decisions of the Judges, who were of concurrent jurisdiction as himself. In our system of courts, which is hierarchical in nature, judges of concurrent jurisdiction do not possess supervisory jurisdiction over each other. No judge of the High Court can superintend over fellow judges of that court or of the superior courts of equal status. That much is plain common sense. It has, moreover, been expressly stated in Article 165(6) of the Constitution in these terms;
6.In the instant application, there are orders of the court appeal which this court has no powers to overturn or vary.
7.In the premises, the preliminary objection is successful. The application fails and is dismissed.