In re Estate of the Late Hezekiah Macharia Kiruki alias Hezekiah Macharia (Succession Cause E003 of 2024) [2024] KEHC 16156 (KLR) (Family) (20 December 2024) (Ruling)

In re Estate of the Late Hezekiah Macharia Kiruki alias Hezekiah Macharia (Succession Cause E003 of 2024) [2024] KEHC 16156 (KLR) (Family) (20 December 2024) (Ruling)

1.The petitioners herein filed summons for rectification of grant and confirmation of rectified grant dated 28th January 2023. The summons was supported by the affidavit of even date sworn by the petitioners herein. it was asserted that the deceased was a polygamous man with three wives and therefore three houses made as follows:-
2.1st Housei.John Thuo Macharia – sonii.Margaret Njeri Macharia - daughteriii.Esther Wambui – daughter2nd Houseiv.Elizabeth Njeri Kamau - daughterv.George Thuo Macharia -sonvi.Alice Nyambura Macharia -deceased -daughtervii.Lucy Wangui – Deceased - daughterviii.Susan Wanjiku Macharia – deceased - daughterix.Ruth Wairimu Macharia - daughter3rd Housex.Ann Wanjiku Warui - wifexi.David Warui Macharia – sonIt was stated that the deceased children of the deceased left behind the following persons:-xii.Alice Nyambura Macharia left behind:-xiii.Hezekiah Macharia Kirukixiv.Lucy Wangui left behind:-xv.Julius Kariuki Muchirixvi.Martha Wanjiku Muchirixvii.Mary Wambui Muchirixviii.Susan Wanjiku Macharia left behind:-xix.Dennis Matere Gathuruxx.Fidelis Wairimu GathuruIt was deponed that the estate if the deceased comprised the following properties:-xxi.Nyandarua/Silanga/63xxii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/338 (Nguba)xxiii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/339 (Nguba)xxiv.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/132 (Nguba)xxv.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/133 (Nguba)xxvi.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/134 (Nguba)xxvii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/135 (Nguba)xxviii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/136 (Nguba)xxix.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/137 (Nguba)xxx.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/138 (Nguba)xxxi.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/167 (Nguba)xxxii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/192 (Nguba)xxxiii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/191 (Nguba)xxxiv.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/70 (Nguba)xxxv.Subukia/Subukia Block 11/26 (Gituamba)xxxvi.Bahati/Engashura/Block 4/43 (Matete)xxxvii.L.R No. 3777/279/34 (Olkalou)xxxviii.L.R No. 7338/3 (Olkalou)xxxix.L.R No. 21720/1 (3771/279/38) (Olkalou)xl.KCB Bank shares – 35,489xli.Safaricom shares – 8,500xlii.Kengen shares – 3,309xliii.Carbacid sharesxliv.Postal Corporation shares
3.It was asserted that the identification and shares of persons beneficially entitled to the said estate have been ascertained and determined as follows:-I.Nyandarua/Silanga/63II.Elizabeth Njeri Kamau – 2.8 acresIII.George Thuo Macharia – 2.8 acresIV.Ruth Wairimu Macharia – 2.8 acresV.Hezekiah Macharia Kiruki – 2.8 acresVI.Julius Kariuki Muchiri }VII.Martha Wanjiku Muchiri }VIII.Mary Wambui Muchiri }– 2.8 acresIX.Dennis Matere Gathuru }X.Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru }– 2.8 acresXI.Nyandarua/Silanga/63XII.John Thuo Macharia }XIII.Margaret Njeri Macharia } 17 acresXIV.Esther Wambui Macharia }XV.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/338 (Nguba).XVI.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/339 (Nguba).XVII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/138 (Nguba).XVIII.Anne Wanjiku WaruiXIX.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/132 (Nguba)XX.George Thuo MachariaXXI.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/133 (Nguba).XXII.Elizabeth Njeri KamauXXIII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/134 (Nguba).XXIV.Martha Wanjiku Muchiri }XXV.Julius Kariuki Muchiri }XXVI.Mary Wambui Muchiri }-jointlyXXVII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/135 (Nguba).XXVIII.Dennis Matere Gathuru }XXIX.Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru } jointlyXXX.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/136 (Nguba).XXXI.Hezekiah Macharia KirukiXXXII. SSubukia/Subukia Block 6/137 (Nguba).XXXIII.David Warui MachariaXXXIV.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/191 (Nguba)XXXV.Ruth Wairimu MachariaXXXVI.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/192 (Nguba).XXXVII.Margaret Njeri MachariaXXXVIII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/167 (Nguba).XXXIX.John Thuo Macharia- ½ Acre.XL.Margaret Njeri Macharia- ½ AcreXLI.Esther Wambui Macharia – ½ AcreXLII.George Thuo Macharia – ½ AcreXLIII.Elizabeth Njeri Kamau- ½ AcreXLIV.Ruth Wairimu Macharia- ½ AcreXLV.Hezekiah Macharia Kiruki- ½ AcreXLVI.Martha Wanjiku Muchiri }XLVII.Julius Kariuki Muchiri }XLVIII.Mary Wambui Muchiri }-½ Acre JointlyXLIX.Dennis Matere Gathuru }L.Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru }-½ Acre JointlyLI.Anne Wanjiku Warui- Widow- ½ AcreLII.David Warui Macharia-½ AcreLIII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/70 (Nguba).LIV.Esther Wambui MachariaLV.Subukia/Subukia Block 11/26 (Gituamba).LVI.Margaret Njeri Macharia-5 AcresLVII.John Thuo Macharia-1 AcreLVIII.Elizabeth Njeri Kamau-1 AcreLIX.Esther Wambui Macharia-1 AcreLX.Ruth Wairimu Macharia- ½ AcreLXI.Dennis Matere Gathuru}LXII.Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru } ½ Acre JointlyLXIII.Bahati/Engarusha/Block 4/43 (Matete)LXIV.John Thuo MachariaLXV.LR 3777/279/34 (Ol Kalou)LXVI.John Thuo Macharia- AbsolutelyLXVII.LR 7338/3 (Ol Kalou)LXVIII.Elizabeth Njeri KamauLXIX.Hezekiah Macharia KirukiLXX.Dennis Matere GathuruLXXI.George Thuo MachariaLXXII.(In equal share)LXXIII.L.R No 21720/1(3771/279/38) Ol KalouLXXIV.Margaret Njeri MachariaLXXV.Ruth Wairimu MachariaLXXVI.Esther Wambui MachariaLXXVII.Martha Wanjiku MuchiriLXXVIII.(In equal share)LXXIX.KCB Bank shares-35,489.LXXX.Safaricom shares-8,500LXXXI.Kengen shares -3,309LXXXII.Carbacid sharesLXXXIII.Postal Corporation sharesLXXXIV.Ruth Wairimu Macharia (as trustee for all beneficiaries)
Proposed Distribution by Protestor
4.The protestor filed her proposed mode of distribution dated 15th September 2024. It was deponed that in the application made by the Administrators John Thuo Macharia, Ann Wanjiku Warui and Elizabeth Njeri Kamau the mode of distribution of the Estate is unfair and ignores the provisions of the Law of Succession of intestate estate of a deceased person in Kenya. It was argued that the said Administrators have dishonestly allocated the majority of the estate to themselves to the detriment of the other beneficiaries.
5.The protestor asserted that Nyahururu Resident Magistrate Court issued orders on 23 May 2023 which necessitated updating the proposal to reflect the orders including the submitted valuation report. That all monies which were not accounted and distributed equally to the beneficiaries by the widow Ann Warui, and Hezekiah Macharia Kiruki have been deducted from their share of the properties.
The protestors proposal was as follows:-
6.That one acre from the property described as Nyandarua /Silanga/63 is reserved for family house. This is the family home of the Late Hezekiah Macharia Kiruki at Olkalou which is expected to remain as the family home on behalf of all the beneficiaries.
7.The property named Subukia/Subukia/Block 6/338 consists of the family home in Subukia. This is the matrimonial home the late Hezekiah Macharia shared with the widow. The house has been allocated to the widow to continue living there.
8.The widow had expressed her wish to be allocated properties in Subukia only. The allocation of the properties to David Warui is regarded for the purpose of this succession proceedings as joint property for him and his mother Ann Warui.
9.In the property Subukia/Subukia 6/11/26 (Gituamba) is 2,079 Acres reserved for the dam in the property.
10.The constructions in the property Subukia /Subukia 6/11/26 (Gituamba) is the property of Margret Njeri Macharia.
13. Nyandarua/Silanga/63 36 acres John Thuo Macharia 4 acres
Margaret Njeri Macharia 4 acres
Esther Wambui 4 acres
Elizabeth Njeri Kamau 4 acres
George Thuo Macharia 4 acres
Alice Nyambura Macharia 4 acres
Lucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui Muchiri 4 acres
Susan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru 4 acres
Ruth Wairimu Macharia 1 acre
All beneficiaries jointly 1 acre including the family house
23. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/132 (Nguba) 0.1604ha George Thuo Macharia Whole
24. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/133 (Nguba) 0.490ha John Thuo Macharia Whole
25. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/134 (Nguba) 0.480ha Margaret Njeri Macharia Whole
26. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/135 (Nguba) 0.480ha Esther Wambui Whole
27. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/136 (Nguba) 0.480ha Alice Nyambura Macharia Whole
28. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/137 (Nguba) 0.4804ha Elizabeth Njeri Kamau Whole
29. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/138 (Nguba) 0.480ha Ruth Wairimu Macharia Whole
30. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/191 (Nguba) 0.460ha Lucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui Muchiri Whole
31. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/193 (Nguba) 0.460ha Susan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru Whole
32. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/70(Nguba) 0.0600ha Ann Warui/David Warui Whole
33. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/338 (Nguba) 0.1900ha Ann Warui/David Warui Whole
35. Land Ref No. 3777/279/34 Olkalou Margaret Njeri MachariaEsther Wambui In equal shares
36. Land Ref No. 7338/3 Nyandarua Lucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui MuchiriAlice Nyambura Macharia In equal shares
37. Land Ref No. 21720/1 (3771/279/38) Olkalou Elizabeth Njeri KamauGeorge Thuo Macharia In equal shares
38. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/339 (Nguba) 0.1654ha Ruth Wairimu MachariaSusan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru In equal shares
39. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/167 (Nguba) 2.160ha(5,22 acres) John Thuo Macharia ½ acre
Margaret Njeri Macharia ½ acre
Esther Wambui ½ acre
Elizabeth Njeri Kamau43. Alice Nyambura Macharia ½ acre
Lucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui Muchiri ½ acre
Susan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru ½ acre
Ruth Wairimu Macharia ½ acre
Ann Warui/David Warui ½ acre
George Thuo Macharia ½ acre
49. Subukia/Subukia Block 6/11/26 (Gituamba) 5.7ha14.079 acres Margaret Njeri Macharia 2 acres
John Thuo Macharia 1 acre
Esther Wambui 1 acre
Elizabeth Njeri Kamau 1 acre
Alice Nyambura Macharia 1 acre
Lucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui Muchiri 1 acre
Susan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru 1 acre
Ruth Wairimu Macharia 1 acre
Ann Warui/David Warui 2 acres
George Thuo Macharia 1 acre
Reserved for the dam in the property 2.079 acres
60. Bahati/Engarusha/Block 4/43 (Matete) 0.0450ha Ruth Wairimu Macharia Whole
61. Ordinary Shares Absa Bank Ann Warui
Kenya Airways John Thuo Macharia
Carbacid, Kengen Margaret Njeri Macharia In equal shares
Kcb, Equity Elizabeth Njeri Kamau
Safaricom 66. Ruth Wairimu Macharia 67. In equal shares
70. Susan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru
74. Lucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui Muchiri
76. Unclaimed dividends Ann WaruiJohn Thuo MachariaRuth Wairimu MachariaElizabeth Njeri KamauSusan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu GathuruLucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui Muchiri In equal shares
77. Cash at bank All beneficiaries In equal shares
78. Cash at bank from joint account Ann Warui/David WaruiMargaret Njeri MachariaJohn Thuo MachariaEsther WambuiElizabeth Njeri KamauAlice Nyambura MachariaSusan Wanjiku Macharia (deceased) represented by Dennis Matere Gathuru & Fidelis Wairimu GathuruLucy Wangui Muchiri (deceased) represented by Martha Wanjiku Muchiri, Julius Kariuki Muchiri and Mary Wambui MuchiriRuth Wairimu Macharia Balance in equal shares
Objector’s Submissions
11.It was stated that the deceased had three wives, two of whom are now deceased, leaving behind 14 beneficiaries. The beneficiaries are listed as follows:-I.John Thuo MachariaII.Margaret Njeri MachariaIII.Esther WambuiIV.Elizabeth Njeri KamauV.George Thuo MachariaVI.Alice Nyambura MachariaVII.Dennis Matere GathuruVIII.Fidelis Wairimu GathuruIX.Ruth Wairimu MachariaX.Martha Wanjiku MuchiriXI.Julius Kariuki MuchiriXII.Mary Wambui MuchiriXIII.Ann WaruiXIV.David Warui
12.Further, the estate of the deceased comprises the following properties:-i.Nyandarua/Silanga/63 (36 acres)ii.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 167, 191, 192, 70, 338, 339 (Guba)iii.L.R No. 3777/279/34 (Olkalou)iv.L.R No. 7338/3 (Nyandarua)v.L.R No. 21720/1 (3771/279/38) (Olkalou)vi.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/11/26 [Gituamba)vii.Bahati/Engashura/Block 4/43 (Matete)viii.Ordinary shares at Absa Bank Ltd, Kenya Airways Ltd, Carbacid Ltd, Kengen Ltd, KCB Bank Ltd, Equity Bank Ltd, Safaricom Ltd, Eveready East Africa Ltdix.Unclaimed dividendsx.Cash in the bank
13.The objector enumerated her proof and mode of distribution which in many ways is agreeable that their father's widow gets the house in Subukia and in Subukia/Subukia Block 6/11 whose share is reserved for a dam. They however rely entirely on the objector's affidavit as facts.
14.It was submitted that the beneficiaries are unable to agree on the sharing of the estate. Consequently, the distribution of the estate should be governed by the provisions of the Law of Succession Act. Reliance was placed on Section 38 of the Law of Succession Act. It was contended that the principle of equality should be applied in the distribution of the deceased's estate. Every beneficiary should receive an equal share in each and every property listed above.
15.The Objector prayed that this honourable court be pleased to:-
16.Order the equal distribution of all the assets among all the beneficiaries.
17.Direct that every beneficiary receives an equal share in each and every property comprising the estate.
18.The objector prayed that this court upholds the provisions of the Law of Succession Act and grant the orders sought herein for the fair and equitable distribution of the deceased's estate.
19.It was stated that the objector's contention is, since the estate has been formerly identified and there is no dispute as to what constitutes the estate of the deceased, the same should be distributed equally among all the beneficiaries considering there is no dispute as to whom is and who is not the beneficiary. Reliance was placed on Justus Thiora Kiugu & 4 Others vs Joyie Nkatha Kiungu & Another (2015) eKLR
20.It was submitted that where a property cannot be sub-divided the same can be sold and proceeds distributed among the beneficiaries.
Analysis and Determination
21.Having considered the petitioners summons, the protest herein and the respective proposed modes of distribution for the deceased’s estate, the main issues for determination herein is which mode of distribution is fair?
22.It is not disputed that the beneficiaries of the estate are as follows:-I.John Thuo MachariaII.Margaret Njeri MachariaIII.Esther WambuiIV.Elizabeth Njeri KamauV.George Thuo MachariaVI.Alice Nyambura Macharia -deceasedVII.Lucy Wangui – DeceasedVIII.Susan Wanjiku Macharia – deceasedIX.Ruth Wairimu MachariaX.Ann Wanjiku WaruiXI.David Warui Macharia
23.It is also undisputed that the deceased children left behind the following representatives:-
24.Alice Nyambura Macharia left behind:-I.Hezekiah Macharia KirukiII.Lucy Wangui left behind:-III.Julius Kariuki MuchiriIV.Martha Wanjiku MuchiriV.Mary Wambui MuchiriVI.Susan Wanjiku Macharia left behind:-VII.Dennis Matere GathuruVIII.Fidelis Wairimu Gathuru
25.The deceased’s assets were identified as follows:-I.Nyandarua/Silanga/63II.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/338 (Nguba)III.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/339 (Nguba)IV.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/132 (Nguba)V.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/133 (Nguba)VI.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/134 (Nguba)VII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/135 (Nguba)VIII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/136 (Nguba)IX.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/137 (Nguba)X.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/138 (Nguba)XI.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/167 (Nguba)XII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/192 (Nguba)XIII.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/191 (Nguba)XIV.Subukia/Subukia Block 6/70 (Nguba)XV.Subukia/Subukia Block 11/26 (Gituamba)XVI.Bahati/Engashura/Block 4/43 (Matete)XVII.L.R No. 3777/279/34 (Olkalou)XVIII.L.R No. 7338/3 (Olkalou)XIX.L.R No. 21720/1 (3771/279/38) (Olkalou)XX.KCB Bank sharesXXI.Safaricom sharesXXII.Kengen sharesXXIII.Carbacid sharesXXIV.Postal Corporation sharesXXV.Cash in bank
26.Section 40 of the Law of Succession Act provides that:-1.Where an intestate has married more than once under any system of law permitting polygamy, his personal and household effects and the residue of the net intestate estate shall, in the first instance, be divided among the houses according to the number of children in each house, but also adding any wife surviving him as an additional unit to the number of children.2.The distribution of the personal and household effects and the residue of the net intestate estate within each house shall then be in accordance with the rules set out in sections 35 to 38.
27.Having analyzed both the petitioners and protestors mode of distribution, it is my considered opinion that the protestor’s proposal comes close to the equitable distribution envisioned under Section 40 of the Law of Succession Act. However, it is my view and finding that ;i.The shares in different institutions, unclaimed dividends and cash at bank shall be shared among all the beneficiaries in equal shares.ii.That the estate of the deceased will be distributed in accordance with the proposed mode of distribution of the petitioners save that the shares held in different institutions, unclaimed dividends and cash at bank shall be shared among all the beneficiaries in equal shares.
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Act 1
1. Law of Succession Act 4354 citations

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