Mureithi & 2 others v Attorney General & 4 others (2006)1klr (e&l) [2006] KEHC 14 (KLR)

Mureithi & 2 others v Attorney General & 4 others (2006)1klr (e&l) [2006] KEHC 14 (KLR)

Locus standi – purpose of locus standi – applicants seeking implementation
of the recommendations of a Commission of Inquiry in relation to ancestral
land – land allegedly obtained during the Mau Mau War (Colonial
Emergency period) without the consent of the clan – whether applicants
having the required standing to seek judicial review orders
Judicial Review - alternative remedy – applicants seeking judicial review
remedies against juristic persons - appropriateness of seeking judicial
review remedies where the institution of an action or a constitutional
application is prescribed by procedure – whether remedy lying in private
law or public law

Commissions of Inquiry - Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal and
Irregular Allocation of Public Land - predication of the applicants’ claim
on the Commission’s Report without producing any other evidence – power
of a commission of inquiry – report and recommendations of the
commission of inquiry – recommendations not constituting any statutory
duty to be performed by the respondents

Judicial Review – alternative remedy – alternative remedy available to
the applicants under the Constitution and individual land registration
statutes – effect of failure by applicant to seek other statutory remedies -
criteria in determining convenience, benefit and effectiveness of remedy
Limitation of Actions - undue delay – judicial review action brought to
court after lapse of 40 years – effect of undue delay in bringing action –
application of the Limitations of Actions Act to judicial review matters
and constitutional applications

Public Interest - doctrine of public trust and the public interest -
application of the doctrine public interest in relation to illegal alienation
of public land - presidential powers concerning land – alienation of public
land for public purpose under the Constitution - conflict between public
and private interest in land.

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Documents citing this one 14

Judgment 14
1. Mapelu & 13 others v Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Lands & Physical Planning & 164 others; Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation & 2 others (Interested Parties) (Environment & Land Petition 12 & 13 of 2018 (Consolidated)) [2022] KEELC 13468 (KLR) (13 October 2022) (Judgment) 1 citation
2. Okoiti v Njenga & 7 others (Sued as the registered trustees of the Agricultural Society of Kenya) & 19 others (Petition 33 of 2019) [2022] KEHC 74 (KLR) (26 January 2022) (Judgment) 1 citation
3. Amarnath v Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman) & 2 others (Environment and Land Judicial Review Case 2A of 2022) [2022] KEELC 12650 (KLR) (26 September 2022) (Judgment)
4. Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission v Chepto & 3 others (Environment & Land Case 167 of 2009) [2023] KEELC 17313 (KLR) (9 May 2023) (Judgment)
5. Juma v Njeru (Environment and Land Miscellaneous Application 9 of 2021) [2022] KEELC 15706 (KLR) (27 July 2022) (Ruling)
6. Kalsi & another v National Housing Corporation (Environment & Land Case 15 of 2012) [2023] KEELC 18644 (KLR) (6 July 2023) (Judgment)
7. Kenya Airports Authority v Bundotich & 5 others (Environment & Land Case 283 of 2018) [2022] KEELC 14733 (KLR) (10 November 2022) (Judgment)
8. Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission v Kimumu Service Station Ltd & 2 others; Chief Land Registrar & another (Interested Parties) (Environment & Land Case 137 of 2017) [2022] KEELC 14822 (KLR) (15 November 2022) (Judgment)
9. Majimoto Group Ranch & 10 others v Matunke & 14 others; Sankale & 4 others (Interested Parties) (Petition 268 of 2017) [2022] KEELC 3602 (KLR) (8 July 2022) (Judgment)
10. M’Imathiu (Suing as the Legal Representative of the Estate of Thimangu M’Imathiu) v Jonah & Murithi (Being Sued as the Legal Representative of the Estate of Solomon K Mutugi ) & 2 others (Environment & Land Case 22 of 2021) [2023] KEELC 17263 (KLR) (3 May 2023) (Judgment)