Tailors & Textile Workers Union v Royal Apparels EPZ Ltd (Cause E968 of 2024) [2025] KEELRC 7 (KLR) (16 January 2025) (Ruling)

Tailors & Textile Workers Union v Royal Apparels EPZ Ltd (Cause E968 of 2024) [2025] KEELRC 7 (KLR) (16 January 2025) (Ruling)

1.The Tailors & Textile Workers Union (the Claimant) sued Royal Apparels EPZ Ltd (the Respondent) on 15 November 2024, alleging failure to deduct and remit union dues and agency fees.
2.The Memorandum of Claim was accompanied with a Motion seeking interim orders and the Court gave directions on the Motion on 15 November 2024 with a return date of 16 January 2025.
3.However, on 22 November 2024, the Union filed a Notice of Withdrawal of the Cause in its entirety.
4.The Court marks the Cause as withdrawn with no order on costs.
DELIVERED VIRTUALLY, DATED AND SIGNED IN NAIROBI ON THIS 16TH DAY OF JANUARY 2025.RADIDO STEPHEN, MCIArbJUDGEAppearancesFor the Union Eshiwani Ashubwe & Co. AdvocatesCourt Assistant Wangu
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