- Citation
- Legal Notice 221 of 2023
- Date
- 22 December 2023
- Language
- English
- Type
- Legal Notice
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- Crops Act
- Dairy Industry (Carriage of Milk) Regulations, 1964
- Dairy Industry (Imports and Exports) Regulations, 2004
- Dairy Industry (Imposition of Cess and Levy) Regulations, 2004
- Dairy Industry (Licensing of Retailers) (Revocation) Regulations, 2006
- Dairy Industry (Prices of Dairy Produce) Regulations, 1961
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- Dairy Industry (Returns, Reports and Estimates)(Scheduled Areas) Order
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- Dairy Produce Prescribed Under Regulation 2
- Data Protection Act
- Days Appointed for the Commencement of the Act Under Section 1(2)
- Declaration
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- Declaration That Part of Prison Shall Cease to be a Prison Under Section 24
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- Declaration of Approved Service
- Declaration of Construction Minerals
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- Declaration of Invalidity of Identity Cards
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- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment
- Declaration of Special Economic Zone
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- Declaration of Special Economic Zone
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- Declaration of Special Economic Zone
- Declaration of Special Economic Zone (Schedule of GPS Co-ordinates)
- Declaration of a Body Corporate Qualified to Own a Kenya Ship
- Declaration of the Special Arrangements for the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments
- Declarations Under Rule 6 of the Above Rules
- Declarations of Crops
- Declarations of Export Slaughterhouses Under Meat Control (Export Slaughterhouses) Regulations
- Declarations of Slaughterhouses Under Meat Control (Local Slaughterhouses) Regulations
- Decrease Rates of Excise Duty
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- Description of New Issue of Fifty, One Hundred, Two Hundred, Five Hundred and One Thousand Shillings Kenya Currency Notes
- Description of New Issue of One Shilling, Five Shillings, Ten Shillings and Twenty Shillings Coins
- Designation of Road Sub-Agencies—Eldoret Municipal Council
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- Designation of Road Sub-Agencies—Roads Department of the Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Housing
- Designation of Road Sub-Agencies—Urban Development Department of the Ministry of Local Government
- Determination of Par Value of the Kenyan Shilling, 1973
- Directions Under Rules 2 and 3 of the Books and Newspapers Rules
- Distress for Rent Act
- Districts and Provinces Act
- Dock Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- Double Taxation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Early Childhood Education Act
- East African Development Bank Act
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- Engineering Technology Act
- Engineers (Scale of Fees for Professional Engineering Services) Rules
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- Engineers Rules, 2019
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- Establishment of Provincial Land Control Appeals Board, 1967
- Establishment of Rent Tribunals Under Section 4(1)
- Estate Agents Act
- Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Act
- Evidence Act
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- Excise Duty Act
- Exclusion
- Exclusion of Certain Printers and Publishers From the Provisions as to Bonds
- Exemption
- Exemption
- Exemption
- Exemption
- Exemption
- Exemption
- Exemption Notices Under Section 35(7)
- Exemptions
- Exemptions
- Exemptions Under Regulation 54
- Exemptions Under Section 24*
- Exemptions under Section 14(2)
- Explosives Act
- Export Processing Zones Act
- Extension of Time
- Extradition (Commonwealth Countries) Act
- Extradition (Contiguous and Foreign Countries) Act
- Fair Administrative Action Act
- Ferries Act
- Ferries Rules
- Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs Act
- Films and Stage Plays Act
- Firearms Act
- Fisheries Management and Development Act
- Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances Act
- Foreign Investments Protection Act
- Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
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- Forest Conservation and Management Act
- Form of Certificate
- Geologists Registration Act
- Government Contracts Act
- Government Proceedings Act
- Grant of Permission
- HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act
- Health Act
- Health Records and Information Managers Act
- Hide, Skin and Leather Trade (Amendment) Rules
- Hide, Skin and Leather Trade Act
- High Court (Organization and Administration) Act
- Higher Education Loans Board Act
- Hire-Purchase Act
- Housing Act
- Human Resource Management Professionals (Elections to the Council)Regulations, 2015
- Human Resource Management Professionals Act
- Hydrologists Act
- Income Tax (Investment Duty Set Off) (Revocation) Rules
- Income Tax Act
- Income Tax Act - Guidelines on Allowability of Bad Debts
- Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Act
- Independent Policing Oversight Authority Act
- Industrial Property Act
- Industrial Training Act
- Infected Areas Declared Under Rule 5 of the Above Rules
- Infectious Diseases Declared to be Notifiable Diseases
- Information and Communications Technology Authority Order
- Insolvency Act
- Insurance (Bancassurance) Regulations, 2020
- Insurance (Motor Vehicle Third Party Risks) Act
- Insurance Act
- Insurance Act (Prudential PLC in Shield Company Limited) Exemption, 2014
- Insurance Act Exemption, 2021
- Intergovernmental Relations Act
- International Crimes Act
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Regional Delegation for Eastern Africa Order
- International Interests in Aircraft Equipment Act
- Interpretation and General Provisions Act
- Investment Promotion Act
- Investment and Financial Analysts Act
- Irrigation (General) Regulations
- Irrigation Act
- Judicature Act
- Judicial Service Act
- Judiciary Fund Act
- Kadhis' Courts Act
- Kenya Accreditation Service Act
- Kenya Accreditation Service Order
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act
- Kenya Airports Authority Act
- Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre Order
- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Act
- Kenya Citizens and Foreign Nationals Management Service Act
- Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act
- Kenya Coast Guard Service Act
- Kenya Coconut Development Authority Order
- Kenya Defence Forces Act
- Kenya Deposit Insurance Act
- Kenya Film Commission Order
- Kenya Fishing Industries Corporation Order
- Kenya Heroes Act
- Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute Act
- Kenya Information and Communications Act
- Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis Act
- Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis Order
- Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Act
- Kenya Institute of Education Order
- Kenya Institute of Mass Communication Order
- Kenya Law Reform Commission Act
- Kenya Leather Development Council Order
- Kenya Literature Bureau Act
- Kenya Maritime Authority Act
- Kenya Maritime Authority Order
- Kenya Meat Commission (Sale of Slaughter Stock by Auction) Regulations
- Kenya Meat Commission Act
- Kenya Medical Supplies Agency Order, 2000
- Kenya Medical Supplies Authority Act
- Kenya Medical Training College Act
- Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Act
- Kenya National Commission on Human Rights Act
- Kenya National Examinations Council Act
- Kenya National Library Service Board Act
- Kenya National Public Health Institute Order
- Kenya National Qualifications Framework Act
- Kenya Ordnance Factories Corporation Order
- Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service Act
- Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service Order
- Kenya Ports Authority Act
- Kenya Post Office Savings Bank Act
- Kenya Railways Corporation Act
- Kenya Red Cross Society Act
- Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Act
- Kenya Revenue Authority Act
- Kenya Roads Act
- Kenya Roads Board Act
- Kenya School of Government Act
- Kenya School of Law Act
- Kenya Space Agency Order
- Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority Order
- Kenya Tourist Board Order, 1997
- Kenya Trade Network Agency Order
- Kenya Trade Remedies Act
- Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council Order
- Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute Order
- Kenya Water Institute Act
- Kenya Water Towers Agency Order
- Kenya Yearbook Order
- Kenyatta International Conference Centre Order
- Konza Technopolis Development Authority Order
- LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority Order
- Labour Institutions Act
- Labour Relations - Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2022 (Woolmatt Ltd)
- Labour Relations Act
- Land Act
- Land Adjudication Act
- Land Control Act
- Land Registration (Electronic Land Transactions) (Revocation) Regulations
- Land Registration (Electronic Transactions) Regulations
- Land Registration (Registration Units) Order
- Land Registration (Registration Units) Order
- Land Registration Act
- Landlord and Tenant (Shops, Hotels and Catering Establishments) Act
- Law Society of Kenya Act
- Law of Contract Act
- Law of Succession Act
- Leadership and Integrity Act
- Legal Aid Act
- Legal Education Act
- Legal Tender of East African Shillings
- Likoni and Mutongwe Ferry Services
- Limitation of Actions Act
- Limited Liability Partnership Act
- Local Authorities (Recovery of Possession of Property) Act
- Local Authorities Transfer Fund Act
- Magistrates' Courts Act
- Marine Insurance Act
- Marriage Act
- Matrimonial Property Act
- Meat Control Act
- Media Council Act
- Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Act
- Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Inquiry and Disciplinary Proceedings) (Procedure) Rules
- Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act
- Mental Health Act
- Merchant Shipping Act
- Methylated Spirits Act
- Micro and Small Enterprises Act
- Microfinance Act
- Military Veterans Act
- Mining Act
- Miscellaneous Fees and Levies Act
- Moi University Charter Statutes of Moi University, 2013
- Mortgages (Special Provisions) Act
- Motor Vehicle Components and Accessories Act
- Movable Property Security Rights Act
- Mutual Legal Assistance Act
- Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration Act
- Nairobi International Financial Centre Act
- Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act
- National AIDS Control Council Order, 1999
- National Assembly Remuneration Act
- National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse Act
- National Campaign against Drug Abuse Authority Order
- National Cereals and Produce Board Act
- National Co-ordinating Agency for Population and Development Order
- National Cohesion and Integration Act
- National Construction Authority Act
- National Coroners Service Act
- National Council for Law Reporting Act
- National Crime Research Centre Act
- National Drought Management Authority Act
- National Drought Management Authority Order
- National Electronic Single Window System Act
- National Employment Authority Act
- National Flag, Emblems and Names Act
- National Gender and Equality Commission Act
- National Government Co-ordination Act
- National Government Constituencies Development Fund Act
- National Health Insurance Fund Act
- National Honours Act
- National Intelligence Service Act
- National Land Commission Act
- National Museums and Heritage Act
- National Payment System Act
- National Police Service Act
- National Police Service Commission Act
- National Security Council Act
- National Social Security Fund Act
- National Transport and Safety Authority (Transport Network Companies, Owners, Drivers and Passengers) Regulations
- National Transport and Safety Authority Act
- National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation Order
- National Youth Council Act
- National Youth Service Act
- National and GrindLays Bank (Apportionment) Act
- Natural Resources (Classes of Transactions Subject to Ratification) Act
- Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act
- Nuclear Regulatory Act
- Nurses and Midwives Act
- Nutritionists and Dieticians Act
- Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation Order
- Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act
- Occupational Safety and Health Act
- Occupational Therapists (Training, Registration and Licensing) Act
- Office of the Attorney-General Act
- Office of the County Attorney Act
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Act
- Official Secrets Act
- Order Applying Part II to Rwanda
- Order Applying Part II to the Federal Republic of Germany
- Order Applying Part II to the Kingdom of Greece
- Order Applying Part II to the Polish People's Republic
- Order Applying Part II to the Republic of Finland
- Order Applying Part II to the Republic of Italy
- Order Applying Part II to the Republic of Liberia
- Order Applying Part II to the State of Spain
- Order Applying Part II to the United States of America
- Order Declaring a Society Dangerous to the Good Government of the Republic
- Order Declaring a Society Dangerous to the Good Government of the Republic
- Orders under section 3(1)
- Parliamentary Pensions Act
- Parliamentary Powers and Privileges Act
- Parliamentary Service Act
- Partnerships Act
- Penal Code
- Pensions (Increase) Act
- Pensions Act
- Persons Deprived of Liberty Act
- Persons Exempted From Liability to Serve as Assessors
- Persons with Disabilities Act
- Pest Control Products Act
- Petition to County Assemblies (Procedure) Act
- Petitions to Parliament (Procedure) Act
- Petroleum Act
- Petroleum Development Fund Act
- Pharmacy and Poisons Act
- Physical Planners Registration Act
- Physical and Land Use Planning (Advertisement) Regulations
- Physical and Land Use Planning (Development Control Around Strategic Installations) Regulations
- Physical and Land Use Planning (Development Control for Inter-County Projects) Regulations
- Physical and Land Use Planning (Development Control for Strategic National Projects) Regulations
- Physical and Land Use Planning (Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan) Regulations
- Physical and Land Use Planning (National Physical and Land Use Development Plan) Regulations
- Physical and Land Use Planning Act
- Physiotherapists Act
- Places Declared to be Prisons for the Purposes of the Act Under Section 24
- Places Declared to be Youth Corrective Training Centres for the Purposes of the Act Under Section 66
- Plant Protection Act
- Political Parties Act
- Postal Corporation of Kenya Act
- Power of Mercy Act
- Preferential Trade Area (Implementation) Act
- Preferential Trade Area Re-Insurance Company (Mandatory Re-Insurance Cessions)Act
- Prescribed Areas
- Prescription of Cleaning Methods
- Prescription of Effective Tick Destroying Agents Notice
- Preservation of Public Security Act
- President's Award Act
- Presidential Retirement Benefits Act
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Prevention of Organised Crimes Act
- Prevention of Terrorism Act
- Prevention of Torture Act
- Prevention, Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons and Affected Communities Act
- Price Control (Essential Goods) Act
- Prisons Act
- Private Security Regulation Act
- Privatization Act
- Privileges and Immunities Act
- Probation of Offenders Act
- Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act
- Proclamation, 1962
- Proclamation, 1963
- Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines Act
- Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act
- Prohibitions Under Rule 2 of the Above Rules
- Protected Areas Act
- Protection Against Domestic Violence Act
- Protection of Aircraft Act
- Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions Act
- Provisional Collection of Taxes and Duties Act
- Public Appointments (County Assemblies Approval) Act
- Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act
- Public Archives and Documentation Service Act
- Public Audit Act
- Public Collections Act
- Public Finance Management Act
- Public Health (Covid-19 Operation of Restaurants) Rules
- Public Health (Covid-19 Religious Gatherings) Rules
- Public Health (Covid-19 Restriction of Movement of Persons and Related Measures) (Kilifi County) Order, 2020
- Public Health (Covid-19 Restriction of Movement of Persons and Related Measures) (Nairobi Metropolitan Area) Order, 2020
- Public Health (Covid-19 Restriction of Movement of Persons and Related Measures) Rules, 2020
- Public Health (Covid-19 Restriction of Movement of Persons and Related Measures) (Mombasa County) Order
- Public Health (Prevention, Control and Supression of Covid-19) Rules, 2020
- Public Health Act
- Public Health Officers (Training, Registration and Licencing) Act
- Public Holidays Act
- Public Officer Ethics Act
- Public Order Act
- Public Private Partnerships Act
- Public Procecutors Appointed Under Section 85(1)
- Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act
- Public Roads Toll Act
- Public Service (Values and Principles) Act
- Public Service Commission (County Appeals Procedures) Regulations, 2022
- Public Service Commission (Removal of the Director of Public Prosecutions) Regulations, 2017
- Public Service Commission Act
- Public Service Superannuation Scheme Act
- Public Trustee Act
- Publication of Electoral Opinion Polls Act
- Pyrethrum Act
- Radiographers Act
- Rating Act
- Records Disposal Act
- Refugees Act
- Regional Centre on Groundwater Resources Education,Training and Research in Eastern Africa Order
- Regional Youth Forum of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region Order
- Regions Into Which Kenya Has Been Divided Under Section 21(1)
- Registration of Business Names Act
- Registration of Documents Act
- Registration of Persons Act
- Regulation of Interest Rates and Terms of Credit of Specified Banks and Specified Financial Institutions
- Rent Restriction Act
- Retirement Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) Act
- Retirement Benefits Act
- Revision of the Laws Act
- Revocation
- Revocation of Declaration
- Road Maintenance Levy Fund Act
- Sacco Societies Act
- Salaries and Remuneration Commission Act
- Science, Technology and Innovation Act
- Scrap Metal Act
- Second-hand Motor Vehicles Purchase Tax Act
- Sectional Properties Act
- Seeds and Plant Varieties Act
- Sexual Offences Act
- Small Claims Court Act
- Social Assistance Act
- Societies Act
- South-South Centre Order
- Special Economic Zones Act
- Specification of Countries
- Specification of Fees under Regulation 4(2)
- Specification of Institution
- Specified Banks and Financial Institutions
- Specified Public Entities under Section 2
- Speed Governor for Public Service Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles with tare weight of over 3048 KG
- Sports Act
- Sports Stadia Management Board Order
- Stamp Duty Act
- Standards Act
- State Corporations (Certificate of Surcharge) Regulations
- State Corporations (Performance Contracting) Regulations, 2004
- State Corporations Act
- State Corporations Appeal Tribunal Rules
- Statistics (Census of Population) Order, 2008
- Statistics (Census of Population) Order, 2018
- Statistics Act
- Statutory Instruments Act
- Subscription and Accreditation Fees in Respect of Media Establishment Enterprises and Journalists Operating in Kenya
- Supplement to the Laws of Kenya
- Supplies Practitioners Management Act
- Supreme Court Act
- Survey Act
- Suspensions, Restrictions and Limitations of the Application of the Act Under Section 120
- Sustainable Waste Management Act
- Tax Appeals Tribunal Act
- Tax Procedures Act
- Tea Act
- Teachers Service Commission Act
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act
- The (Explosives) Fireworks Rules
- The Accountants (Examinations) Rules
- The Accountants (Quality Assurance Review) Regulations
- The Accountants (Standards of Professional Practice and Ethical Conduct) Regulations
- The Accountants Regulations
- The Advocates (Accountant's Certificate) Rules
- The Advocates (Accounts) Rules
- The Advocates (Complaints Commission) (Structure and Procedure) Rules
- The Advocates (Deposit Interest) Rules
- The Advocates (Fees for Restoration to the Roll) Regulations
- The Advocates (Practice) Rules
- The Advocates (Practising Certificates) (Fees) Rules
- The Advocates (Professional Indemnity) Regulations
- The Advocates (Remuneration) Order
- The Advocates (Senior Counsel Conferment and Privileges) Rules
- The Africa International University Charter, 2011
- The African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) Order
- The Aga Khan University-Kenya Charter
- The Agricultural Finance Corporation (Fees, Costs and Express) Regulations
- The Agricultural Finance Corporation (Forms) Rules
- The Air Passenger Service Charge (Apportionment) Order
- The Air Passenger Service Charge (Apportionment) Order 2018
- The Airline Pilots Association (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Alcoholic Drinks Control (Licensing) Regulations, 2010
- The Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 2) Order
- The Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Amount Payable as Protected Deposit
- The Amu Sand-dunes Groundwater Conservation Area Order
- The Animal Diseases (Compulsory Foot and Mouth Vaccination) Rules, 1966
- The Animal Diseases (Compulsory Rinderpest Vaccination) Rules
- The Animal Diseases (Control of Pig Diseases) Rules
- The Animal Diseases (Hatcheries) Rules
- The Animal Diseases Act 1965—Vaccination Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Fees and Charges)
- The Animal Diseases Act — (Fees and Charges)
- The Animal Diseases Act — (Fees and Charges)
- The Animal Diseases Act—Declaration
- The Animal Diseases Act—Prohibition
- The Animal Diseases Rules
- The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes (Amnesty and Restitution) Regulations
- The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Regulations
- The Anti-Counterfeit (Recordation) Regulations, 2021
- The Anti-Counterfeit Regulations
- The Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya Order, 2015
- The Anti-Doping Regulations, 2020
- The Arbitration Rules
- The Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Continuing Professional Development) By-Laws
- The Architects and Quantity Surveyors By-laws
- The Auctioneers (Practice) Rules
- The Auctioneers Rules
- The Auditor-General Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Bakery, Confectionery, Food Manufacturing and Allied Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 2) Order, 2021
- The Bakery, Confectionery, Food Manufacturing and Allied Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 3) Order, 2021
- The Banking (Credit Reference Bureau) Regulations, 2020
- The Banking (Deposit Protection Fund) Regulations
- The Banking (Fees) Regulations
- The Banking (Increase of Rate of Banking and other Charges) Regulations
- The Banking (Licences) (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 1969
- The Banking (Liquidation of Institutions) Regulations, 1992
- The Banking (Penalties) Regulations
- The Banking Act - Exemption
- The Banking and Microfinance Act (Credit Reference Bureau) Regulations
- The Basic Education (Education Standards and Quality Assurance Council) Regulations
- The Basic Education Regulations
- The Betting, Lotteries and Gaming (Remittance of Pool Betting Scheme Tax) Order
- The Betting, Lotteries and Gaming Regulations
- The Bills of Exchange (Cheque Truncation) Regulations
- The Biosafety (Contained Use) Regulations
- The Biosafety (Environmental Release) Regulations, 2011
- The Biosafety (Import, Export and Transit) Regulations
- The Biosafety (Labelling) Regulations
- The Births and Deaths (Late Registration) Rules
- The Births and Deaths Registration (Births and Deaths Occurring Outside Kenya) (Forms and Fees) Rules
- The Births and Deaths Registration Rules
- The Bomet University College Order
- The Books and Newspapers Rules
- The Branding of Stock Rules
- The Breast Milk Substitutes (Regulation and Control) (General) Regulations, 2021
- The Bribery Regulations
- The Bribery Regulations, 2021
- The Brokers (Licence Fees) Order
- The Building Societies Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Asset-Backed Securities) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Coffee Exchange) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Commodity Markets) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Conduct of Business) (Market Intermediaries) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Corporate Governance) (Market Intermediaries) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Demutualization of the Nairobi Securities Exchange Limited) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Derivatives Markets) (Fees) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Derivatives Markets) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Foreign Investors) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Investment-Based Crowdfunding) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Licensing Requirements) (General) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Nairobi Securities Exchange Limited Shareholding) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Online Foreign Exchange Trading) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Real Estate Investment Trusts) (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Registered Venture Capital Companies) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Securities Lending, Borrowing and Short-selling) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Securities) (Public Offers, Listing and Disclosures) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Take-Overs and Mergers) Regulations
- The Capital Markets (Whistleblower) Regulations
- The Capital Markets Authority Rules
- The Carriage by Air (Application of Convention) Order
- The Carriage by Air (Currency Equivalent) Order
- The Central Bank of Kenya (Currency Handling) Regulations
- The Central Bank of Kenya (Declaration of Currency) Regulations, 1998
- The Central Bank of Kenya (Foreign Exchange Bureau) (Penalties) Regulations, 2009
- The Central Bank of Kenya (Foreign Exchange Business) Regulations, 2007
- The Central Bank of Kenya (Mortgage Refinance Companies) Regulations, 2019
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Bank Notes, 1974
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Commemorative Gold and Silver Coins, 2003
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Fifty Cents, One Shilling and Five Shillings Coins, 1995
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Fifty Shillings Note, 1990
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Fifty Shillings Note, 1996
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Fifty, One Hundred, Two Hundred, Five Hundred and One Thousand Shillings Currency Notes
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Five Cents, Ten Cents, Fifty Cents, One Shilling, Five Shillings, Ten Shillings and Twenty Shillings Coins, 2005
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Five Hundred Shillings Note, 1995
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Five Hundred and One Thousand Shillings Notes, 1998
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of One Hundred and Two Hundred Shillings Notes, 1996
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Shillings Coin, 1985
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Ten Cents Coin, 1996
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Twenty Shillings Coin, 1999
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Twenty Shillings Note, 1995
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Issue of Two Hundred Shillings Note, 1986
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New One Thousand Shillings Note, 1995
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New Twenty Shillings Note, 1994
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New issue of Fifty, Five Hundred and One Thousand Shillings Currency Notes, 2003
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of New issue of Forty Shillings Coin and Two Hundred Shillings Note, 2003
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of Ten and One Hundred Shillings Note, 1989
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of the Central Bank of Kenya's 20th Anniversary Commemorative Coins, 1986
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Description of the Central Bank of Kenya's Silver Jubilee Commemorative Coins, 1991
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Determination as to the Par Value of the Kenya Shilling, 1971
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Determination, 1994
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Increase in Capital, 1989
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Withdrawal of Bank Notes, 1974
- The Central Bank of Kenya Act- Withdrawal of East African Shillings, 1972
- The Central Bank of Kenya Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Central Bank of Kenya Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Central Bank of Kenya- Description of Bank Notes, 1979
- The Central Bank of Kenya- Description of New Issue of Commemorative Gold and Silver Coins, 1979
- The Central Bank of Kenya- Description of New Issue of Ten Shillings (Bi-metal) Coin, 1994
- The Central Bank of Kenya- Description of New Kenya Currency Notes and Coins, 1980
- The Central Bank of Kenya- Determination of Par Value of the Kenya Shilling
- The Central Depositories (Regulation of Central Depositories) Rules, 2004
- The Certified Public Secretaries (Application for Practising Certificates) (Forms and Fees) Regulations
- The Certified Public Secretaries (Application for Registration) (Form and Fees) Regulations
- The Certified Public Secretaries (Application for Registration) (Permitted Age) Regulations
- The Charter for Daystar University
- The Charter for Kaimosi Friends University
- The Charter for Kenyatta University
- The Charter for Kiriri Women's University of Science and Technology
- The Charter for Kisii University
- The Charter for Lukenya University
- The Charter for Maasai Mara University
- The Charter for Pan Africa Christian University
- The Charter for Scott Theological College, 1997
- The Charter for Tharaka University
- The Charter for Tom Mboya University
- The Charter for Umma University, 2019
- The Charter for Zetech University
- The Charter for the Catholic University of Eastern Africa
- The Charter for the East African University
- The Charter for the University of Embu
- The Charter of the University of Eastern African, Baraton
- The Charter to Establish Africa Nazarene University, 2002
- The Charter to Establish Kenya Methodist University, 2006
- The Charter to Establish Strathmore University
- The Charter to Establish United States International University
- The City Council of Nairobi (Omnibus Stations) Amendment By-laws, 2008
- The Civil Aviation (Aeronautical Search and Rescue) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Aeronautical Telecommunication Communication Systems) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Air Traffic Services) Regulations
- The Civil Aviation (Certification of Air Navigation Service Providers) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Communication Procedures) Regulations
- The Civil Aviation (Construction of Visual and Instrument Flight Procedures) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft-General Aviation Aeroplanes) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Rules of the Air) Regulations, 2018
- The Civil Aviation (Units of Measurement to be used in Air and Ground Operations), Regulations 2018
- The Civil Procedure (Court-Annexed Mediation) Rules
- The Civil Servants (Housing Scheme Fund) Regulations
- The Co-operative Societies Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Co-operative Societies Rules
- The Co-operative Tribunal (Practice and Procedure) Rules
- The Code of Conduct and Ethics for Members of the National Assembly
- The Code of Conduct and Ethics for Public Universities
- The Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Members and Staff of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
- The Coffee (General) Regulations
- The Collecting Society Tariffs
- The Collecting Society Tariffs
- The College of Arms Rules
- The Commission for University Education Procedures for Administration of Part IV of the Public Officers Ethics Act, 2019
- The Commission on Administrative Justice Regulations
- The Commissioners for Oaths (Fees on Affidavits) Rules
- The Commissions of Inquiry Regulations
- The Communication Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 2) Order
- The Communication Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 2) Order, 2021
- The Communication Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 3) Order, 2021
- The Communication Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 4) Order, 2021
- The Communication Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 5) Order, 2021
- The Communication Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 6) Order
- The Community Land Regulations
- The Community Service Orders (Case Committees) Regulations, 1999
- The Companies (Beneficial Ownership Information) Regulations
- The Companies (General) Regulations, 2015
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Exclusion
- The Competition Act - Proposed Acquisition
- The Competition Act - Proposed Acquisition
- The Competition Act - Proposed Acquisition
- The Competition Act - Proposed Acquisition
- The Competition Act - Proposed Acquisition
- The Competition Act—Exclusion
- The Competition Act—Exclusion
- The Competition Tribunal (Procedure) Rules
- The Constitution of Kenya (Protection of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) Practice and Procedure Rules, 2013
- The Constitution of Kenya—Proclamation
- The Constitution of Kenya—Promulgation of The New Constitution Commemorative Medal
- The Controller of Budget Regulations, 2021
- The Copyright Act (Collective Management) Regulations
- The Copyright Regulations
- The Council of Legal Education (Accreditation of Legal Education Institutions) Regulations
- The Counter-Trafficking in Persons (National Assistance Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons) Regulations
- The Court Fees Waiver
- The Court of Appeal (Election Petition) Rules, 2017
- The Court of Appeal Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Appeal from Refusal of Bail) Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Directions in the Nature of Habeas Corpus) Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Expert Witnesses Fees) Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Plea Bargaining) Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Police Supervision) Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Record of Evidence in The Supreme Court) Rules
- The Criminal Procedure (Remuneration of Witnesses and Assessors) Rules
- The Crops (Coffee) (General) Regulations, 2019
- The Crops (Fibre Crops) Regulations
- The Crops (Food Crops) Regulations
- The Crops (Horticultural Crops) Regulations
- The Crops (Irish Potato) Regulations, 2019
- The Crops (Miraa) Regulations
- The Crops (Nuts and Oil Crops) Regulations
- The Crops (Sugar) (General) Regulations, 2020
- The Crops (Sugar) (Imports, Exports and By-products) Regulations
- The Crops (Tea Industry) Regulations
- The Customs and Excise (Railway Development Levy Fund) Regulations, 2013
- The Dairy Industry (Carriage of Milk) Order
- The Dairy Industry (Compliance Officer) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Dairy Produce Safety) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Election of Delegates) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Imports and Exports) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Imports) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Inspectors) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Milk Sales Contract) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Milk) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Prices of Dairy Produce) (Kisumu) Order
- The Dairy Industry (Prices of Dairy Produce) Order
- The Dairy Industry (Prices of Dairy Produce)(Kisumu) Order
- The Dairy Industry (Pricing of Dairy Produce) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Registration, Licensing, Cess and Levy) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Returns, Reports and Estimates)Distributors) Order
- The Dairy Industry (Sales by Producers) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry (Traceability and Recall) Regulations
- The Dairy Industry Citation (Returns, Reports and Estimates) Regulations
- The Data Protection (Civil Registration) Regulations
- The Data Protection (Complaints Handling Procedure and Enforcement) Regulations
- The Data Protection (General) Regulations, 2021
- The Data Protection (Registration of Data Controllers and Data Processors) Regulations
- The Declaration of Designated Countries
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Declaration of Export Processing Zones
- The Declaration of the National Government Entities (State Organs)
- The Defence Council Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Defence Forces Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Delegation of Powers
- The Delineation of Disaster Management Function, 2021
- The Delineation of the Cooperative Function
- The Designated Fishing Port (Liwatoni Fishing Port), 2019
- The Determination of Limit of Total Indebtedness
- The Dik Dik Gardens Wetland Conservation Area Order, 2021
- The Diplomatic Privileges (Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of the Sahara) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (Extension) Ordinance Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (Food and Agriculture Organisation) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (Inter-African Bureau of Animal Health) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (International Civil Aviation Organisation) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (International Labour Organisation) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (International Telecommunication Union) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (United Nations and International Court of Justice) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (Universal Postal Union) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (World Health Organisation) Order
- The Diplomatic Privileges (World Meteorological Organization) Order
- The Dock Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order, 2018
- The Double Taxation Relief (Canada) Notice, 1987
- The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank) (PTA Bank) Order
- The Eldoret National Polytechnic Order
- The Elections (General) Regulations
- The Elections (Parliamentary and County Elections) Petitions Rules, 2017
- The Elections (Party Primaries and Party Lists) Regulations
- The Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations, 2012
- The Elections (Technology) Regulations, 2017
- The Elections (Voter Education) Regulations
- The Electoral Commission Code of Conduct and Ethics for Local Authority Councillors
- The Electoral Commissioners’ Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Employment (General) Rules, 2014
- The Employment and Labour Relations Court (Procedure) Rules
- The Energy (Petroleum Pricing) (Revocation) Regulations, 2022
- The Energy (Reliability and Quality of Electrical Energy Supply and Service) Regulations, 2021
- The Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations
- The Environmental (Prevention of Pollution in Coastal Zone and Other Segments of The Environment) Regulation
- The Environmental Management (Lake Naivasha Management Plan) Order
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Air Quality) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Conservation of Biological Diversity and Resources, Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Controlled Substances) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Noise and Excessive Vibration Pollution) (Control) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Public Complaints Committee) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Waste Management) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Water Quality) Regulations
- The Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Wetlands, Riverbanks, Lake Shores and Sea Shore Management) Regulations
- The Establishment of Water Works Development Agencies
- The Estate Agents (Accountant's Certificate) Rules
- The Estate Agents (Accounts) Rules
- The Estate Agents (Deposit Interest) Rules
- The Estate Agents (Disciplinary Proceedings) (Procedure) Rules
- The Estate Agents (Forms and Fees) Rules
- The Estate Agents (Remuneration) Rules
- The Ethics Commission for Co-operative Societies Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Evidence (Out of Court Confessions) Rules
- The Excise Duty (Excisable Goods Management System) Regulations
- The Excise Duty (Remission of Excise Duty) Regulations
- The Excise Duty Regulations
- The Exemption Notices Under Section 13(2)
- The Explosives (Blasting Explosives) Rules
- The Export Procesing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Pocessing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones (Business Services) Regulations
- The Export Processing Zones (Fees) Regulations, 1994
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act - Revocation of Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Act-Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Export Processing Zones Act—Revocation of Declaration
- The Export Processing Zones Regulations, 1991
- The Extradition (Application of Part III)(Tanzania and Uganda) Order
- The Extradition (Australia) Order
- The Extradition (Contiguous and Foreign Countries)(Rwanda) Order
- The Extradition (Lesotho) Order
- The Extradition (Malawi) Order
- The Extradition (New Zealand) Order
- The Extradition (Papua New Guinea) Order
- The Extradition (Singapore) Order
- The Extradition (United Kingdom Dependent Territories) Order
- The Extradition (United Kingdom) Order
- The Extradition (Zambia) Order
- The Fees and Payments
- The Ferries (Vehicle Toll Charges) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Analysis) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Approved Animal Foodstuffs) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Approved Fertilizers) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Declaration and Warranty) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Importation and Use Of Meat And Bone Meal) (Prohibition) Regulations
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Packing Of Approved Animal Foodstuffs) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Packing Of Approved Fertilizers) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Records and Returns) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Sampling) Rules
- The Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Sterilization Of Bones) Rules
- The Films and Stage Plays (Cinematographic Films) (Forms and Fees) Regulations
- The Films and Stage Plays (Film Censorship) Regulations
- The Firearms Rules
- The Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances (Food Hygiene) Regulations
- The Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances (Food Hygiene) Regulations
- The Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances (Food Labelling, Additives and Standards) Regulations
- The Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances (General) Regulations
- The Foreign Judgements (Reciprocal Enforcement) Rules
- The Foreign Judgments(Reciprocal Enforcement)(Extension of Act) Order
- The Forest (Charcoal) Rules
- The Forests (Fees and Charges) Rules
- The Forests (Fees and Charges) Rules, 2016
- The Forests (Harvesting) Rules
- The Forests (Participation in Sustainable Forest Management) Rules
- The Geologists Registration Regulations
- The Government Contracts Act - Authorization
- The Guidelines on Corporate Governance Practices by Public Listed Companies in Kenya
- The Guidelines on the Approval and Registration of Credit Rating Agencies
- The Guidelines on the Election of Youth Representatives to the National Youth Council
- The HIV and Aids Tribunal Rules, 2022
- The Hide, Skin and Leather Trade (Cess) Rules
- The Hide, Skin and Leather Trade Rules
- The High Court (Admiralty) Rules
- The High Court (Organization and Administration) (General) Rules
- The High Court (Practice and Procedure) Rules
- The Hire-Purchase (Forms and Fees) Rules
- The Housing Fund Regulations
- The Human Resource Management Professionals (Registration and Training) Regulations
- The Importation (Malt and Malt Bags) (Trogoderma) Order
- The Importation Regulations (Zanzibar) Order
- The Income Tax (Advance Tax) (Conditions and Procedures) Rules
- The Income Tax (Appeals to the High Court) Rules, 1974
- The Income Tax (Charitable Donations) Regulations, 2007
- The Income Tax (Digital Service Tax) Regulations, 2020
- The Income Tax (Distraint) Rules, 1973
- The Income Tax (Financial Derivatives) Regulations
- The Income Tax (Home Ownership Savings Plan) Rules
- The Income Tax (Leasing) Rules, 2002
- The Income Tax (Local Committees) Rules
- The Income Tax (National Social Security Fund) (Exemption) Rules
- The Income Tax (P.A.Y.E) Rules
- The Income Tax (Prescribed Dwelling house) Rules, 1974
- The Income Tax (Registered Unit Trust/ Collective Investment Schemes) Rules
- The Income Tax (Residential Rental Income Tax) Regulations
- The Income Tax (Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1974
- The Income Tax (Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1992
- The Income Tax (Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1994
- The Income Tax (Set-Off Tax Rebate for Graduate Apprenticeships) Regulations, 2016
- The Income Tax (Transfer Pricing) Rules
- The Income Tax (Tribunal) Rules
- The Income Tax (Turnover Tax) Rules
- The Income Tax (Venture Capital Enterprise) Rules, 1997
- The Income Tax (Witholding Tax) Rules, 2001
- The Income Tax Act - Declaration
- The Income Tax Act - Direction
- The Income Tax Act - Exemption
- The Income Tax Act - Exemption
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- The Income Tax Act - Exemption
- The Income Tax Act - Exemption, 1994
- The Income Tax Act - Exemption, 1995
- The Income Tax Act - Exemption, 2008
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- The Income Tax Act — Exemption
- The Income Tax Act — Revocation of Exemption
- The Income Tax Act, 1973-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act, 1973-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act, 1973-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act, 1973-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act, 1973-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act, 1973-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act- Criteria for the Determination of Rebate
- The Income Tax Act- Declarations of Crops
- The Income Tax Act- Declarations of Crops
- The Income Tax Act- Declarations of Crops
- The Income Tax Act- Declarations of Crops
- The Income Tax Act- Declarations of Crops
- The Income Tax Act- Prescribed Limit of Medical Benefit
- The Income Tax Act- Revocation
- The Income Tax Act- Revocation
- The Income Tax Act- The Double Taxation Relief (Korea) Notice
- The Income Tax Act- The Double Taxation Relief (United Arab Emirates) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Kenya and the Government of the Republic of India for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes of Income
- The Income Tax Act-Declaration of Special Arrangements for Relief from Double Taxation
- The Income Tax Act-Declaration of Special Arrangements for Relief from Double Taxation
- The Income Tax Act-Double Taxation Relief (Iran) Notice, 2012
- The Income Tax Act-Double Taxation Relief (Mauritius) Notice, 2012
- The Income Tax Act-Double Taxation Relief (Rwanda, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-Double Taxation Relief (South Africa) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-Exemption
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- The Income Tax Act-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act-Exemption
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (Federal Republic of Germany) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (India) Notice, 1989
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (Italy) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (Kuwait) Notice, 2014
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (Netherlands) Notice, 2017
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (Qatar) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (Seychelles) Notice
- The Income Tax Act-The Double Taxation Relief (The United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Uganda) Notice, 1999
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Income Tax Act—Exemption
- The Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (Fund) Regulations
- The Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (Staff Car Loan Scheme) Regulations
- The Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (Staff Mortgage Scheme) Regulations
- The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Industrial Court (Procedure) Rules, 2010
- The Industrial Property Regulations
- The Industrial Property Tribunal Rules
- The Industrial Training (Banks and other Financial Institutions) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Building, Construction, Civil Engineering and Allied Industries)(Training Levy)(Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Chemical Manufacturing, General Processing and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order, 2007
- The Industrial Training (Commercial, Distributive and Allied Trades and Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (General and Motor Engineering, Transport and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Government Ministries, Commissions and Allied Services) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order, 2007
- The Industrial Training (Local Authorities and Allied Services) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order, 2007
- The Industrial Training (Medical and Health Service Providers and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Plantation, Agricultural, Ranching and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturing and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Research, Educational, Training and Allied Institutions) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Industrial Training (Saw Milling, Timber, Furniture and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order, 2007
- The Industrial Training (Textile and Allied Industries) (Training Levy) (Revocation) Order, 2007
- The Industrial Training (Trade Testing) Rules
- The Industrial Training (Trade Testing) Rules, 1977
- The Industrial Training (Training Levy) Order, 2007
- The Insolvency Regulations, 2016
- The Insurance (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism) Guidelines, 2020
- The Insurance (Capital Adequacy) Guidelines, 2017
- The Insurance (Group-Wide Supervision) Regulations
- The Insurance (Insurance Appeals Tribunal) Rules, 2013
- The Insurance (Investments Management) Guidelines
- The Insurance (Microinsurance) Regulations
- The Insurance (Motor Vehicles Third Party Risks) (Certificate of Insurance) Rules
- The Insurance (Policyholders' Compensation Fund) Regulations
- The Insurance (Statistics) Regulations
- The Insurance (Suitability of Key Persons) Regulations
- The Insurance (Valuation of Technical Provisions for General Insurance Business) Guidelines
- The Insurance (Valuation of Technical Provisions for Life Insurance Business) Guidelines, 2017
- The Insurance Act - Exemption
- The Insurance Act - Exemption
- The Insurance Act - Exemption, 2021
- The Insurance Act—Exemption
- The Insurance Regulations, 1986
- The Intergovernmental Relations (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Regulations, 2021
- The International Crimes (Procedures for Obtaining Evidence) Rules
- The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Order
- The Investment Promotion (Investment Registration and Certificates) Regulations, 2005
- The Judicial Service (Code of Conduct and Ethics) Regulations, 2020
- The Judicial Service (Tribunal to Investigate Justice Jackton Boma Ojwang) Rules of Procedure
- The Judicial Service Commission Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Judiciary Fund Regulations
- The Kabeere Springs Catchment Protection Area Order
- The Kabete National Polytechnic Order
- The Kadhis' Courts (Procedure and Practice) Rules
- The Kadhis' Courts Order
- The Kajulu Hills Catchment Protection Area Order
- The Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Order
- The Kenya Airline Pilots Association (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Airports Authority (Vesting) Order
- The Kenya Airports Authority Concession Order
- The Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003
- The Kenya Aviation Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Aviation Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2016
- The Kenya Aviation Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (Fees) Rules
- The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (Licensing) Rules
- The Kenya Building, Construction, Timber and Furniture Industries Employees Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Chemical Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 2) Order
- The Kenya Chemical Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Chemical Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Chemical Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Chemical Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Chemical Workers Union (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Citizen and Foreign Nationals Management Service (Charges for use of Information from the Register) Regulations
- The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Regulations, 2012
- The Kenya Coast National Polytechnic Order
- The Kenya Communication Regulations, 2001
- The Kenya Communications (Appeals) Rules
- The Kenya Concrete, Structural Ceramics, Tiles Wood Ply and Interior Designs Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Concrete, Structural Ceramics, Tiles Wood Ply and Interior Designs Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Concrete, Structural, Ceramic Tiles, Woodply and Interior Design Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) order, 2014
- The Kenya Concrete, Structural, Ceramics Tiles, Wood Ply and Interior Designs Workers Union (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Active Service Punishment) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Application) Order
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Board of Inquiry) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Commissioning of Officers) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Constabulary) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Execution of Sentence of Death) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (General) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Imprisonment) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Internal Grievances Mechanism) Rules
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Missing Persons) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Pensions and Gratuities) (Officers and Service Members) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Pensions and Gratuities) (Officers and Service Members) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces (Retired Officers and Service Members) Regulations
- The Kenya Defence Forces Rules of Procedure
- The Kenya Deposit Insurance Regulations
- The Kenya Development Corporation Limited (Vesting) Order
- The Kenya Export Floriculture, Horticulture and Allied Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency Order
- The Kenya Glass Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Glass Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Highlands University Charter, 2011
- The Kenya Hotels and Allied Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Independent Commissions Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Information and Communication (Transitional Provisions) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Broadcasting) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Compliance Monitoring, Inspections and Enforcement) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Consumer Protection) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Dispute Resolution) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Electronic Certification and Domain Name Administration) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Fair Competition and Equality of Treatment) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Interconnection and Provision of Fixed Links, Access and Facilities) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Licensing and Quality of Service) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Numbering) Regulations, 2010
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Postal and Courier Services) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Radio Communications and Frequency Spectrum) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Registration of Sim-Cards) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Registration of Subscribers of Telecommunications Services) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Tariff) Regulations
- The Kenya Information and Communications (Universal Access and Service) Regulations
- The Kenya Institute of Primate Research Order
- The Kenya Land Law Examination Fees
- The Kenya Meat Commission (Grading) Regulations
- The Kenya Meat Commission (Inspectors) Regulations
- The Kenya Meat Commission Act- Nairobi Abbatoir
- The Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists (Fees) Regulations
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order, 2022
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order, 2022
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order, 2022
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order, 2022
- The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union Deduction of Union Dues Order, 2018
- The Kenya Medical Research Institute Order
- The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights Procedures for Administration of Part IV of the Public Officers Ethics Act
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Conduct of Examination) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Confirmation of Examination Results and Issuance of Replacement Certificates) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Equation of Certificates) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Examination Fees and other Charges) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Handling of Examination Irregularities) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Management of Examination) Rules
- The Kenya National Examinations Council (Marking of Examinations, Release of Results and Certification) Rules
- The Kenya National Library Service Board (Membership, Registration, Subscription and Fees) Regulations
- The Kenya National Private Security Workers Union (Collection of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya National Private Security Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) (No. 2) Order
- The Kenya National Private Security Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya National Qualifications Framework Regulations
- The Kenya National Union of Breakdowns Recovery, Commuters and Freight Agency Workers (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya National Union of Medical Laboratory Officers (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya National Union of Nurses (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 2) Order
- The Kenya National Union of Nurses (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya National Union of Nurses (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union (Collection of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 5) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 2) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 3) Order
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 4) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No.6) Order
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Ports Authority (Amalgamation) Order
- The Kenya Ports Authority (Approved Special Retirement Scheme) (Pensions) (Cessation of Application) Regulations
- The Kenya Ports Authority (Pensions) (Cessation of Application) Regulations
- The Kenya Ports Authority (Pensions) (Increase) Regulations
- The Kenya Ports Authority Retirement Benefits Scheme Regulations
- The Kenya Post Office Savings Bank (Pensions) Regulations
- The Kenya Post Office Savings Bank (Provident Fund) Regulations
- The Kenya Private Universities Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Quarry and Mine Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 2) Order
- The Kenya Quarry and Mine Workers Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Revenue Authority (Tax Agents) Regulations
- The Kenya Roads (Kenya National Highways Authority (Vesting) Order
- The Kenya Roads (Kenya National Highways Authority) Regulations
- The Kenya Roads (Kenya Rural Roads Authority) (Vesting) Order
- The Kenya Roads (Kenya Urban Roads Authority) (Vesting) Order
- The Kenya Roads Board (General) Rules
- The Kenya School of Law (Training Programmes) Regulations
- The Kenya School of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Order
- The Kenya Scientific Research International, Technical and Institutions Workers’ (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Shipping , Clearing, Freight Logistics and Warehouse Workers Union (Collections of Union Dues) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Technical Trainers College Order
- The Kenya Trade Network Agency Order—Revocation of User Fees of Kenya National Electronic Single System
- The Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied Workers (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order, 2022
- The Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions and Hospital Workers (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Employees of Polytechnics, Colleges and Allied Institutions (Deduction Of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Hair and Beauty Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Union of Judiciary Workers (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Nutritionists and Dieticians (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Pre-Primary Education Teachers (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Road Contractors and Civil Engineering Workers (Collection of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Secondary Schools Non-Teaching Staff (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers Deduction of Union Dues Order, 2018
- The Kenya Union of Sugar Plantation Workers (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Kenya Union of Water and Sewerage Employees (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order
- The Kenya Union of Water and Sewerage Employees (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The Kenya Universities Staff Union (Collection of Union Dues) Order, 2019
- The Kenya Universities Staff Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order, 2021
- The Kenya Universities Staff Union (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order, 2021
- The Kenyatta National Hospital Board Order
- The Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital Order, 2019
- The Kikuyu Springs Aquifer Groundwater Conservation Area Management Order
- The Kisii National Polytechnic Order
- The Kisii University Statutes
- The Kisumu National Polytechnic Order
- The Kitale National Polytechnic Order
- The Koitalel Samoei University College Order, 2018
- The Labour Institutions (Building and Construction Industry) (Wages) Order, 2012
- The Labour Institutions (General) Regulations
- The Labour Institutions (Registration Fees) Regulations, 2015
- The Labour Relations (Accounts) Regulations
- The Labour Relations (General) Regulations, 2014
- The Labour Relations (Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers) (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Labour lnstitutions (Private Employment Agencies) Regulations, 2016
- The Laikipia University Statutes
- The Lake Kenyatta Sub Catchment Conservation Area Order
- The Land (Allocation of Public Land) Regulations, 2017
- The Land (Assessment of Just Compensation) Rules
- The Land (Conversion of Land) Rules, 2017
- The Land (Extension and Renewal of Leases) Rules
- The Land (Perpetual Succession) Regulations, 1976
- The Land Adjudication (Application) Order, 2019
- The Land Adjudication Regulations
- The Land Control Regulations
- The Land Registration (Forms) (No. 2) Regulations
- The Land Registration (Forms) Regulations
- The Land Registration (General) Regulations
- The Land Registration (Registration Units) Order
- The Land Regulations
- The Landlord and Tenant (Shops, Hotels and Catering Establishments) (Rent Book Form) Regulations
- The Landlord and Tenant (Shops, Hotels and Catering Establishments) (Tribunal) (Forms and Procedure) Regulations
- The Law Society of Kenya (General) Regulations
- The Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order
- The Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order
- The Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order
- The Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order
- The Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order,
- The Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order, 1974
- The Leadership and Integrity Regulations
- The Legal Aid (General) Regulations
- The Legal Aid (General) Regulations, 2021
- The Legal Aid (General) Regulations, 2020
- The Legal Aid Code of Conduct for Accredited Legal Aid Providers
- The Legal Aid Code of Conduct for Accredited Legal Aid Providers, 2019
- The Legal Education (Accreditation and Quality Assurance) Regulations
- The Legal Education (Accreditation and Quality Assurance) Regulations
- The Licensed Surveyors Code of Professional Conduct, 1997
- The Limited Liability Partnership (Registration) Rules
- The Limited Liability Partnership Regulations
- The Local Authority Transfer Fund Regulations
- The Local Government (Valuation and Rating) (Charges for Rates) Regulations
- The Loyangalani Desert Museum (Admission Fees) Rules
- The Magistrate's Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction of Magistrate's Courts of the Third Class) Order, 1967
- The Mama Ngina University College Order
- The Manguo Swamp Groundwater Conservation Area Order
- The Marriage (Customary Marriage) Rules
- The Marriage (General) Rules, 2014
- The Marriage (Hindu Marriage) Rules
- The Marriage (Matrimonial Proceedings) Rules, 2020
- The Marriage (Muslim Marriage) Rules
- The Marura (Ewaso Narok) Swamp Catchment Protection Area Order
- The Matatu Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order, 2018
- The Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital Order
- The Matrimonial Property Rules
- The Meat Control (Export Slaughterhouse) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Export Slaughterhouses) (Licensing) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Importation of Meat and Meat Products) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Inspection Fees) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Local Slaughterhouses) (Licensing) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Local Slaughterhouses) (Revocation) Regulations, 2007
- The Meat Control (Local Slaughterhouses) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Poultry Meat Inspection) Regulations
- The Meat Control (Transport of Meat) Regulations
- The Meat Control Act—Declaration
- The Medical Laboratory (Equipment and Reagents Validation) Regulations
- The Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists (Curriculum and Course Content) Regulations
- The Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists (Election) Regulations
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Continuing Professional Development) Regulations
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Disciplinary Proceedings) (Procedure) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Election of Members of the Board) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Fitness to Practise) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Forms and Fees) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Inspections and Licensing) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Medical Camp) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Medical Institutions) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Mental Health Treatment and Rehabilitation Institutions) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Practitioners and Health Facilities) (Advertising) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Private Practice) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Professional Fees) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Referral of Patients Abroad) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Registration, Licensing, Assessment and Internship) Rules -Approved Institution
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Registration, Licensing, Assessment and Internship) Rules -Recognition of Institutions for Internship Training
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Registration, Licensing, Assessment and Internship) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Registration, Licensing, Assessment and Internship) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Training, Assessment and Registration) Rules
- The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Training, Assessment, and Registration) Rules
- The Mental Health Act (Board Meetings) Regulations, 2000
- The Merchant Shipping (Application of Safety Convention, 1974) Order
- The Merchant Shipping (Co-operation with Search and Rescue Services) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (International Safety Management (ISM) Code) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Kenyan Seafarers’ Identity Document) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Licensing of Vessels) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Marine Casualty Reporting and Investigation) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Maritime Security) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Maritime Service Providers) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Safe Manning) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Occupational Safety) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Radiocommunications) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Safe Manning) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Medical Examination and Certification) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Ship Identification Number) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Small Vessel Safety) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Survey and Certification) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification, Watchkeeping and Safe-Manning) Regulations
- The Merchant Shipping Act, 1967—Appointment of Receivers of Wreck
- The Merchant Shipping Act, 1967—Appointment of Receivers of Wreck
- The Merchant Shipping Act, 1967—Appointment of Registrar of Ships
- The Merchant Shipping Act, 1967—Delegation of Powers
- The Merchant Shipping Act-Declaration of a Body Corporate Qualified to Own a Kenya Ship
- The Meru National Polytechnic Order
- The Meru University College of Science & Technology Order
- The Methylated Spirits (Export Exemption) Rules
- The Methylated Spirits Rules
- The Microfinance (Categorization of Deposit-Taking Microfinance Institutions) Regulations
- The Microfinance (Deposit Taking Microfinance Deposit Protection Fund) Regulations, 2009
- The Microfinance (Deposit-Taking Microfinance Institutions Administrative Sanctions and Penalties) Regulations
- The Microfinance (Deposit-Taking Microfinance Institutions) Regulations, 2008
- The Minimum Safe Manning Regulations
- The Mining (Award of Mineral Rights by Tender) Regulations
- The Mining (Community Development Agreement) Regulations
- The Mining (Dealings in Minerals) Regulations
- The Mining (Employment and Training) Regulations
- The Mining (Licence and Permit) Regulations
- The Mining (Mine Support Services) Regulations
- The Mining (National Mining Corporation) Regulations
- The Mining (Reporting of Mineral Related Activities) Regulations
- The Mining (State Participation) Regulations
- The Mining (Strategic Minerals) Regulations
- The Mining (Use of Assets) Regulations
- The Mining (Use of Local Goods and Services) Regulations
- The Mining (Use of Local Goods and Services) Regulations
- The Mining (Work Programmes and Exploration Reports) Guidelines
- The Miscellaneous Fees and Levies (Forms) Regulations
- The Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital Board Order, 1998
- The Moi University Charter
- The Mombasa Municipal Council (Rating of Added Areas) Regulations
- The Money Remittance Regulations, 2013
- The Motor Vehicle Components and Accessories Rules
- The Mount Kenya University Charter
- The Movable Property Security Rights (General) Regulations
- The Municipal Council of Kisumu (Designated Parking Places) By-laws
- The Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (Arbitration) Rules
- The Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (Mediation) Rules, 2015
- The Nairobi International Financial Centre (General) Regulations, 2021
- The Nairobi Metropolitan Area Transport Authority Order
- The Naivasha Area Council (Omnibus Terminus) By-laws
- The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control)(Restraint and Forfeiture) Regulations
- The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control)(Seizure, Analysis and Disposal) Regulations, 2006
- The Narok University College Order
- The National Assembly Constituencies and County Assembly Wards Order
- The National Cereals and Produce Board (Exportation of Maize Products) Regulations
- The National Cereals and Produce Board (Exportation of Maize) Regulations
- The National Cereals and Produce Board (Fees, Licences and Permits) Regulations, 1989
- The National Cereals and Produce Board (Grading of Wheat) Regulations
- The National Cereals and Produce Board (Importation of Maize) Regulations
- The National Cereals and Produce Board (Movement of Maize, Wheat and Scheduled Agricultural Produce) Regulations
- The National Cereals and Produce Board Regulations
- The National Construction Appeals Board Rules
- The National Construction Authority (Defects Liability) Regulations
- The National Construction Authority Regulations, 2014
- The National Defence University-Kenya Charter
- The National Environmental Tribunal Procedure Rules
- The National Environmental Tribunal Procedure Rules
- The National Flag, Emblems and Names (Flying of the National Flag and Displaying of Armorial Ensigns) Regulations
- The National Flag, Emblems and Names Act - Grant of Permission
- The National Gender and Equality Commission (Complaints Handling Procedure) Regulations
- The National Government Constituencies Development Fund Regulations
- The National Health Insurance Fund (Standard and Special Contributions) Regulations
- The National Health Insurance Fund (Voluntary Contributions) Regulations
- The National Hospital Insurance Fund (Accreditation) Regulations, 2003
- The National Hospital Insurance Fund (Claims and Benefits) Regulations, 2003
- The National Hospital Insurance Fund (Standard and Special Contributions) Regulations, 2003
- The National Intelligence and Research University College Order
- The National Land Commission (Investigation of Historical Land Injustices) Regulations
- The National Land Commission (Review of Grants and Dispositions of Public Land) Regulations, 2017
- The National Livestock Development and Promotion Service Order
- The National Museums (Open Spaces and Areas of National Heritage) (Protection and Management) Rules
- The National Museums and Heritage (Admission Fees) Regulations
- The National Museums and Heritage (Antiquities Dealers) (Licensing) Rules
- The National Museums and Heritage (Exploration Licenses and Export Permits) Rules
- The National Museums and Heritage (Private Museums) (Licensing) Regulations
- The National Payment System Regulations
- The National Police Service (Certification of Appointment) Regulations
- The National Police Service (Vetting) Regulations
- The National Police Service Commission (Discipline) Regulations
- The National Police Service Commission (Promotions) Regulations,2015
- The National Police Service Commission (Recruitment and Appointment) Regulations,2015
- The National Police Service Commission (Transfers and Deployments) Regulations
- The National Police Service Standing Orders
- The National Security Intelligence Service Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The National Security Intelligence Service Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The National Social Security Fund (Claims and Payments for the Pensions Fund Benefits)Regulations
- The National Social Security Fund (Claims and Payments for the Provident Fund Scheme) Regulations
- The National Social Security Fund (Contracting Out by Employers) Regulations
- The National Social Security Fund (Mandatory Registration) Regulations
- The National Social Security Fund (Member Contributions) Regulations
- The National Social Security Fund (Voluntary Registration) Regulations
- The National Transport and Safety Authority (Operation of Commercial Vehicles) Regulations, 2018
- The National Transport and Safety Authority (Operation of Motorcycles) Regulations, 2015
- The National Transport and Safety Authority (Operation of Public Service Vehicles) Regulations, 2014
- The National Transport and Safety Authority (Operation of Tourist Service Vehicles) Regulations, 2015
- The National Youth Council (Election of Certain Council Members) Regulations, 2021
- The National Youth Service (Board of Inquiry) Regulations
- The National Youth Service (Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations
- The National Youth Service (Disposal of Uniforms and Decorations) Regulations
- The National Youth Service (Limitation of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms) Regulations
- The National Youth Service (Missing Officers) Regulations
- The National Youth Service (Stakeholder Engagement) Regulations
- The Ngarelen Springs Catchment Conservation Area Order, 2021
- The Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Regulations
- The Non-Governmental Organizations Council Code of Conduct, 1995
- The North Eastern National Polytechnic Order, 2016
- The Nurses (Accreditation of Training Courses) Regulations, 2013
- The Nurses (Licensing) Regulations, 1985
- The Nurses (Nominations and Elections to the Council) Regulations
- The Nurses (Nursing Commodities) Regulations, 2012
- The Nurses (Private Practice) Regulations, 2013
- The Nutritionists and Dieticians (Entry Requirements) (Training Institutions) Regulations, 2019
- The Nutritionists and Dieticians (Training Institutions) (Fees) Regulations
- The Nyandarua National Polytechnic Order
- The Nyeri National Polytechnic Order, 2016
- The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (Appointment of Public Prosecutors) Regulations
- The Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Partnerships (Limited Partnerships) Regulations, 2021
- The Persons with Disabilities (Access to Employment, Services and Facilities) Regulations
- The Persons with Disabilities (Cost, Care, Support and Maintenance) Regulations, 2009
- The Persons with Disabilities (Income Tax Deductions and Exemptions) Order
- The Persons with Disabilities (National Development Fund for Persons with Disabilities) (Conduct of Business and Affairs of the Board of Trustees) Regulations, 2009
- The Persons with Disabilities (Registration) Regulations
- The Pest Control Products (Disposal) Regulations
- The Pest Control Products (Importation and Exportation) Regulations
- The Pest Control Products (Labelling, Advertising and Packaging) Regulations
- The Pest Control Products (Licence Fees and Other Charges) Regulations, 2006
- The Pest Control Products (Licensing of Premises) Regulations, 1984
- The Pest Control Products (Registration) Regulations
- The Petroleum (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Regulations, 2019
- The Petroleum (Pricing) Regulations, 2022
- The Petroleum Development Levy Order
- The Petroleum Development Levy Order, 2020
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Conduct of Clinical Trials) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Conduct of Inquiries) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Control of Drugs) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Parallel Imported Medicinal substances) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Pharmaceutical Waste Management) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Pharmacovigilance and Post Market Surveillance) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Prohibited Medicines) Order
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Prohibited Medicines) Order
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Prohibited Medicines) Order
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Registration of Drugs) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Registration of Health Products and Technologies) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Sale of Mepacrine) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons (Transportation of Pharmaceuticals) Rules
- The Pharmacy and Poisons Rules
- The Physical Planners (Forms and Fees) Rules, 1998
- The Physical Planners (Professional Misconduct) (Procedure) Rules, 1998
- The Physical Planners (Registration Procedure) Rules
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Building) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Classification of Strategic National or Inter-County Projects) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (County Physical and Land Use Development Plan) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Development Control Enforcement) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (General Development Permission and Control) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Institutions) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Inter-County Physical and Land Use Development) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Liaison Committees) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Outsourcing of Professional Services) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Planning Fees) Regulations
- The Physical and Land Use Planning (Special Planning Area) Regulations
- The Physiotherapists (Registration and Licensing) Rules, 2017
- The Plant Protection (Fees and Charges) Rules
- The Plant Protection (Fines) Rules
- The Plant Protection (Importation of Plants, Plant Products and Regulated Articles) Rules
- The Plant Protection (Importation of Timber) Order
- The Plant Protection (Potatoes) Rules 1967
- The Plant Protection (Tobacco) Rules, 1941
- The Plant Protection Act- Order
- The Plant Protection Order
- The Plant Protection Rules
- The Poisons List (Confirmation) Order
- The Political Parties (Funding) Regulations, 2019
- The Political Parties (Membership) Regulations.
- The Political Parties (Registration) Regulations
- The Political Parties (Staff Mortgage and Car Loan Scheme) Regulations, 2017
- The Political Parties Disputes Tribunal (Procedure) Regulations, 2017
- The Postal Corporation of Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2014
- The Power of Mercy Committee (Procedure) Regulations
- The Powers and Privileges Committee Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Preferential Trade Area (Motor Vehicles Third Party Risks) Rules
- The Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization Order
- The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Transport of Animals) Regulations
- The Prevention of Terrorism (Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Suppression of Terrorism) Regulations
- The Prevention of Terrorism (Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Suppression of Terrorism) Regulations, 2013
- The Price Control (Essential Goods) (Sifted White Maize Meal) Order
- The Prisons (Kenya Prisons Representative Association) Rules
- The Prisons (Prisons Council) Rules
- The Prisons Rules
- The Private Security (General) Regulations
- The Private Security Regulation (Procedure for Appointment of Members of the Board) Regulations, 2017
- The Private Security Regulation (Procedure for Appointment of Members of the Board) Regulations, 2017
- The Privatization (Privatization Commission) (Oath of Secrecy) Regulations
- The Privileges (African Seed Trade Association) Order
- The Privileges (New Partnership For African Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) Order
- The Privileges (The World Vision International) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Africa Capacity Building Foundation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Airlines Association) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Centre for Technology Studies) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Economic Research Consortium) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Housing Fund) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Institute for Capacity Development) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Institute for Remittances) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Regional Organization for Standardization) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Reinsurance Corporation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Social Studies Programme) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Union Commission) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (African Union of the Blind) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Aga Khan Development Network) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Agence Francaise De Development) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (All Africa Conference of Churches) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (COMESA Monetary Institute) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (C.A.B.I.) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (China-Africa Development Fund) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Church World Service) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Columbia Global Center in Eastern and Southern Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Commonwealth Secretariat) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (East African Development Bank) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Eastern Africa Standby Brigade Co-ordination Mechanism (EASBRICOM)) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Eastern and Southern African Trade Development Bank) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Inter-Governmental Authority on Development) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Inter-Governmental Standing Committee on Shipping) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Centre for Tropical Agriculture) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Committee of the Red Cross) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Criminal Court) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Criminal Police Organization Sub-Regional Bureau For Eastern Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Fertilizer Development Centre) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Organization for Migration) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Planned Parenthood Federation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Red Locust Control Organization for Central Africa and Southern Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (International Rescue Committee) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Japan International Co-operation Agency) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Lake Victoria Basin Commission) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Lutheran World Federation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Mastercard Foundation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Medecins Sans Frontieres) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Network for African National Human Rights Institutions) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Norwegian Refugee Council) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (PTA Reinsurance Company (ZEP- RE)) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Pan African Federation of Film Makers) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Pan African News Agency) (Panapress) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Partnership for Economic Policy) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Regional Centre for Services in Surveying and Mapping) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Regional Disaster Management Centre of Excellence) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Rockefeller Foundation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (SNV Netherlands Development Organization) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (SOS-Kinderdorf International (SOS) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Shelter-Afrique) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The African Association for Public Administration and Management) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The African Population Advisory Council (APAC)) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The African Trade Insurance Agency) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The African Virtual University (AVU) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The African Wildlife Foundation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The Association of Evangelicals in Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS)) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The Eastern and Southern African Management Institute) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The International Co-operative Alliance) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Trade Mark East Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Union of Radio and Television Network of Africa) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (United Nations Environment Programme) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (World Customs Organisation) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (World Organization for Animal Health) (OIE)) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (World Organization of the Scout Movement) Order
- The Privileges and Immunities (Worldwide Fund for Nature) Order
- The Probate and Administration Rules
- The Probation of Offenders Act - Proclamation
- The Probation of Offenders Act- Jurisdiction of African Courts, 1956
- The Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Regulations
- The Protected Areas (Energy Sector) Order, 2022
- The Protected Areas (Kisii State Lodge) Order, 2020
- The Protected Areas (No. 2) Order, 2013
- The Protected Areas Order
- The Protected Areas Order, 2007
- The Protected Areas Order, 2011
- The Protected Areas Order, 2013
- The Protected Areas Order, 2015
- The Protected Areas Order, 2015
- The Protected Areas Order, 2019
- The Protected Areas Order, 2019
- The Protected Areas Order, 2022
- The Protected Areas Order, 2022
- The Protection Against Domestic Violence Rules, 2020
- The Public Archives (Advisory Council) Regulations, 1966
- The Public Archives and Documentation (Public Access to Public Archives) Order
- The Public Collections Regulations
- The Public Finance (Parliamentary Mortgage (Staff) Scheme Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (African Union and other International Organisations Subscription Fund) Regulations, 2017
- The Public Finance Management (Biashara Kenya Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Coffee Cherry Advance Revolving Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Credit Guarantee Scheme) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Equalization Fund Administration) Regulations, 2021
- The Public Finance Management (Financial Inclusion Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (National Drought Emergency Fund) Regulations, 2021
- The Public Finance Management (National Drought Emergency Fund) Regulations, 2021
- The Public Finance Management (National Government Affirmative Action Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (National Government) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (National Peace Support Operations Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (National Roads Toll Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Parliamentary Car Loan (Members) Scheme Fund) Regulations, 2013
- The Public Finance Management (Parliamentary Car Loan (Staff) Scheme Fund) Regulations, 2013
- The Public Finance Management (Parliamentary Catering Fund) Regulations, 2019
- The Public Finance Management (Parliamentary Mortgage (Members) Scheme Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Roads Annuity Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Senate Monitoring and Evaluation) (Revocation) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Senate Monitoring and Evaluation) Regulations, 2018
- The Public Finance Management (Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund) Regulations, 2018
- The Public Finance Management (State Officers House Mortgage Scheme Fund) Regulations, 2015
- The Public Finance Management (State Officers and Public Officers Motor Car Loan Scheme Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (State Officers and Public Officers Motor Car Loan Scheme Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Strategic Food Reserve Trust Fund) (Revocation) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Tourism Promotion Fund) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Tourism Promotion Fund) Regulations, 2019
- The Public Finance Management (Uwezo Fund) (Revocation) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Women Enterprise Fund) (Revocation) Regulations, 2019
- The Public Finance Management (Youth Enterprise Development Fund) (Revocation) Regulations
- The Public Finance Management (Youth Enterprise Development Fund) (Revocation) Regulations, 2019
- The Public Health (COVID-19 General Public Safety) Rules
- The Public Health (COVID-19 Indoor Meetings) Rules
- The Public Health (Covid-19 Operation of Public Service Vehicles) Rules
- The Public Health (Covid-19 Sale of Alcoholic Drinks) Rules
- The Public Health (Declaration of Formidable Epidemic Disease) Order
- The Public Health (Fees) Rules
- The Public Health (Introduction of Persons and Things by Aircraft) Order
- The Public Health (Port, Airport and Frontier Health) Rules
- The Public Health Officers (Fees and Rates) Regulations
- The Public Officer Ethics (Management, Verification and Access to Financial Declarations) Regulations, 2011
- The Public Officer Ethics Regulations
- The Public Order (Banning of Political Uniforms) Order
- The Public Order (Curfew) (Mandera County) Extension Order, 2017
- The Public Order (Curfew) (Mandera County) Order, 2016
- The Public Order (Curfew) (Mandera, Wajir, Garissa and Tana River Counties) Order, 2015
- The Public Order (Curfew) (Tana River, Tana North and Tana Delta Districts) Order, 2012
- The Public Order (Notification of Public Meetings and Processions) Regulations
- The Public Order (State Curfew) Order, 2020
- The Public Order Act - Extension of The Public Order (Curfew) (Cheptais Sub-County) Order, 2018
- The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020
- The Public Procurement and Disposal (Preference and Reservations) Regulations
- The Public Security (Armed Forces) Order
- The Public Security (Armed Forces) Regulations
- The Public Security (Control of Movement) Regulations
- The Public Security (Detained and Restricted Persons) Regulations
- The Public Security (Detained and Restricted Persons) Rules
- The Public Security (Meru) Regulations
- The Public Service Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Public Service Commission (Performance Management) Regulations
- The Public Service Commission Delegation of Powers and Functions under Parts IV and V of the Act
- The Public Service Commission Procedure for Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Public Service Commissioners’ Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Public Service Regulations, 2020
- The Public Transport Operators Union (Deduction of Union Dues), Order, 2014
- The Public Transport Operators Union (Deduction of Union Dues), Order, 2014
- The Public Trustee Rules
- The Public Universities Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Quality Inspection Of Imports Order
- The Railway City Development Authority Order
- The Railways Workers Union (K) (Deduction of Agency Fee) Order
- The Rating (Exemption of Charitable Institutions from the Payment of Rates) Rules
- The Records Disposal (Courts) Rules
- The Registrar of Companies (Forms) Rules
- The Registration of Business Names Rules
- The Registration of Documents (Change of Name) Regulations
- The Registration of Documents (Fees) Regulations
- The Registration of Documents (Forms) Rules
- The Registration of Persons (National Integrated Identity Management System) Rules
- The Registration of Persons Rules, 1948
- The Regulation of Wages (Agricultural Industry) Order, 1982
- The Regulation of Wages (General) Order, 1982
- The Rent Restriction Regulations, 1966
- The Resealing of Foreign Grants
- The Retirement (Administrators) Regulations, 2007
- The Retirement Benefits (Extension of Period Compliance)(Revocation of Notice), 2003
- The Retirement Benefits (Extension of Time of Compliance) Order, 2004
- The Retirement Benefits (Forms and Fees) Regulations, 2000
- The Retirement Benefits (Good Governance, Practices in the Management of Retirement Benefits Schemes) Guidelines, 2018
- The Retirement Benefits (Individual Retirement Benefits Schemes) Regulations, 2000
- The Retirement Benefits (Managers and Custodians) Regulations, 2000
- The Retirement Benefits (Minimum Funding Level and Winding-up of Schemes) Regulations, 2000
- The Retirement Benefits (Mortgage Loans) Regulations
- The Retirement Benefits (National Social Security Fund) Exemption
- The Retirement Benefits (Occupational Retirement Benefits Schemes) Regulations
- The Retirement Benefits (Post Retirement Medical Fund) Guidelines
- The Retirement Benefits (Transitional) Regulations
- The Retirement Benefits (Treating Fairly) Guidelines
- The Retirement Benefits (Tribunal) Rules, 2000
- The Retirement Benefits (Umbrella Retirement Benefits Schemes) Regulations
- The Revision of the Laws No. 2 Order, 1979
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order
- The Revision of the Laws Order (No. 1), 1983
- The Revision of the Laws Order (No. 1), 1992
- The Revision of the Laws Order (No. 2), 1983
- The Revision of the Laws Order (No. 2), 1992
- The Revision of the Laws Order (No.1), 1979
- The Revision of the Laws Order, 1981
- The Revision of the Laws Order, 1986
- The Revision of the Laws Order, 1990
- The Revision of the Laws Order, 1991
- The Revocation of Declaration
- The Revocation of Declaration
- The Revocation of Declaration of Export Processing Zone
- The Rift Valley Railways Workers Union (Deduction of Union Dues), Order
- The Road Maintenance Levy Fund (Imposition of Levy) Order, 2006
- The Rules of Procedure on Settlement of Disputes
- The Sacco Societies (Deposit-taking Sacco Business) Regulations
- The Sacco Societies (Non-Deposit-Taking Business) Regulations, 2020
- The Sacco Societies Deposit Levy Order
- The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (Remuneration and Benefits of State and Public Officers) Regulations
- The Science, Technology and Innovation (Registration and Accreditation of Research Institutions) Regulations
- The Science, Technology and Innovation (Relevance and Quality Assurance in Research) Regulations
- The Science, Technology and Innovation (Research Licensing) Regulations
- The Scrap Metal Dealers Rules
- The Sectional Properties Regulations, 2021
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (National Index of Plant Varieties) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Fruit, Nut and Tree Crops Scheme) Regulations, 2001
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Maize Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Oil and Fibre Crops Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Ornamental and Herbaceous Plants Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Other Cereals Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Pasture Plants and Grasses Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Pulses Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Root and Tuber Crops Scheme) Regulation
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Trees and Woody Climbers Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) (Vegetables Scheme) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Plant Breeder's Rights) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Seeds) Regulations
- The Seeds and Plant Varieties (Variety Evaluation and Release) Regulations
- The Sexual Offences (Dangerous Offenders DNA Data Bank) Regulations, 2008
- The Sexual Offences (Medical Treatment) Regulations, 2012
- The Sexual Offences Regulations, 2008
- The Sexual Offences Rules of Court
- The Sigalagala National Polytechnic Order, 2016
- The Small Claims Court Code of Conduct for Adjudicators
- The Small Claims Court Rules
- The Societies Rules
- The South Eastern University College Order
- The Special Economic Zones Act — Declaration
- The Special Economic Zones Regulations, 2016
- The Sports Disputes Tribunal Rules, 2022
- The Sports Registrar Regulations
- The Stamp Duty (Valuation of Immovable Property) Regulations
- The Stamp Duty Act - Exemption
- The Stamp Duty Regulations
- The Standardization Marks (Permits and Fees) Regulations
- The Standards (Evidence by Certificate) Regulations
- The Standards (Kenya Accreditation Service) Regulations
- The Standards (No. 1) Order, 2001
- The Standards (No. 2) Order
- The Standards (No. 2) Order
- The Standards (No. 2) Order
- The Standards (No. 2) Order
- The Standards (No. 2) Order, 1986
- The Standards (No. 3) Order, 1986
- The Standards (Quality Inspection of Imports) Regulations
- The Standards (Verification of Conformity to Standards and other Applicable Regulations) Order
- The Standards Act - Calibration
- The Standards Act- The Standards Order, 1984
- The Standards Act-The Standards Order
- The Standards Act-The Standards Order, 1982
- The Standards Levy Order, 1990
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Order
- The Standards Tribunal (Practice and Procedure) Rules
- The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations
- The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations
- The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations
- The Sugar (Imposition of Levy) (Revocation) Order
- The Supplies Practitioners Management (Council Election) Regulations
- The Supplies Practitioners Management (Discipline) Regulations, 2015
- The Supreme Court (General) Practice Directions
- The Supreme Court (Presidential Election Petition) Rules, 2017
- The Supreme Court Rules
- The Survey (Electronic Cadastre Transactions) Regulations
- The Survey Regulations
- The Task Force on Co-orperative Enforcement Operations Directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora Order
- The Tax Appeals Tribunal (Appeals to The High Court) Rules
- The Tax Appeals Tribunal (Procedure) Rules
- The Tax Procedures (Settlement of Tax Disputes Out of Court or Tribunal) Regulations
- The Tax Procedures (Tax Agents) Regulations
- The Tax Procedures (Tax Agents) Regulations, 2018
- The Tax Procedures (Unassembled Motor Vehicles and Trailers) Regulations, 2019
- The Tax Procedures (Unassembled Motorcycles) Regulations
- The Tea (Ad Valorem Levy) (Revocation) Regulations
- The Teachers Service Commission (Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers) Regulations
- The Teachers Service Commission Code of Conduct and Ethics
- The Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers
- The Teachers Service Commission Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Teachers Service Commissioners’ Code of Conduct and Ethics, 2003
- The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Regulations
- The Tobacco Control Regulations, 2014
- The Tourism Fund Regulations
- The Tourism Levy Order, 2015
- The Tourism Regulatory Authority Regulations, 2014
- The Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules
- The Trade Marks Rules
- The Trade Unions Elections (Election Petition) Rules
- The Traffic (Breathylser) Rules
- The Traffic (Minor Offences) Rules
- The Traffic (Movement) Rules
- The Traffic (Movement) Rules, 1985
- The Traffic (Nyali Bridge) Rules
- The Traffic (Speed Limits) Rules
- The Traffic (Vehicle Licences) (Duration) Rules
- The Traffic Act (Registration Plates) Rules
- The Traffic Act - Exemption
- The Traffic Act -Exemption
- The Traffic Act- Exemption
- The Traffic Act- Exemption Under Section 120
- The Traffic Act- Speed Governors for Public Service and Commercial Vehicles, 2013
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Act—Exemption
- The Traffic Rules
- The Traffic Signs Rules
- The Transfer of Library Functions
- The Transfer of Powers (Minister for Local Government, Health and Housing) (No. 1) Order, 1956
- The Transfer of Powers (Minister for Local Government, Health and Housing) (No. 2) Order
- The Transport Workers Union Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No. 3) Order
- The Transport Workers Union Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) (No.2) Order, 2021
- The Transport Workers Union Kenya (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order, 2022
- The Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community (Election of Members of the Assembly) Rules
- The Turkana University College Order
- The Uhuru Garden Historical Site (Car Entry) Fees Rules
- The Unclaimed Financial Assets Regulations
- The Union of Kenya Civil Servants (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Union of Kenya Civil Servants (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Union of National Research and Allied Institute Staff of Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2016
- The Union of National Research and Allied Institute Staff of Kenya Deduction of Agency Fees Order
- The Union of National Research and Allied Institutes Staff of Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- The Union of National Research and Allied Institutes Staff of Kenya (Deduction of Trade Union Dues) Order, 2022
- The Union of Veterinary Practitioners Kenya (Collection of Union Dues) Order
- The Union of the National Research Institute Staff of Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Universities (Co-ordination of Post Secondary School Institutions for University Education) Rules, 2004
- The Universities (Establishment of Universities)(Standardization, Accreditation and Supervision), Rules 1989
- The Universities Academic Staff Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Universities Academic Staff Union (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order
- The Universities Regulations
- The Universities' Academic Staff Union (Deduction of Union Dues) Order
- The University of Embu Statutes, 2020
- The University of Nairobi Charter
- The Valuation Courts (Fees) Regulations
- The Valuation for Rating (Public Land) Rules
- The Valuation for Rating Rules
- The Value Added Tax (Digital Marketplace Supply) Regulations, 2020
- The Value Added Tax (Electronic Tax Invoice) Regulations
- The Value Added Tax (Remission) (Investments) Regulations, 2004
- The Value Added Tax (Remission) (Official Aid Funded Projects) Order, 2003
- The Value Added Tax (Remission) Order
- The Value Added Tax Regulations
- The Valuers (Forms and Fees) Rules
- The Valuers (Professional Misconduct) (Procedure) Rules, 1987
- The Verification of Conformity to Kenya Standards of Imports Order, 2005
- The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals (Code of Ethics) Regulations
- The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) Regulations
- The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary ParaProfessionals Regulations
- The Warehouse Receipt System Regulations
- The Water Act - Designation of Basin Areas
- The Water Harvesting and Storage Regulations, 2021
- The Water Harvesting and Storage Regulations, 2021
- The Water Resources Regulations
- The Water Resources Regulations, 2021
- The Water Services Regulations, 2021
- The Water Services Regulations, 2021
- The Weights and Measures (Equivalents for Dealing with Drugs) Rules
- The Weights and Measures (Fees) Rules
- The Weights and Measures (Sale and Labelling of Goods) Rules
- The Weights and Measures (Sale of Bread) Rules
- The Weights and Measures (Units of Measurement) Order
- The Weights and Measures Rules
- The Wildlife (Conservation and Management) National Parks Regulations
- The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Compensation) Regulations, 2017
- The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Implementation of Treaties) Regulations
- The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Joint Management of Protected Water Towers) Regulations
- The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Protection of Endangered and Threatened Ecosystems, Habitats and Species) Regulations, 2017
- The Witness Protection Agency Procedures for the Administration of Part IV of the Act
- The Witness Protection Regulations
- The Witness Protection Rules
- TheTraffic (Exportation/Importation of Motor Vehicle Clearance) Rules
- TheTransport Workers Union Kenya (Deduction of Agency Fees) Order, 2021
- Tobacco Control Act
- Tourism Act
- Towns, Districts and Areas in Which Registration of Births and Deaths is Declared to Be Compulsory
- Trade Descriptions Act
- Trade Marks Act
- Trading in Prohibited Goods Act
- Traffic (Driving Schools,Driving Instructors and Driving Licences) Rules
- Traffic Act
- Transfer of Prisoners Act
- Treaty Making and Ratification Act
- Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community Act
- Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act
- Unclaimed Financial Assets Act
- Universities Act
- Uplands Bacon Factory Act
- Urban Areas and Cities Act
- Use of Poisonous Substances Act
- Valuation for Rating Act
- Value Added Tax Act
- Valuers Act
- Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals Act
- Victim Protection Act
- Waiver
- Waqf Act
- Warehouse Receipt System Act
- Water Act
- Weights and Measures Act
- Wildlife Conservation and Management Act
- Witness Protection Act
- Work Injury Benefits Act
- Youth Enterprise Development Fund Order
- lnstructions to Specified Financial lnstitutions