The Public Finance Management (Equalization Fund Administration) Regulations, 2021
Legal Notice 54 of 2021
This is the version of this Legal Notice as it was from 30 April 2021 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
The Public Finance Management (Equalization Fund Administration) Regulations, 2021
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIII—No. 89 on 30 April 2021
- Commenced on 23 May 2014
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Public Finance Management (Equalization Fund Administration) Regulations, 2021.2. Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—"Accounting Standards Board" has the meaning assigned to it under section 2 of the Act;"administrator of the Fund" means the National Treasury as provided for under section 18(1) of the Act;"Board" means the Equalization Fund Advisory Board established under regulation 4(1) of these Regulations;"eligible county" means a county government identified as a beneficiary of the Fund by the Commission on Revenue in accordance with Article 216(4) of the Constitution;"First Policy" means the First Policy determined by the Commission on Revenue Allocation under Article 216(4) of the Constitution in identifying marginalized areas for the purposes of Article 204(2) of the Constitution;"Fund" means the Equalization Fund established under Article 204(1) of the Constitution;"marginalized area" means an area identified under policy determined by the Commission on Revenue Allocation in accordance with Article 216 (4) of the Constitution;"revenue" has the meaning assigned to it under section 2 of the Commission on Revenue Allocation Act, 2011 (No. 16 of 2011); and"Second Policy" means the Second Policy determined by the Commission on Revenue Allocation under Article 216(4) of the Constitution in identifying marginalized areas for the purposes of Article 204(2) of the Constitution;"unutilized balance" means any—(a)amounts not withdrawn from the Fund at the end of financial year;(b)amount withdrawn from the Fund for purposes of provision of basic services under an Appropriations Act and not expended at the end of financial year;(c)amount earmarked for the First Policy with fourteen counties ongoing projects; or(d)amount earmarked for the Second Policy with thirty four counties new projects to be identified.3. Purpose of these Regulations
The purpose of these Regulations is to—4. Establishment of the Board
5. Qualification requirement of members
A person is qualified for appointment under regulation 4(1) (a), (d), (e), (f), and (h) if that person—6. Tenure of office
Members of the Board appointed under regulation 4(1) shall, subject to the provisions of these Regulations, hold office for a term of six years, non renewable, on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the instrument of appointment.7. Vacation of office
A member of the Board, other than ex-officio member, may—8. Functions of the Board
The functions of the Board with regard to the Fund shall be to—9. Establishment of committees
The Board may establish such committees as it may consider necessary for the better performance of its functions and the exercise of its powers under these Regulations.10. Expenses of the Board
11. Meetings of the Board
12. Minutes
The Board Secretary shall cause minutes of all proceedings of meetings of the Board to be entered in books for that purpose.13. Disclosure of interest
14. Establishment of county technical committee
Each County Commissioner of an eligible county shall establish and convene an all-inclusive committee to be known as county technical committee comprising of—15. Functions of the county technical committee
The County Technical Committee shall be responsible for approving all projects to be financed from the Fund.16. Establishment of sub-county technical committee
Each Çounty Commissioner of an eligible county shall establish a committee at the sub-county level to be known as sub- county technical committee comprising of—17. Functions of the sub-county technical committee
The functions of the sub-county technical committee shall be to—18. Establishment of Project Identification and Implementation Committee
Each County Commissioner of an eligible county shall establish a committee at the ward level to be known as Project Identification and Implementation Committee comprising of—19. Functions of Project Identification and Implementation Committee
The functions of the Project Identification and Implementation Committee shall be to—20. Functions of the County Executive Committee Member for finance
The functions of the County Executive Committee Member responsible for matters relating to finance with respect to the Fund in each eligible county shall be to—21. Chief Executive Officer
22. Establishment and functions of the Secretariat
There shall be a Secretariat constituted by the Chief Executive Officer and whose functions shall be to—23. Approval of workplan
The County Executive Committee Member responsible for matters relating to finance shall submit work plans through county technical committee to the Board for approval.24. Utilisation of funds and preparation of workplans
25. Criteria for identification of projects
In determining and identifying projects or programmes for the provision of basic services and financing under the Fund, the County Executive Committee Member responsible for matters relating to finance shall take into account the input of the Board and the committees established under these Regulations.26. Submission of workplan to the Board
27. Quarterly reports on projects and disbursements
The Board shall, on a quarterly basis, submit a report to the Cabinet Secretary with a copy to the Commission on Revenue Allocation and Controller of Budget, detailing—28. Report by the County Executive Committee Member for finance
29. Submission of workplan to the Board
30. Withdrawals from the Fund
31. Winding up of the Fund
History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
30 April 2021 this version
23 May 2014
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act | 350 citations |
2. | Commission on Revenue Allocation Act | 15 citations |