The National Police Service Commission (Recruitment and Appointment) Regulations,2015
Legal Notice 41 of 2015
This is the version of this Legal Notice as it was from 17 April 2015 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
The National Police Service Commission (Recruitment and Appointment) Regulations,2015
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVII—No. 39 on 17 April 2015
- Commenced on 17 April 2015
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the National Police Service Commission (Recruitment and Appointment) Regulations, 2015.2. Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—"Act" means the National Police Service Commission Act (No. 30 of 2011);"acting capacity" means temporary conferment upon a member of the Service, the power to perform duties of an office other than the office the member is substantively appointed to hold, while the member continues to hold the substantive appointment;"appointment" means a formal conferment or notification of employment in the National Police Service;"assignment" means the allocation of specific duties to an officer;"civilian" means a person other than a police officer within the meaning of the National Police Service Act (No. 11A of 2011);"employment vetting" means the process to assess a person's suitability for appointment or promotion within the Service;"establishment" the required number of staff of the National Police Service;"member of the Service" means police officers in the Service and includes civilian members of staff of the Service;"merit" with reference to a person who is a candidate for a position within the National Police Service means that the person—(a)has abilities, aptitude, skills, knowledge, experience and personal qualities relevant to the carrying out of the duties assigned to that person;(b)has integrity in accordance with Chapter Six of the Constitution; and(c)has potential for further development;(d)has the required educational qualifications;(e)in the case of promotions, that the officer, has performed satisfactorily in the previous post; and(f)meets the criteria as may be set out in the advertisement for a vacancy."recruitment" means the process of hiring a member of the National Police Service;"strength" means the actual number of staff within the National Police Service;"training" means imparting and inculcation of skills, knowledge, abilities and behaviour which is necessary for undertaking policing functions;"transfers" means the act of sending a police officer from one police posting to another, and the police officer shall on transfer be administratively under the new posting and its respective pay code;"vacancy" means where the strength existing in the Service is less than the establishment required.Part II – RECRUITMENT
3. General provisions on recruitment
4. Recruitment categories
A person may enter the police service in any of the following Recruitment categories—5. Gender, regional, ethnic balance
The Commission shall ensure that the recruitment process take into consideration the gender, regional and ethnic balance in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the National Police Service Commission Act (No. 30 of 2011) and the National Police Service Act (No. 11A of 2011).6. Review of establishment and strength of the Service
The Inspector-General shall, on an annual basis, carry out a review of the Service's establishment and strength and shall submit the recommendations to the Commission.7. Entry into the Service
8. Prohibition against charging for recruitment, appointments, etc
9. Entry criteria
10. Functions of the Commission in the recruitment process
11. Advertising and recruitment
Where there is a vacancy, the Commission shall, in accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission advertise in at least two daily newspapers of national circulation or may use any other available form of media.12. Content of the advertisement on recruitment
13. Recruitment panels
14. Calendar of activities for the recruitment process
15. Determination of successful candidates, etc
16. Disqualifications
At the time of admission into the colleges and during the period of training at the college, a recruit may be disqualified on the grounds of—17. Ninety day period for recruitment
Every instance of the recruitment process shall be concluded within a period of not more than ninety days.18. Integrity
The Commission shall ensure the following in the recruitment process—19. Recruitment of specialist and civilian staff of the Service
20. Specialist entry
21. Complaints management
22. General principles and delegation
23. Training on appointment
On appointment to the National Police Service, the officer appointed shall be required to-24. Certificates of appointment, etc
25. Terms and conditions
26. Appointment in an acting capacity
27. Submission of recruitment report to Parliament
The Commission shall, within sixty days after the conclusion of the recruitment exercise, prepare a report of the recruitment exercise and submit that report to Parliament within sixty days of the conclusion of the recruitment exercise.28. Power to vary the time limit
The Commission may, in exceptional circumstances, vary the timelines provided under these Regulations:Provided that the reasons for varying the timelines shall be minuted.29. Revocation of L. N. 18 of 2015
The National Police Service Commission (Recruitment and Appointment) Regulations, 2015 is revoked.History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
17 April 2015 this version
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Public Officer Ethics Act | 199 citations |
2. | National Police Service Commission Act | 53 citations |