The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) Regulations
Cap. 366
This is the version of this Legal Notice as it was from 31 December 2022 to 17 August 2023. Read the latest available version.
The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) Regulations
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

CAP. 366
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVII—No. 112 on 16 October 2015
- Commenced on 16 October 2015
- [Amended by The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals (Amendment) Regulations, 2017 (Legal Notice 293 of 2017) on 5 January 2018]
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-Professionals (Veterinary Medicines Directorate) Regulations.2. Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—"accredited laboratory" means a laboratory recognized as an accredited laboratory by the Directorate;"advertisement" means any written or visual notice, circular, label, or wrapper, or other descriptive matter, verbal statement or reference appearing in any newspaper, television, film or mass media or brought to the attention of the public in any other form, which is intended to promote the sale of a veterinary medicine;"alternative medicine" means the unrefined plant, animal and mineral substances commonly used in traditional animal treatments;"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to veterinary service;"Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer of the Directorate appointed under regulation 13;"Committee" means the Veterinary Medicines Registration Committee established under regulation 27;"controlled veterinary medicine" means a veterinary medicine specified in the Fourth Schedule as a Category I or Category II of veterinary medicine;"Conventional medicines" means the regular and standardized veterinary medicines;"Council" means the Council of the Directorate comprised under regulation 8(1);"crude drug" means an unrefined medicine of biological origin;"Directorate" means the Veterinary Medicines Directorate established under regulation 5 and as envisaged under section 39(2)(a) of the Act;"dispense" means the sale or supply of a veterinary medicine by a veterinary surgeon or other person authorised in accordance with these Regulations;"inspector" means a person appointed as an inspector under regulation 45;"manufacture" means any stage in the manufacturing of a veterinary medicine until the finished product is ready for sale in its final form as specified in the marketing authorization, and includes repackaging, repacking or labeling of a veterinary medicine in an authorized facility but does not include the breaking open of the package of a veterinary medicine by retailers;"market authorization" means registration of a veterinary medicine by the Council and the issuance of a registration certificate under regulation 23;"orphan veterinary medicine" means a veterinary medicine that is not economical to trade in but is required for specific medical use;"pharmaco-vigilance" means the routine inspections and surveys carried out in the veterinary medicines market to safeguard general animal and human health and trade;"quality assurance standards" means the good manufacturing practice, good laboratory practice, good veterinary practice or any other standard developed by an international standardization body, the East African Community Standards Committee or the Kenya Bureau of Standards which the Cabinet Secretary, on the advice of the Council, shall recognize through the Gazette as a quality assurance standard for the purposes of these Regulations;"register" means a register maintained by the Council containing the details of—3. Objectives and purpose of the Regulations
The object and purpose of these Regulations is to—4. Application
Subject to regulation 58, these Regulations shall apply to all conventional and alternate veterinary medicine.Part II – THE VETERINARY MEDICINES DIRECTORATE
5. Establishment of the Directorate
6. Functions of the Directorate
The functions of the Directorate are to—7. Powers of the Council
The Council shall have all the power necessary or expedient for the effective discharge of its functions under these Regulations and any other law, and in particular the power to—8. Composition and appointment of the Council
9. Co-option of specialized persons
Pursuant to section 10 of the Act, the Council may for the effective discharge of its functions co-opt into the committees such persons with technical expertise or knowledge for the better carrying out of the functions of the Directorate.10. Meetings of the Council
The conduct and regulation of the business and affairs of the Council shall be as provided in the First Schedule but subject thereto, the Council shall regulate its own procedure.11. Conflict of interest
12. Common seal and logo
13. Chief Executive Officer
14. Removal of the Chief Executive Officer
15. Veterinary medicines inspectors
16. Staff
The Council may employ such staff as it deems appropriate for the effective performance of its functions.17. Code of conduct
The members and the employees of the Council shall subscribe to the leadership and integrity code set out in the Fourth Schedule.18. Protection from personal liability
Nothing done by a member of the Council or by any person working under the instructions of the Council shall, if done in good faith for the purpose of executing the powers, functions or duties of the Council under these Regulations render such member or officer personally liable for any action, claim or demand.Part III – MANUFACTURING, IMPORTATION AND REGISTRATION OF VETERINARY MEDICINES
19. Veterinary medicines to be registered
20. Manufacturing permit
A person who intends to manufacture veterinary medicine shall make an application to the Council for a manufacturing permit.21. Manufacturing of veterinary medicines
22. Powers of inspectors with regard manufacturing plants
23. Application for registration of a veterinary medicine
24. Renewal of registration of veterinary medicine
25. Clinical and non-clinical trials and toxicity testing
26. Conditions for registration of veterinary medicines and pesticides
27. Veterinary Medicines Registration Committee
28. Rejection of application for registration of a veterinary medicine
The Council shall, if it is not satisfied as to the safety, efficacy or quality of the veterinary medicine, reject the application for the registration of the veterinary medicine and inform the applicant, in writing, the reasons for rejection.29. Registration of veterinary medicine researched outside Kenya
30. Suspension and revocation of certificate of registration
31. Period for renewal of registration and retention of veterinary medicine
32. Classification of Veterinary Medicines
33. Categorization of Veterinary Medicines
34. Use of veterinary pesticides
35. Standards of Veterinary Pharmacy
36. Qualifications to operate a veterinary pharmacy
A person who is a veterinary surgeon, or holds an equivalent qualification in matters of pertaining to veterinary medicines as determined by the Council, may apply to the Council for a permit to undertake a veterinary pharmacy.37. Council to approve veterinary pharmacy businesses
38. Practising permit
39. Practice permit to be displayed
40. Wholesale permit
A person who intends to trade in veterinary medicines, in bulk, shall make an application to the Council for a wholesale permit and support the application with the following—41. Retail permit
42. Complementary businesses
43. Stock, supply and distribution of veterinary medicine
44. Authorization to import or export veterinary medicine
45. Appointment of veterinary medicine inspectors
The Council shall appoint duly qualified persons on such terms and conditions of service as it may deem appropriate, to serve as veterinary medicine inspectors.46. Identification of veterinary medicines inspector
47. Powers of veterinary medicines inspectors
48. Funds of the Directorate
49. Financial year
The financial year of the Directorate shall be the period of twelve months from first July to thirtieth of June.50. Annual estimates
51. Investment of funds
The Council may invest any of the funds of the Directorate in a manner approved by the Treasury for the investment of trust funds.52. Accounts and Audit
53. Offences
A person commits an offence if that person—54. Officers of corporations
If an institution commits an offence under these Regulations, any officer, director or agent of the corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in, or participated in the commission of the offence shall be a party to and shall be considered to have committed the offence and shall be liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence, whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.55. Passing confidential information without authorization
A member of the Council or staff of the Directorate, who—56. Penalties
A person who contravenes these Regulations where no Penalties penalty has been prescribed, shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months, or to both.Part XI – GENERAL PROVISIONS
57. Advertising veterinary standards for medicines
58. Exemptions to Regulations
These Regulations do not apply to—59. Discretion of Council
The Council shall have the discretion to—60. Copy of certificate or authorization
61. Fees
Any fees payable under this Act is as set in the Fifth Schedule.62. Supercession
These Regulations shall supersede any other Regulations on matters concerning veterinary medicines.63. Transition and validity of licences and permits
Upon the commencement of these Regulations any certificate in force shall be deemed to have been issued under these Regulations and shall remain in force until its expiry.History of this document
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