The National Social Security Fund (Claims and Payments for the Pensions Fund Benefits)Regulations
Legal Notice 84 of 2014
This is the version of this Legal Notice as it was from 20 June 2014 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
The National Social Security Fund (Claims and Payments for the Pensions Fund Benefits)Regulations
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVI—No. 74 on 20 June 2014
- Commenced on 20 June 2014
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the National Social Security Fund (Claims and Payments for the Pension Fund Benefits) Regulations, 2014.2. Application
These Regulations shall apply to the members of the Pension Fund.3. Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—"approved form" means such forms as the Managing Trustee may, from time to time, approve for the purposes of making application for the payment of benefits under these Regulations;"medical board" means medical boards established under the County Government for purposes of examining persons who have claims to any benefit under the Act;"medical doctor" means any person registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Cap. 253) and appointed by the Board for the purposes of examining persons who have claims to any benefits under the Act.Part II – PENSION CLAIM APPLICATION
4. Form of claims
A claim for the payment of a benefit shall be made in writing to the Managing Trustee in the approved form, which shall be supplied free of charge by the Board.5. Eligibility for making pension benefit claims
A claim for a Pension Fund Benefit shall be made6. Effect of the claims
Where a claim for invalidity pension, is made after the lapse of the application window provided in regulation 5(1), as the case may be, the claimant shall be required to seek fresh re-examination by the medical board and a new certificate of invalidity issued.7. General information to be furnished by claimant
A person who makes a claim for the payment of a benefit shall, for the purpose of determining the claim furnish certificates, documents, information and evidence as may be required by the Managing Trustee including a statutory declaration as to the truth of any statement of fact made by the claimant in the claim or in any evidence submitted by the claimant.8. Information and documents to accompany retirement pension claim
A claim for a retirement pension shall be accompanied by retirement, termination or dismissal letter from the last employer.9. information and documents to accompany a survivor's pension claim
10. Information and documents to accompany an invalidity pension claim
A claim for invalidity pension shall be supported by, treatment records, comprehensive doctors report, certificate of invalidity by the medical board, evidence of retirement on medical grounds, identity document and where a doctor, an employer or medical institution holds such medical records, in respect of the employee, the holder shall furnish those records to the medical board.11. Review by medical board
A member who receives invalidity pension shall avail himself before the same medical board for review every six months.12. Information and documents to accompany an emigration benefit
A claim for an emigration benefit for Pension Fund members shall be accompanied by retirement, termination or dismissal letter from the last employer, identity document and evidence that the claimant is emigrating to a country which does not have a reciprocal agreement with Kenya and that the claimant has no present intention of returning to reside in Kenya.13. Citizens of East African Community
Regulation 12 will not apply to members who are citizens of East Africa Community partner states.14. Funeral grant
A claim for funeral grant shall be made in an approved form and shall be accompanied by a death certificate or burial permit of the deceased person and the, claimant's identity documents.15. Exportability of contributions and benefits
Members who are citizens of East African Community partner states shall apply in a prescribed form for the contributions or benefits to be exported to the social security scheme of the country of migration.16. Co-ordination with other social security schemes
The Managing Trustee shall co-ordinate with the social security schemes or similar schemes of other states to ensure the exportability of the totalized contributions and benefits of Kenyan citizens in those countries and actual physical transmission of the funds to the Fund for crediting to the appropriate member account.17. Additional information
The claimant or the employer shall furnish the Board with such other particulars as the Board may, from time to time require.18. Medical certificate
19. Defective medical certificate
The Board may, in its discretion, reject any medical certificate which does not comply with these Regulations and may suspend the determination of a claim until a proper medical certificate is submitted.20. Appointment of Medical Boards
For the purpose of the Act, the District or County medical boards composed under the Public Health Act (Cap. 242) shall be deemed to have been appointed under the Act.21. Medical Board Chairperson
The Medical Boards shall appoint a chairperson for each county.22. Determination of claim by Medical Board
The Medical Board shall have the power to determine—23. Referral of cases to medical Board
The Medical Board shall consider all cases referred to it by the Board.24. Status of claimant
The members of the Medical Board shall in each case determine the medical status of a claimant.25. Powers of Medical Board
The Medical Board shall have powers to—26. Mode of determination of claim by medical Board
The Medical Board shall determine each case by a majority of members.27. Conflict of interest in a member of the medical Board
The determination of a claim in any case where that member—28. Evidence of age
In the absence of evidence to the contrary the date of birth of a member of the Fund entered in the records of the Fund shall be conclusive and where no date of birth is recorded for a member or his dependants or is disputed, the Managing Trustee may require such further evidence of age including medical evidence as may be obtainable.29. Amendment of claim
A claimant may, by notice in writing addressed to the Board, amend the type of claim at any time before a decision is given and any claim so amended shall be treated as if it had been duly made in the first instance.30. Simultaneous entitlement to benefits
Where a person is at the same time entitled to more than one benefit and receipt of one disqualifies the person from receipt of the other, the person shall be entitled to choose the benefit to claim and the benefit so chosen shall be paid to the person.31. Alternative benefit
Where it appears that a claimant is entitled to a benefit other than the one claimed, the Board may treat the claim as an alternative to that other benefit if the necessary particulars and documents are attached.32. Defective claim
If a pension benefit claim form is defective at the date of its receipt, the Board may refer it back to the claimant, and the Board may treat the claim as if it had been duly made in the first instance, if the form is returned to the Board properly completed within twenty one days from the date on which it was so referred.Part III – PAYMENT OF PENSION BENEFIT CLAIMS
33. Place and manner of payment of benefits
34. Payment of lumpsum
35. Obligation of person receiving benefit
36. Revision of benefits
37. Re-calculation of survivor's pension
When a beneficiary of a survivor's pension is deceased or otherwise disqualified from receiving the benefit, the Board shall as part of the conditions for securing an annuity or drawdown plan from the insurer re-calculate the survivor's pension and share the pension between the survivor's beneficiaries, equally or in such proportions as the Board in its discretion, may determine.38. Cessation of benefit
Any unpaid benefit shall be distributed in accordance with these Regulations among the dependants of the deceased beneficiary, if any, in such proportions as the Board, in its discretion, may determine.39. Persons unable to act
40. Payment of benefit to legal representative
The receipt of a member of the Fund or his legal representative or of a person authorized to receive the benefit on his behalf shall be a full and sufficient discharge to the Fund for the sum specified.41. Payment of benefit due to incapacitated person
Where the Managing Trustee is satisfied that the beneficiary is of unsound mind or for any reason is unfit to manage his own affairs he may pay the benefit, or any part thereof, due to that beneficiary to any other person who, in the opinion of the Managing Trustee is the rightful person to receive the sum on the beneficiary's behalf and will apply the sum for the maintenance and benefit of the beneficiary; and any receipt given to such person shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the Fund for the sum paid.42. Transfer and receipts of Pension Funds Credit
A member shall apply in a prescribed manner for transfer of their Pension Fund Credit and protected rights from a contracted out scheme to the Fund and vice-versa.43. Mis-representation of facts
A person who receives a benefit through misrepresentation of any material fact, non disclosure or fraudulently shall be required to repay such benefits within twenty one days failure to which the Fund shall take appropriate legal action.44. Biometrics
Beneficiaries or claimants shall be required to append their fingerprints or be available for any other means of identification as prescribed.45. Insurers list
The Managing Trustee shall regularly update the list of registered and approved insurers for the members of the Fund.46. Transmission of notices and documents
Except as otherwise prescribed, any notice or document required or authorized to be given to any person by the Board under these regulations, shall be deemed to have been given or sent if it was sent by post or electronic mail to that person at the last known address of that person.History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
20 June 2014 this version
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Public Health Act | 96 citations |
2. | Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act | 63 citations |