PART I (To be completed by the applicant)
1.Personal Information(a)Full name of Applicant .................(b)Name of Institution applying for registration ...............(c)Position of applicant in the Institution ....................(d)National Identification Number (ID No.)/Passport ................(e)Permanent Residence Address ........................(f)Postal Address ..........................(g)Contacts: Telephone ............... Fax .........................E-mail ..................................(Please attach the CV of Applicant and the employees in the top management board)2.Personal References(Give names and full addresses of two senior academic/professional referees who are not employees of the research institution to be registered. These should be professionally qualified in the field of research institution intends undertake).(i)Name ............................Address .......................Occupation ..............................Contacts: Telephone ................... Fax ........................E-mail ..............................Date ...........................(Referee's Signature) .............................(ii)Name ......................Address ...........................Occupation .........................Contacts: Telephone ..................... Fax ........................E-mail ..............................................Date ...............................(Referee's Signature) .............................3.(a)Is your research institution registered in another country? Yes/No(b)If yes, please give the details such as country of registration and number registration certificate and date below.......................................................................4.What is the proposed governance structure of the research institution (please attach the structure to application)...................................................5.Give initial financial capital and fixed assets for research activities of the proposed research institution......................................................6.Provide in details the area of discipline the proposed research institution shall undertake........................................................I certify that I have read and understood the regulations on the registration and accreditation of research institutions in Kenya, 2013.Signature ....................... Date ..............................PART II
(For official use by NACOSTI only)Date Application was received .................... Signature ...........................Approved/not approved .....................................Date ......................... Signature ........................Secretary, National Commission for Science, Technology and InnovationSECOND SCHEDULE
FRONT PAGECertificate No. ............................................Name of Research Institution .................................Physical Address ..................................Telephone ......................... E-mail .............................Signature ......................... Date ..................................BACK PAGEConditions:1.The cerfificate of registration is not transferable to another entity.2.The area of research for which certificate of registration was applied for cannot be changed.3.The research institution cannot change its physical location without approval of the Secretary of the Commission.4.The research institutions must notify the Secretary of the Commission in case there are changes in information provided during application of registration.5.The research activities to the Secretary of the Commission by 31st January every year.6.The Cabinet Secretary on the advise of the Secretary of the Commission may revoke the Certificate of Registration if the research does not comply with these conditions.THIRD SCHEDULE
An institution must apply to be accredited to Secretary of the CommissionThe applying Institution must submit eligible application in a prescribed form as indication of interest to the National Commission of Science, Technology and Innovation. (Application form for accreditation to be drawn from Part IV (17)(3))Compliance is required for each of the following standards and ach standard should be interpreted and applied in the context of the institution's mission and purposes.Standard 1: Mission, Goals and Objectivesl.The institution's mission must clearly define its purposes within the context of science, technology and innovation and explain whom the institution serves and what it intends to accomplish.2.The institution's stated goals and objectives, consistent with the aspirations and expectations of research, science and technology must clearly specify how the institution will fulfill its mission.3.The mission, goals and objectives have been developed and recognized by the institution with its members and its governing body and should be utilized to develope and shape the institution's programs and practices and to evaluate its effectiveness.Standard 2: Planning, Resource Allocation and Institutional sustainability1.The institution must be able to conduct ongoing planning and resources allocation based on its mission and should be able to use the results of its assessment activities for institutional sustainability.2.The implementation and subsequent evaluation of the success of the strategic plan a resource allocation support the development and change necessary to improve and maintain institutional quality.Standard 3: Institutional Resources and sustainabilityThe institution should demonstrate is ability to mobilize human, financial, technical, physical facilities, and other resources necessary for the achievement of its mission, including environmental sustainability and institutional policy on Issues of physical challenged. Documentary evidence needed for human resources (sources of funding and sustainability.)Standard 4: Leadership, Governance and integrityThe institution's policy should clearly define the roles of institutional constituencies in policy development and decision-making. The governance should include active governing body with sufficient autonomy to assure adherence to ethical standard institutional to fulfill its responsibilities of policy and resources development, consistent with the mission of the institution. In the conduct of its programs and activities involving the institution to demonstrate adherence to ethical standards.Standard 5: Institutional AssessmentThe institution has developed and implemented an assessment plan and process that evaluates its overall effectiveness in: achieving its mission and goals; implementing planning, resource allocation, and institutional renewal processes; using institutional resources efficiently; providing leadership and governance; providing administrative structure and services; demonstrating institutional integrity; and assuring that institutional processes and resources support appropriate learning and other outcomes for its students and graduates,Standard 6: Institutional DatabaseThe institution should maintain research database that can be accessed by Commission.FOURTH SCHEDULE
PART I (To be completed by the applicant)
1.Personal Information(a)Full name of Applicant .....................................(b)Name of Institution to be accredited .................................(c)Position of Applicant in the Institution .....................................(d)National Identification Number (ID No.)/Passport ...............................(e)Permanent Residence Address ...............................(f)Postal Address .......................................(g)Contacts:Telephone ....................... E-mail ...............................(Please attach the CV of Applicant and the employees'in the top management/board)2.Have you applied for accreditation before? Yes/NoIf you have applied for accreditation before, please give the details of date of application and accreditation certificate number below...................................................3.What is the governance structure of the research institution (please attach the structure to application)........................................4.Provide in details the area of discipline the research institution undertakes.....................................................I certify that I have read and understood the regulations on the registration of research institutions and accreditation of research institutions in Kenya, 2014Signature .................................Date .......................................PART II
(For official use by NACOSTI only)Date Application was Received .......................................Signature .........................................Approved/not approved ...................................Date ......................... Signature .................................Secretary, National Commission for Science, Technology and InnovationFIFTH SCHEDULE
l. Copy of registration2. Audited financial statement3. Mou of collaborating institutions.4. Copy of institutional organogram.5. List of available equipment.6. List of research activities.7. Vicinity map.8. Payment or non-refundable fee for accreditation process.SIXTH SCHEDULE
The accreditation proceduresThe institutions applying for accreditation will be assessed in accordance with clearly defined procedures. The process will be outlined as follows;1.Application procedure• Request for accreditation• Application for accreditation reviewing of the application and submitted documents.• Acknowledge receipt of confirmation• Payment of prescribe fees.2.Assessment procedure• Assessment will be carried out by committee• Vetting committee to inspect facilities of the institution.• Vetting committee prepare assessment report.3.Accreditation procedure• Evaluation of the technical assessment reports by the Commission.• Decision on accreditation by the Commission.• Issuance of Accreditation certificate.• The Gazettement of the accredited institution.4-surveillance procedure• Annual internal monitoring.• Evaluation after three years the commission.• Apply for renewal of accreditation after every three years.GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION OF ACCREDITATION
l.Compliancy with Government regulation- Institution must be registered with the commission (certificate of registration and documents showing legal status)2.Credibility- must have been inexistence for last one year (The institution must have been operational for at least one year)3.Vision, mission and mandate and values-4.Financial status- latest audited financial statement and sources of funding.5.Organization profile and Human Resource- organogram and research programme, qualifications of staff (CVs)6.Facilities-permanent offices, equipment and caliberation log, IT equipment's, libraries7.Validity of accreditation:• Accreditation granted shall be for three (3) years unless withdrawn by commission.• Institution shall be authorized to conduct within their mandate as specified in certificate of accreditation.SEVENTH SCHEDULE
Compliance is required for each of the following standards and ach standard should be interpreted and applied in the context of the institution's mission and purposes.Standard l: Mission, Goals and Objectivesl.The institution's mission must clearly define its purposes within the context of science, technology and innovation and explain whom the institution serves and what it intends to accomplish.2.The institution's stated goals and objectives, consistent with the aspirations and expectations of research, science and technology must clearly specify how the institution will fulfill its mission.3.The mission. Goals and objectives have been developed and recognized by the institution with its members and its governing body and should be utilized to develop and shape the institution's programs and practices and to evaluate its effectiveness.Standard 2: Planning, Resource Allocation and Institutional sustainability4.The institution must be able to conduct ongoing planning and resources allocation based on its mission and should be able to use the results of its assessment activities for institutional sustainability.5.The implementation and subsequent evaluation of the success of the strategic plan and resource allocation support the development and change necessary to improve and to maintain institutional quality.Standard 3: Institutional Resources and sustainabilityThe institution should demonstrate its ability to mobilize human, financial, technical, physical facilities, and other resources necessary for the achievement of its mission, including environmental sustainability and institutional policy on Issues of physical challenged. Documentary evidence needed for human resources (sources of funding and sustainability.)Standard 4: Leadership and GovernanceThe institution's system of governance should clearly define the role of institution constituencies in policy development and decision making. The governance structure should include active governing body with sufficient autonomy to assure institution integrity and ethical standard to fulfill its responsibilities.Standard 5: IntegrityIn the conduct of its programs and activities, the institution should demonstrate adherence to ethical standards.Standard 6: Institutional AssessmentThe institution should have an inbuilt mechanism for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness.Standard 7: Institutional DatabaseThe institution should maintain research database that can be accessed by the commission.