This Legal Notice was repealed on 2019-03-28 by Energy Act.
This is the version of this Legal Notice as it was when it was repealed.
Related documents
- Is amended by Energy Act
- Is repealed by Energy Act
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXIV—No. 115 on 23 November 2012
- Commenced on 23 November 2012
- [Revoked by Energy Act (Act No. 1 of 2019) on 28 March 2019]
1. Citation
This Order may be cited as the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board Order, 2012.2. Interpretation
In this Order, except where the context otherwise requires—"Board" means the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board established under paragraph 3;"Executive Chairperson" means the Executive Chairperson appointed under paragraph 7;"Permanent Secretary" means the permanent secretary or principal secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters relating to energy;Part II – ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD
3. Establishment of the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board
4. Headquarters
5. Functions of the Board
6. Powers of the Board
In the performance of its functions the Board shall have the power to—Part III – MEMBERSHIP
7. Composition of the Board
8. Powers
The Board shall have all the powers necessary for the proper performance of its functions under this Order, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall have power to—9. Conduct of Business and affairs of the Board
The conduct and regulation of the business and affairs of the Board shall be as set out in the Schedule, but subject thereto the Board may regulate its own procedure.10. Remuneration of Board members
The Members of the Board shall be paid such remuneration, fees or allowances for expenses as the Board may, with the approval of the Minister in consultation with the Minister responsible for finance, may approve.11. Committees
The Board may establish such committees as it may deem appropriate for the performance of its functions.12. Delegation by Board
The Board may, by resolution either generally or in any particular case delegate to any committee of the Board or to any member, officer, employee or agent of the Board, the exercise of any of the powers or the performance of any of its functions or duties.13. Staff of the Board
14. Common seal
15. Protection from personal liability
Nothing done by a Member of the Board or any officer, employee or agent or any person acting on the directions of the Board shall, if it is done bona fide for executing the functions, powers or duties of the Board, render such member, officer, employee or agent or person personally liable to any action, claim or demand whatsoever.Part IV – FINANCIAL PROVISIONS
16. Funds of the Board
17. Financial year
The financial year of the Board shall be—18. Annual estimates
19. Accounts and audit
20. Investment of funds
21. Transitional
Upon the commencement of this Order-History of this document
28 March 2019 amendment not yet applied
Amended by
Energy Act
Repealed by
Energy Act
23 November 2012 this version
Published in Kenya Gazette 115