Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXI—No. 98 on 13 November 2009
- Commenced on 13 November 2009
- [Amended by Forest (Participation in Sustainable Forest Management) (Amendment) Rules, 2017 (Legal Notice 63 of 2017) on 21 April 2017]
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Citation
These Rules may be cited as the Forests (Participation in Sustainable Forest Management) Rules.2. Application
These Rules—3. Interpretation
In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires—"authorisation" includes a permit, timber-licence, special-use licence, contract, joint management agreement, concession, community forest management agreement and cultivation-permit;"concession management plan" means a site-specific management plan prepared by an applicant or holder for a concession;"contract management plan" means a site-specific management plan prepared by an applicant or holder for a contract;"community forest management plan" means a plan prepared by a forest association in partnership with the Service to govern implementation of a community forest management agreement;"cultivation-permit" means an authorisation issued under rule 53;"forest general guidelines" means administrative guidelines issued from time to time by the Service for effective carrying out of the functions of the Service;"joint management agreement" means an agreement under rule 26;"joint management plan" means a site-specific management plan prepared by an applicant or holder in partnership with the Service to govern implementation of a joint management agreement;"licence management plan" means a site-specific management plan prepared by an applicant for a licence;"site-specific management plan" includes a concession management plan, contract management plan, joint management plan, or licence management plan prepared pursuant to section 37(3) of the Act and a community forest management plan prepared pursuant to section 46 of the Act.4. Rules
The objective and purpose of these Rules is to provide for the circumstances under which authorisations may be applied for, granted, varied, cancelled or declined and the manner in which a person granted such authorisation may exercise a right or privilege conferred by the authorisation.5. Management plan
6. Service to invite private sector
The Service may, whenever circumstances make it necessary or appropriate to do so, invite the private sector to participate in the sustainable management of state forests.7. Types of agreements for private sector
8. Eligibility of applicant
9. Permits for utilization of forest goods and services
10. Variation
Timber Licences
11. Determination of areas to be offered
12. Content and duration of timber-liccence
13. Pre-qualification procedure
14. Consideration of applications
15. Offering and advertisment
16. Bidding procedure
17. Selection of a bidder
18. Award of timber-license
19. Monitoring and evaluation of licensee
The Service shall periodically monitor the operations of the licensee.20. Non-transferability
A timber licence shall not he transferable.Special-Use Licence
21. Content and procedure in grant of special-use licence
22. Procedure in the grant of contracts
Joint Management Agreements
23. Main features
24. Procedure in the grant of a joint management agreement
25. Evaluation of the application
26. Joint management agreement
Concession Agreements
27. Determination of areas to be offered
28. Content of concession agreement and duration
29. Pre-Qualification
30. Consideration of an application
31. Offering and advertisement
32. Concession bidding procedure
33. Consideration of the bids
34. Announcement of intention to award
35. Award of concession
36. Performance bond
37. Review and evaluation
38. Evaluation and renewal
39. Employmnet of professional foresters
Where the activities under a concession agreement are forestry activities, the concession holder shall employ professional foresters registered by the Forest Society of Kenya to assist in the management of the forest.40. Transferability
A concession agreement may, with the approval of the Service, be transferred to a third party only if—Part III – COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION
41. Service to invite community participation
The Service may, whenever circumstances make it necessary or Service to invite appropriate to do so, invite forest associations to participate in the sustainable management of state forests.42. Types of agreements for community participation
The Service may issue authorizations for community participation for purposes of Rule 41 in the form of—(a)a community forest management agreement which shall be issued to a forest association to undertake community forestry activities; and(b)a cultivation-permit which shall be issued to members of a forest association to undertake non-resident cultivation.Community Forest Management Agreements
43. Forest management agreements
44. Management unit
45. Procedure for entering into a community forest management agreement
46. Forest-level management committee
The Service shall initiate the formation of a forest-level management committee consisting of—47. Monitoring of implementation
48. Technical assistance from the Service
The Service shall provide technical assistance and capacity building to a forest association so as to empower it to perform its functions under these rules.49. Commercial activities
Non-Resident Cultivation
50. Agreement with forest Association
51. Zoning of forest areas
52. Where plots may not be allocated
The Service shall not allocate a plot—53. Allocation of plots
54. Conditions for permits
55. Period of cultivation
56. Planting of seedlings
The planting of tree seedlings shall be done after the completion of one crop season, and the holder of the cultivation permit shall not interfere with the growth or development of the seedlings or trees.57. Monitoring by forest association
The forest association shall assist the Service in the monitoring of the activities of permit-holders and shall ensure that none of its members or agents takes any action which harms the planted seedlings.58. Operational guidelines
Part IV – General Provisions
59. Transitional provisions
60. Verification of various existing authorisations
61. Forms and documents under these rules
An application or authorisation under these Rules shall be in the form prescribed in the schedule.62. Fees
63. Applicable law
The provisions of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act and the principles of the law of contract shall apply to the procedure for the award of a licence, contract and concession under these Rules.64. Repeat advertisement
Where no suitable applicant is found after advertising for the issuance of an authorisation, the Service may repeat the advertisement in the same or different terms.65. Registers
The Service shall maintain a register of all authorisations issued under these Rules, and a member of the public may inspect it or obtain a copy or an excerpt during working hours, upon payment of such fees as may be prescribed.66. Compliance with other laws
These rules shall not exempt a person authorised pursuant to these rules from the requirements of the any written law governing environmental matters or other written law.67. Liability under other laws
The suspension or cancellation of an authorization shall not exempt the holder or where the holder is a body corporate, its Board of Directors or officers, from liability under the Act or any other written law.68. Forest to remain property of State
69. Appeals
A person who is aggrieved by the decision of the Service with respect to an application for an authorisation or the action of the Service with respect thereto may appeal to Appeals Tribunal under Environmental Management and Coordination Act (Cap. 387).History of this document
Cited documents 3
Act 3
1. | Arbitration Act | 992 citations |
2. | Wildlife Conservation and Management Act | 320 citations |
3. | Forest Conservation and Management Act | 97 citations |