All that building known as Railway House, Lower Hill Road and the surrounding compound in L.R. No. 209/14647, Upper Hill, Nairobi City, in Nairobi Province.LAND’S OFFICES, MOI AVENUE, NAIROBI
All that building known as Land’s Offices, Moi Avenue and the surrounding compound in L.R. No. 209/12722, Central Business District, Nairobi City in Nairobi Province.THE MANSE KIKUYU
All that building known as the Manse and the surrounding compound of approximately 80 m x 70 m situated in Kikuyu, Kiambu District in Central Province.COTTAGE, NANDI ROAD, KAREN
All that building known as the Cottage, Nandi Road 150 in L.R. No. 7336/18 situated in Miotoni, Karen, Nairobi City in Nairobi Province.P.C.E.A. CHURCH OF THE TORCH, THOGOTO
All that building known as the P.C.E.A. Church of the Torch, Thogoto, Kikuyu and the surrounding compound in L.R. No. Dagoreti/Thogoto/1448, Kiambu District in Central Province.WATSON SCOTT MEMORIAL CHURCH, KIKUYU
All that building known as the Watson Scott Memorial Church and the surrounding compound of approximately 63 m x 38 m in L.R. No. Dagoreti/Thogoto/1448 situated in Kiambu District in Central Province.KITAU MANDA SKYLINE
All that area covering the Kitau and Magrove Skyline of Manda, situated at Lamu World Heritage Site, Lamu District in Coast Province.SIRI GURDWARA RAMGARHIA TEMPLE
All that building known as the Siri Gurdwara Ramgarhia Temple, situated off Sandifod Road, Landi Mawe Area within Railways Estate in Nairobi Province.KAYA CHITSANZE
All that area of forest and measuring approximately 104.5 hectares, also known as Chitsanze Sacred Grove located in Ziwani Sublocation, Golini Location, Matuga Division, Kwale District in Coast Province.DEDAN KIMATHI STATUE
All that structure within the area of land measuring approximately 0.41146 Hectares, also known as the Dedan Kimathi Statue situated along the junction of Kimathi Street and Mama Ngina Street in Nairobi Province.OLD EMBU PC’S HOUSE
All that building known as the Old Embu PC’s House number HGI-Embu measuring approximately 70 m x 80 m situated about 50 m from the new PC’s residence within Embu Town, Embu District in Eastern Province.OLD EMBU PC SERVANT’S QUARTERS
All that building known as the Old Embu PC servants’ quarters situated in Embu Town, Embu District in Eastern Province.OLD ARMOURY
All that building overgrown by a fig tree, known as the Old Armoury measuring approximately 6 feet and about 20 metres from the Old PC’s House within Embu Town, Embu District in Eastern Province.OLUCHIRI SACRED GROVE
All that forest patch measuring approximately 30 m x 40 m also known as Oluchiri Sacred Site situated in Ebusiekwe sub-location, West Bunyore Location, Lwanda Division, Vihiga District in Western Province.ASUBWE SACRED GROVE
All that area of land measuring approximately one acre, also known as Asubwe Sacred Site, located in Ebusiekwe sub-location, West Bunyore Location, Lwanda Division, Vihiga District in Western Province.KING GEORGE’S TOWER
All that structure known as the King George’s Tower at the junction of Sudi Road and Kenyatta Avenue, Kakamega Town in Western Province.NAIROBI CLUB
All that building known as the Nairobi Club situated along Ngong Road in Nairobi Province.ICHAGAKI PARISH
All that building known as the Ichagaki Parish, situated along the Maragua-Ichagaki Road, Maragua District in Central Province.BILDAD KAGGIA’S MAUSOLEUM
All that structure known as the Bildad Kaggia’s Mausoleum situated in Kabati sub- location, Maragua District in Central Province.PEPONI ROAD HOUSE NO. 21
All that area of land on which the building known as Peponi Road House No. 21 stands, being L.R. No. 187011/219, situated along Peponi Road in Westlands, Nairobi Province.MAKHAN SINGH HOUSE
All that area of land together with the building thereon located in L.R. No. 209/2761 along Park Road, Ngara within Nairobi Province.KAKAPELI ROCK SHELTER
All that rock art known as the Kakapeli Rock Shelter, situated in Kiboi area on the Southern slopes of Mt. Elgon, North Teso Location in Busia District.HONOURABLE PAUL NGEI MAUSOLEUM
All that structure known as Hon. Paul Ngei’s Mausoleum situated in Mbilini Sub-location, Kangundo Division, Machakos District in Eastern Province.EL MOLO SHRINES
All the four Elmolo shrines namely: Marie, Orikala, Origaltite and Orisole known as the Gantes occupying an area measuring approximately one acre situated in Roto Island, Loyangalani Division in Marsabit District.DESAI HOUSE, 2ND PARKLANDS AVENUE, NAIROBI
All that building known as Desai House, 2nd Parklands Avenue and the surrounding of about 1.7 acres, on L.R. No. 209/1916/6, Parklands, Nairobi City in Nairobi Province.WESTMINSTER HOUSE
All that building on plot No. 209/900, known as the Westminster House, situated along Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi City in Nairobi Province.SHAFFI MOSQUE
All that building known as the Shaffi Mosque, on L.R. No. 209/6502, situated within Muthurwa Area, Railways Estate, Kamukunji Division in Nairobi Province.VIGANGO OF THE GIRYAMA TRIBE
All those objects known as Vigango found and used as funeral posts among the Giryama tribe in Coast Province.EAST ALEGO NYANGOMA KOGELO
All that area known as East Alego Nyangome Kogelo, parcel No. 364 measuring approximately three decimal six (3.6) hectares, situated in Siaya District.ST. PETERS CATHOLIC CHURCH
All that building known as St. Peters Catholic Church measuring approximately 40ft x 40ft and geographical measurements of 819.224 mE, 9879288.3 mN situated in Narok District, Rift Valley Province.OLD ASIAN SCHOOL
All that building known as the Old Asian School measuring approximately 50ft x 25ft and geographical measurements of 819,859 mE, 98795986.7 mN situated in Narok District, Rift Valley Province.FORMER ITALIAN BARRACKS
All that building known as the former Italian Barracks measuring approximately 8ft x 30ft and geographical measurements of 819.167 mE, 9880051.6 mN situated in Narok District, Rift Valley Province.CITY PARK
An area of forest land on L.R. No. 209/6559/6 measuring approximately sixty (60) hectares and set out in part development plan No. CPD and ARCH/FP/20/111/97 known as City Park in Parklands area in the city of Nairobi.OL DONYO SABUK HOUSE, KILIMA MBOGO
All that building known as Ol Donyo Sabuk House, Kilima Mbogo and the surrounding compound of the central farm of Muka Mukuu farmers Co-operative, measuring about 33,000 acres, Kyeleni Sub-location, Kymzavi Location, Matunguru Division, Machakos District, Eastern Province.TULUAP–SIGIS HILL
All that area of forest land surrounding Tuluap-Sigis Hill measuring approximately three hundred and seventy five (375) hectares situated in Londiani Division, Kipkelion District in Rift Valley Province.CITY MARKET
All that building known as the City Market and the surrounding compound, on L.R. No. 209/1855/1 situated between Muindi Mbingu Street and Koinange Street in Nairobi City, Nairobi Province.KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY MARITIME MUSEUM BUILDING
All that building known as the Kenya Maritime Museum measuring approximately decimal nine eight (0.98) acres located on asset No. L.N. 15 and geological co-ordinates of 40 641’S and 390 38.915’E situated within Kilindini Harbor, Mombasa District, Coast Province.NAIROBI SOUTH CEMETERY
All that area known as the Nairobi South Cemetery measuring approximately decimal nine four six (0.946) hectares, on L.R. No. 209/256 located along the Uhuru Highway and adjacent to the Railway Golf Course in Nairobi Province.