The Animal Diseases (Control of Pig Diseases) Rules

Legal Notice 71 of 1966

This is the latest version of this Legal Notice.
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  • Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. LXVIII—No. 10 on 8 March 1966
  • Commenced on 8 March 1966
  1. [Amended by Animal Diseases (Control of Pig Diseases) (Amendment) Rules, 2006 (Legal Notice 78 of 2006) on 23 June 2006]
  2. [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1.These Rules may be cited as the Animal Diseases (Control of Pig Diseases) Rules.
2.In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires—"pig producer" means a person who has been issued with a licence to keep pigs under these Rules;"premises" means any building, paddock or passages in which pigs are kept.[L.N. 78/2006, r. 2.]
3.Deleted by L.N. 78/2006, r. 4.
4.Deleted by L.N. 78/2006, r. 5.
5.Every pig producer shall, on or before the 30th April each year, make application to the Director, in Form 1 in the First Schedule, for renewal of his licence, and such licence shall be renewed on receipt of the fee of five shillings, for a period of a year from the 1st July to 30th. June next, except that such a renewal may be refused in the same manner and for the same reasons that a licence may be revoked under rule 9.[L.N. 78/2006, r. 3.]
6.Every pig producer shall stack all litter for at least one month before it is used.[L.N. 78/2006, r. 3.]
7.(1) Every pig kept by a pig producer shall, whenever kept in a building, be confined in a pig-proof building and whenever not in a building shall be confined in a pig-proof paddock.
(2)Where such a pig is usually housed in a building, it shall be confined, when not in a building, in a pig-proof paddock, which shall be either within one hundred yards of the building or connected with it by a pig-proof passage.[L.N. 78/2006, r. 3.]
8.A building, paddock or passage shall, for the purpose of these Rules, be pig-proof only if it is constructed in accordance with the specifications contained in the Second Schedule or higher specifications, and is in sound condition and a good state of repair.
9.(1) A pig producer whose premises are not pig-proof, or whose pigs are not kept in accordance with these Rules, shall be served with a warning, in writing sent by registered post, by an inspector, to the effect that his licence may be withdrawn; such warning shall include details, if any, of any infringements of these Rules by such pig producer.
(2)If, after two weeks have elapsed since receipt of such a warning by a pig producer, the recipient does not make such alterations or repairs as are considered necessary by an inspector, or continues to keep pigs other than in accordance with these Rules, the licence of such person may be revoked by the Director, by notice in writing.[L.N. 78/2006, r. 3.]
10.Any person who keeps pigs without a licence, or who continues to keep pigs after his licence has been revoked by the Director in accordance with rule 7, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
11.Notwithstanding the revocation of the Pig Industry (Licence) Rules, licences issued under those Rules shall be deemed to be licences issued under these Rules and shall remain in force until 30th June 1967 and shall then expire.


FORM 1 ( r. 3)
(To be submitted in duplicate)
1.Full Names ..................................................(In block letters)
2.Postal Address ..............................................
3.Address of place where pigs are kept including name of farm and district ....................................................................
4.Number of pigs kept at time of application:
(1)Boars ......................................................................
(2)Breeding Sows or Gilts ...............................................
(3)Stores or Weaners .....................................................
(4)Sucking Pigs .............................................................
5.*I hereby make application to keep pigs at the premises described in 4 above, and enclose a fee of Sh. 5.* I hereby make application for renewal of my licence to keep pigs, and enclose a fee of Sh. 5.* Delete whichever is inapplicable.
  Signed .................................
Note.—The licence fee of Sh. 5 must be remitted together with this application.

Part II

(To be completed by an inspector)

I, ................................... an inspector under the Animal Diseases Act, certify that I have on .................., 20 ............ inspected the premises described in 3 above and am satisfied that pigs can be kept on the said premises without danger of contact with wild pig and recommend that a licence be issued to ............................ to keep pigs on the above described premises.
  Signed ..............................................
  Designation .....................................
  Date ................................................


FORM 2 ( r. 4)
To:Name ....................................................Address .................................................Farm ....................................................You are hereby licensed to keep pigs on the farm described above. This licence expires on the 30th June 20 ................ Application for renewal must be made on or before 30th April 20 ...............
Date .................................................... ...............................................................Director of Veterinary Services.



The walls and doors shall be not less than 3 feet 6 inches high, and shall be either—
(a)of solid construction; or
(b)made of posts not more than 4 feet apart, with rails of timber, off-cuts or poles not more than 3 inches apart, the bottom one being not more than 3 inches from the ground at any point; or
(c)made of posts not more than 4 feet apart, with standard pig or sheep wire netting not lighter than 15 gauge, not more than 3 inches off the ground and barbed wire running along the top and bottom of the wire netting.


Paddocks and passages shall be bounded by continuous fences at least 3 feet 6 inches high and not more than 3 inches off the ground at any point, and one of the following constructions—
(a)made of posts not more than 6 yards apart, with standard pig or sheep wire netting not lighter than 15 gauge and barbed wire running along the top and bottom of wire netting, and at least three droppers evenly spaced between every two posts; or
(b)made of posts not more than 6 yards apart, with seven strands of barbed wire at the respective heights of 3, 7, 12, 18, 24, 32 and 42 inches from the ground, and three droppers evenly spaced between every two posts; or
(c)made of posts and rails, the posts being not more than 10 feet apart and the rails not more than 4 inches apart, the rails being off-cuts, sawn timber or poles of at least 3 inches diameter.
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History of this document

31 December 2022 this version
08 March 1966