This is the version of this Legal Notice as it was from 27 May 2011 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Amends Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. LXI—No. 44 on 29 September 1959
- Commenced on 29 September 1959
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 1961 (Legal Notice 18 of 1962) on 2 January 1962]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 1964 (Legal Notice 378 of 1964) on 15 December 1964]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 1968 (Legal Notice 122 of 1968) on 3 May 1968]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 1977 (Legal Notice 87 of 1977) on 22 April 1977]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-Laws, 1979 (Legal Notice 193 of 1979) on 21 September 1979]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 1984 (Legal Notice 69 of 1984) on 25 May 1984]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 1994 (Legal Notice 380 of 1994) on 28 October 1994]
- [Amended by Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) By-laws, 2011 (Legal Notice 45 of 2011) on 27 May 2011]
1. Short title
These By-laws may be cited as the Architects and Quantity Surveyors By-laws.2. Interpretation
In these By-laws, unless the context otherwise requires—"Board" means the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors established under section 4 of the Act;"register" means the register required to be kept by the Board under the provisions of section 6 of the Act;"Registrar" means the person for the time being appointed under by-law 11 to be Registrar of the Board.CONSTITUTION, POWERS AND PROCEDURE OF BOARD
3. Vacancies on Board
The office of a member of the Board shall become vacant—4. Vice-chairman
5. Meetings
Meetings of the Board shall be convened not less frequently than once in every month at such places and times as it shall determine.6. Convening of meetings
7. Procedure at meetings
The chairman or other person presiding at any meeting of the Board shall decide all matters of procedure arising thereat and his decision shall be final.8. Voting
All acts of the Board shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting, and in the event of an equality of votes the person presiding shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.9. Committees
10. Minutes
Minutes of all resolutions and proceedings of the Board and committees thereof shall be recorded in proper books to be provided for the purpose.11. Registrar and other officers
The Board shall appoint a Registrar and such other officers and servants as it thinks fit and the Registrar and such officers and servants (if any) shall perform such duties and be subject to such terms and conditions of employment as the Board shall from time to time resolve.12. Communications
All communications to the Board shall be addressed to the Registrar at the postal address of the Board.13. Authentication of documents not under seal
Every document of the Board not required by law to be under seal shall be sufficiently authenticated by the signature of the Registrar or of the chairman or vice-chairman.COMMON SEAL
14. Style
The common seal of the Board shall be in the form illustrated in the First Schedule hereto and shall be kept in the custody of the Registrar.15. Affixing the seal
The seal shall only be affixed to a document under the authority of the Board and in the presence of the chairman or vice-chairman and of two other members of the Board and of the Registrar, and the affixing of the seal shall be attested accordingly.16. Documents bearing seal
Any document bearing the seal of the Board and attested as aforesaid shall be sufficient evidence of the act of the Board.ACCOUNTS
17. Books of account
The Board shall keep proper books of account which shall be audited annually as the Board shall direct and a balance-sheet shall be prepared annually.18. Disbursements
All disbursements from the funds of the Board shall be submitted to the Board for approval before such payments are made.19. Banking
All moneys received on account of the Board shall be payable to an account in the name of the Board at such bank as the Board shall direct and no money shall be paid out except by the direction of the Board and by a cheque drawn by the Registrar and countersigned by the chairman or in his absence the vice-chairman or some other member specially appointed by the Board.20. Investments
The Board shall cause any accumulated funds to be invested from time to time in such manner as the Board may decide.21. Expenses of members of the Board
The Board may pay out of its funds a first-class air or railway fare or reasonable transport expenses and subsistence allowance to any member of the Board who may be authorised by resolution of the Board to visit any place in the course of his duties as a member of the Board.REGISTER
22. Provision and custody of register
The register shall be retained in the custody of the Registrar who shall make all necessary entries therein; it shall be divided into two parts, namely a register of architects and a register of quantity surveyors.23. Publication of register entries
The Board shall from time to time publish all entries into and suspensions or deletions from the register in the Gazette and in such other manner as it may deem fit.24. Copies of entries in register
25. Method of application
26. Consideration of applications
27. Board may call for further information
An applicant for registration shall furnish the Board with such further information and such corroborative evidence of the particulars given in his application as the Board may consider necessary for the purpose of considering the application, and the Board may call upon the applicant to attend a meeting of the Board at his own expense:Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Board from acting upon further or other evidence which may prove the incorrectness of any statement made in such application or on such attendance.28. Withholding information
Should an applicant without good cause refuse to furnish any further information which the Board may call for or fail to attend personally a meeting of the Board after receiving due notice, the Board may refuse to consider further the application.29. Decision
The decision of the Board on an application for registration shall be communicated to the applicant by letter addressed to him at the postal address appearing on his application form.REGISTRATION AND REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES
30. Change of address
Every person whose name is entered in the register shall keep the Registrar informed of any change of address and the Registrar shall amend the register accordingly.31. Issue of registration certificate
Upon the completion of the entry of a name in the register a certificate of registration which shall bear a serial number corresponding to the number of the entry in the register applicable shall be duly completed and the common seal impressed thereon, and the entry in the register shall be similarly attested, and the certificate (which shall remain the property of the Board) shall thereupon be delivered to the registered person. Every certificate of registration shall be in the appropriate form set out in the Third Schedule hereto.32. Removal of a name from the register
The name of a registered person may be removed from the register upon the instructions of the Board in the event of the death of the registered person or upon the written application of the registered person, or by the order of the High Court in accordance with section 13 of the Act.33. Endorsement of register on removal of a name
In the event of the suspension of a registered person or the removal of the name of a registered person from the register for any cause, the register shall be suitably endorsed by the Registrar, and the Board shall publish in the Gazette a notice of such suspension or removal.34. Certificate to be returned to the Board
Upon the suspension of a registered person or the removal of the name of a registered person from the register such person shall forthwith deliver up his registration certificate to the Board.35. Power to sue for return of certificate
Should a certificate not be returned in accordance with by-law 34 upon demand by registered letter to the last known address of the person to whom the certificate relates, the Board shall have power to take legal action for the recovery thereof.36. Method of dealing with returned certificates
Upon the return of a certificate of registration the Board shall—37. Loss or destruction of a certificate
In the event of a registered certificate being lost or destroyed and such loss or destruction being proved to the satisfaction of the Board, a duplicate of such registration certificate may be supplied to the registered person upon payment of a fee of forty shillings.CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT AND SCALE OF PROFESSIONAL CHARGES FOR ARCHITECTS
38. Fourth Schedule to apply
Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these By-laws, the Conditions of Engagement and the Scale of Professional Charges shall be those contained in the Fourth Schedule to these by-laws as from time to time amended or reproduced by the Board.CONDITIONS OF ENGAGEMENT AND SCALE OF PROFESSIONAL CHARGES FOR QUANTITY SURVEYORS
39. Fifth Schedule to apply
Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these By-laws, the Conditions of Engagement and the Scale of Professional Charges shall be those contained in the Fifth Schedule to these by-laws as from time to time amended or reproduced by the Board.40. Scale of charges to be published
It shall be the duty of the Registrar to publish in the Gazette at intervals of not more than five years the scale of charges referred to in by-laws 38 and 39, and with the minimum of delay to publish in the Gazette from time to time any revisions made to that scale.ARTICLED PUPILS
41. Board to be notified of conditions of articles
A registered architect or quantity surveyor proposing to receive an articled pupil shall immediately inform the Board of the name and address of such pupil together with full particulars of his articles of pupilage.42. Articles to conform with conditions approved by the Board
All articles of pupilage shall contain conditions relating to the obligations of pupil to principal and principal to pupil, the period of pupilage and the consideration for which the principal shall undertake to receive a pupil and which shall be made or allowed to the principal by the parent or guardian of the pupil and all such conditions shall be submitted to and be approved by the Board.43. Completion or cancellation of articles to be notified and endorsed by the Board
44. Powers of the Board
The Board may from time to time formulate a syllabus for and cause examinations to be held in respect of—UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT
45. Definition of unprofessional
45A. Approval of partnership
46. Institution of inquiry
47. Complainant to file particulars on affidavit if required
The Board may require the complainant to file further particulars of any of the matters complained of and may require the complaint or any part thereof to be verified by affidavit.48. Person complained of to be notified
Upon receipt of a complaint against a registered person, the Board shall notify the person complained of, giving the grounds of the complaint, under cover of registered letter, sent to his last address acknowledged by the Registrar.49. Person complained of to file explanation
The Board may call upon the person whose conduct is complained of or is under investigation to file, within ten days thereafter, an explanation in answer to the complaint and may require such explanation to be verified by affidavit.50. Person complained of to appear in person and produce documents
The Board may summon before it any registered person against whom any complaint may be lodged or whose conduct may appear to the Board to require investigation or order such person to appear before a subcommittee appointed for the purpose of investigation and may call upon such person to produce any document, contract, book, paper, drawing, specification, quantities or other writing in his possession or under his control in any way relating to or concerning the complaint or matter under investigation and may hear any evidence and inspect any document which the complainant or the party complained against may desire to adduce.51. Right of person complained of to appear before Board
The person against whom the complaint is made shall have the right to appear before the Board and to be heard either personally or through his advocate and may call such evidence and produce such documents as may be relevant.52. Failure of person complained of to appear at inquiry
Should such person not appear or not file such explanation as provided in by-laws 49 and 50 the inquiry may be proceeded with forthwith.53. Board’s action on completion of inquiry
The Board having inquired into the alleged misconduct of any person may—History of this document
10 November 2023 amendment not yet applied
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
27 May 2011 this version
28 October 1994
25 May 1984
21 September 1979
22 April 1977
03 May 1968
15 December 1964
02 January 1962
29 September 1959
Published in Kenya Gazette 44
Cited documents 2
Act 2
1. | Copyright Act | 113 citations |
2. | Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act | 20 citations |