NO. 8 OF 2024
- Published in Kenya Gazette on 28 June 2024
- Assented to on 28 June 2024
- Commenced on 28 December 2024
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the County Licensing (Uniform Procedures) Act, 2024, and shall come into operation upon the expiry of six months from the date of assent of this Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act—"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to trade;"electronic communication" means any information transmitted, sent, received or stored in magnetic, optical, computer memory, microfilm or similar device; and"licensing authority" means a County Licensing Board established by a county government under section 7.Part II – OBLIGATIONS
3. Guiding principles
A person shall, in the implementation of this Act or enactment of the respective county legislation, take into account —4. General duty on licensing authority.
5. Principles of interpretation and application.
The following principles shall apply to the interpretation and application of this Act and licensing legislation enacted by a county government —6. Obligations of county governments.
A county government shall, in establishing and administering a licensing regime —Part III – LICENSING PROCEDURE
7. Application for granting, amendment, renewal restoration and replacement of licence
8. Single application process
A county government shall, in the enactment of legislation and for the effective administration of the licensing processes, prescribe procedures for a single application process with respect to an application for more than one licence.9. Notices for further information
10. Consultation
11. Advertising of applications
12. Withdrawal of application
13. Period of determination of application
14. Determination of application.
15. Notice of decision on application.
16. Issuance of licence.
17. Duration of licence.
18. Conditions for issuance of licence.
19. Variation of conditions of a licence.
20. Cancellation of licence.
21. Review of decisions.
22. Change in particulars
A person who holds a licence shall notify the respective licensing authority of any change that occurs in the licensee’s name, directorship, shareholding, address or registered particulars, within fourteen days after the change.23. Administration of register of licences.
24. Licensing fees.
25. Service of notices
26. Recovery of unpaid fees
A fee payable with respect to a licence or an application for a licence may be recovered by the relevant licensing authority as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction.27. General penalty
A person who contravenes a provision of this Act commits an offence and is liable, on conviction to a fine not exceeding one million shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.28. Regulations
29. County legislation
History of this document
28 December 2024
28 June 2024 this version
Assented to
Cited documents 4
Act 4
1. | County Governments Act | 1462 citations |
2. | Access to Information Act | 335 citations |
3. | Statutory Instruments Act | 226 citations |
4. | Interpretation and General Provisions Act | 7 citations |