Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Is amended by Business Laws (Amendment) Act, 2024
- Amends Science, Technology and Innovation Act

CAP. 511A
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIV—No. 58 on 1 April 2022
- Assented to on 24 February 2022
- Commenced on 21 March 2022
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
- [Amended by Business Laws (Amendment) Act, 2024 (Act No. 20 of 2024) on 27 December 2024]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to industrial research and development;"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Institute established under section 9;"former institute" means the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute existing immediately before the commencement of this Act;"incubation" means the maintenance of enabling environment conditions for the purpose of facilitating the growth or development of infant technologies, ideas or industries;"indigenous knowledge" means the wisdom developed over generations of holistic traditional scientific utilization of the lands, natural resources and environment;Institute" means the Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute established under section 4;"innovation" means—3. Objects of the Act
The objects of this Act shall be to provide for—Part II – KENYA INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE
4. Establishment of the Institute
5. Objectives of the Institute
The objectives of the Institute shall be to—6. Functions of the Institute
7. Powers of the Institute
The Institute shall have power to—8. Headquarters of the Institute
9. Board of Directors of the Institute
10. Qualifications of directors
11. Functions of the Board
The Board shall—12. Powers of the Board
13. Tenure of office
14. Removal from office
15. Vacancy of office
The office of chairperson or member of the Board shall fall vacant if the holder of the office—16. Filling of vacancies
Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Board, the appointing authority shall appoint a new member in accordance with the provisions of this Act.17. Meetings of the Board
18. Quorum
The quorum at the meetings of the Board shall be two-thirds of the members of the Board.19. Delegation by the Board
The Board may, by resolution, either generally or in any particular case, delegate to any committee of the Board or to any member, officer, employee or agent of the Institute, the exercise of any of its powers or the performance of any of its functions.20. Remuneration of directors
The chairman and members of the Board, other than the chief executive, shall be paid out of the funds of the Institute such allowances or other remuneration as the Cabinet Secretary may, on the advice of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, determine.21. Director-General of the Institute
22. Qualifications for appointment as the Director-General
A person is qualified to be appointed as the Director-General of the Institute if that person—23. Functions of the Director-General
The Director-General shall—24. Tenure of the Director-General
The Director-General shall hold office for a period not exceeding five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one further period not exceeding five years.25. Removal of Director-General from office
The Director-General may be removed from office for—26. Corporation Secretary
There shall be a Corporation Secretary who shall be appointed by the Board on such terms as the Board may, on the advice of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, determine.27. Qualifications of Corporation Secretary
A person qualifies for appointment as the Corporation Secretary if that person—28. Functions of the Corporation Secretary
The Corporation Secretary shall, subject to the direction of the Board—Part III – INVENTIONS AND INNOVATIONS BY EMPLOYEES
29. Award to inventor or innovator
30. Rights to vest in Institute
31. Withholding intellectual property information
Any information on intellectual property that may not be required to be included in any statement of corporate intent, annual report or financial statements by the Institute may be properly withheld and may be released upon request in accordance with the provisions of the Access to Information Act (Cap. 7M).Part IV – FINANCIAL PROVISIONS
32. Funds of the Institute
The funds of the Institute shall comprise of—33. Financial year
The financial year of the Institute shall be the period of twelve months ending on the 30th June in each year.34. Annual estimates
35. Accounts and audit
36. Annual reports
The Board shall, within three months after the end of each financial year, submit to the Cabinet Secretary a report on the operations of the Institute for the immediately preceding financial year.Part V – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
37. Common seal
38. Protection from personal liability
39. Regulations
40. Amendment of Cap. 511
The Fourth Schedule to the Science, Technology and Innovation Act (Cap. 511), is amended by deleting paragraph 3.41. Transitional matters
42. Board of the former Institute
Any person who was a member of the former Institute immediately before the commencement of this Act shall remain in office for the unexpired period of that person’s tenure.43. Staff of the former Institute
History of this document
27 December 2024 this version
Amended by
Business Laws (Amendment) Act, 2024
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
01 April 2022
21 March 2022
24 February 2022
Assented to
Cited documents 6
Act 6
1. | Access to Information Act | 335 citations |
2. | Statutory Instruments Act | 226 citations |
3. | Public Audit Act | 116 citations |
4. | Copyright Act | 106 citations |
5. | Industrial Property Act | 65 citations |
6. | Science, Technology and Innovation Act | 51 citations |
Documents citing this one 4
Gazette 2
1. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIV-No. 151 | |
2. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXV-No. 234 |
Act 1
1. | Science, Technology and Innovation Act | 51 citations |
Bench Bulletin 1
1. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 57 |