This is the version of this Act as it was from 31 December 2021 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
Public Private Partnerships Act
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

CAP. 430
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIII—No. 264 on 31 December 2021
- Assented to on 7 December 2021
- Commenced on 23 December 2021
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Public Private Partnerships Act, 2021.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"affordability" means that—(a)the financial commitments to be incurred by a contracting authority in terms of a project agreement are sustainable and do not impose an unreasonable burden to the contracting authority and may be met by funds—(i)designated within the existing budget of the contracting authority for its function for which the agreement relates; and;(ii)assigned to the contracting authority in accordance with its relevant future budgetary allocation; and(b)the cost of delivering a facility or service in relation to the project by the contracting authority does not impose an unreasonable financial burden on the end users;"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to finance;"Committee" means the Public Private Partnership Committee established under section 6;"concession" means a contractual licence formalized by a project agreement, which may be linked to a separate interest or right over real property, with or without a fee to Government, entitling a person who is granted the licence to make use of the specified infrastructure or undertake a project and to charge user fees, receive availability payments or both such fees and payments during the term of the concession;"contracting authority", means—(a)at the national government level, a state department, agency or state corporation which intends to have its functions undertaken by a private party; or(b)at the county government level, the county government or county corporation which intends to have its functions undertaken by a private party;"contracting authority's property" includes all movable and immovable property belonging to the contracting authority and the intellectual property rights vested in the contracting authority;"Directorate" means the Directorate of Public Private Partnerships established under section 15;“feasibility study” means a study undertaken to explore the technical, financial, legal, social and environmental feasibility of undertaking an infrastructure or development facility as a public private partnership;"financial close" means the date when all conditions precedent required to be met to achieve first draw down on Senior Debt under a project agreement are met, as specified under a project agreement;"Fund" means the Public Private Partnership Project Facilitation Fund established under section 81;"local content" means the added value brought to the Kenyan economy from project-related activities by way of local distribution of accruing benefits including through the procurement of locally available workforce, services and supplies and systematic development of national capacity and capabilities;"private party" means a party that enters into a project agreement with a contracting authority and is responsible for undertaking a project on behalf of the contracting authority under this Act;"privately-initiated proposal" means a proposal that is originated by a private party without the involvement of a contracting authority and may include information that enables the complete evaluation of the proposal as if it were a bid;"project" means the design, construction, development or operation of a new infrastructure, asset or facility or the rehabilitation, modernization, expansion, operation or management of an existing infrastructure, asset or facility;"project agreement" means a contract concluded between a contracting authority and a private party and includes any ancillary agreement entered into by the parties in relation to an agreement;"project company" means a special purpose vehicle company incorporated by a successful bidder for the purpose of undertaking a project in accordance with a project agreement executed by the parties;"Public Debt Management Office" means the Public Debt Management Office established by section 62(1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 (No. 18 of 2012);"public private partnership" means a contractual arrangement between a contracting authority and a private party under which a private party—(a)undertakes to perform a public function or provide a service on behalf of the contracting authority;(b)receives a benefit for performing a public function by way of —(i)compensation from a public fund;(ii)charges or fees collected by the private party from users or consumers of a service provided to them; or(iii)a combination of such compensation and such charges or fees;(c)is generally liable for risks arising from the performance of the function in accordance with the terms of the project agreement; and(d)transfers the facility to the contracting authority;"transaction advisor” means a person who has the appropriate skill and experience to assist and advise the contracting authority or the Directorate on matters related to a public private partnership;"user fee" means the rate, toll, fee, or other charge imposed for the use of all or part of an infrastructure or development facility or service; and"value for money" means that the undertaking of a public function of the contracting authority by a private party under a public private partnership results in a net benefit accruing to that contracting authority defined in terms of cost, price, quality, quantity, timeliness or risk transfer.3. Object of the Act
The object of this Act is to—4. Application of Act
5. Act to prevail
Where there is a conflict between the provisions of this Act and the provisions of any other written law, the provisions of this Act shall prevail.Part II – PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE
6. Public Private Partnership Committee
7. Qualification and terms of members
8. Functions and powers of the Committee
9. Vacation of office
10. Subcommittees
The Committee may establish such subcommittees as it may consider necessary for the proper performance of its functions and exercise of its powers under this Act.11. Delegation by the Committee
The Committee may, by a resolution either generally or in a particular case, delegate to a subcommittee or to a member, officer, employee or agent of the Directorate, the exercise of any of the powers or performance of any of the functions of the Committee.12. Conduct of the business of the Committee
13. Code of conduct
The Cabinet Secretary may make Regulations prescribing a code of conduct for Committee’s members and officers, employees and agents of the Directorate.14. Remuneration
There shall be paid to the members of the Committee such remuneration or allowances as the Cabinet Secretary may, in consultation with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, determine.15. Directorate
16. Director-General
17. Staff of the Directorate
Subject to section 31 and 37 of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017 the Cabinet Secretary shall, in consultation with the Director General, appoint the staff of the Directorate.18. Secondment of staff to the Directorate
19. Functions of the Directorate
20. Project agreements
21. Public private partnership arrangements
22. Duties of contracting authorities
23. Determination of the duration of public private partnership agreements
24. Execution of project agreements
Where a contracting authority intends to enter into a public private partnership, a person shall not, unless that person is the accounting officer of the contracting authority, enter into a project agreement in relation to that project on behalf of the contracting authority.25. Submission of project lists
26. National list and priority list of projects
27. Prequalification procedures
A contracting authority intending to enter into a project agreement with a private party shall, before the execution of the project agreement, confirm that the private party has—28. Government support measures.
29. Success fees and recoverable project development costs
30. Project identification, selection and prioritisation
31. Project preparation and implementation
32. Feasibility studies
33. Approval of feasibility reports
34. Technical expertise of contracting authorities
35. Standards and procedures
36. Limitation of contingent liabilities
37. Procurement methods
39. Procedure for direct procurement
A contracting authority shall adhere to the following procedures during direct procurement of projects—(a)issue a tender document which shall be the basis of tender preparation by the contracting authority and subsequent negotiations;(b)appoint an evaluation committee in accordance with the standards and practice procedures issued under this Act for the negotiation of a direct procurement of a project;(c)ensure that appropriate approvals under this Act have been granted;(d)ensure that the resulting project agreement complies with this Act; and(e)any other procedure that may be prescribed by the Cabinet Secretary.Privately-Initiated Proposals40. Privately-initiated proposals41. Due diligence on privately-initiated proposals
The Directorate, in co-ordination with the contracting authority, shall, before commencing an evaluation of a privately-initiated proposal, conduct due diligence to confirm that the private party —42. Evaluation of privately-initiated proposals
43. Project development of privately-initiated proposals
44. Procurement design
45. Restricted bidding
46. Requests for qualification
47. Qualification of private parties
48. Prequalification committees
49. Disqualification of private parties
50. Invitations to bid
51. Submission of bids
52. Competitive dialogue
53. Bids by consortiums
54. Proposal evaluation teams
55. Evaluation of bids and evaluation reports
56. Non-compliance by bidders
57. Negotiations
58. Project and risk assessment reports
59. Approval of project and financial risk assessment reports by the Committee
60. Approval of projects
61. Execution of project agreements
62. Cancellation of tenders
63. Agreements to be ratified by Parliament
The Cabinet Secretary responsible for a contracting authority that enters into a project agreement with a private party under this Act in respect of the exploitation of natural resources shall submit the project to Parliament for approval in accordance with Article 71 of the Constitution and the relevant written law relating to the exploitation, conservation or management of the natural resource.Part VI – PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS BY COUNTY GOVERNMENTS
64. Project agreements by county governments
65. Approved by county assemblies
66. County project lists
67. Part V to apply
The provisions of Part V shall apply, with the necessary modifications, to public private partnership projects by county governments.Part VII – PROJECT COMPANIES, DISCLOSURES AND PROJECT AGREEMENTS
68. Project companies
69. Publishing information on execution of project agreements
70. Minimum obligations of parties to a project agreement
71. Applicable law
72. Amendment and variation of project agreements
73. Project management
74. Secondment of employees of contracting authority
75. Petition Committee
76. Secretary
77. Remuneration
The members of the Committee shall be paid such salaries and allowances as the Cabinet Secretary shall, in consultation with the Salaries and Remuneration Committee, determine.78. Conflict of interest
A member of the Committee who has a direct or indirect interest in a matter before the Committee shall declare the interest and shall not participate in any proceedings of the Committee on the matter.79. Offences
80. Decree
The Committee shall issue a decree setting out its decision in a particular matter and the decree shall be enforceable in the same manner as a decree of the Court.Part VIII – FINANCIAL PROVISIONS
81. Public Private Partnership Project Facilitation Fund
There is established the Public Private Partnership Project Facilitation Fund which shall be a financing mechanism for purposes of this Act.82. Financial reporting, audit and project performance reports
83. Local content
84. Offences and penalties
85. Participation of State officers or public officers in tenders under this Act
86. Inspection of public private partnership premises, etc.
A private party shall, on the request of a contracting authority or Directorate, grant to an agent or employee of the contracting authority or Directorate, access to the project premises, site and storage facilities as well as records for the purpose of conducting an inspection in accordance with the terms of a project agreement.87. Application of Part V and Part VI of No. 3 of 2003
The Offences set out under Part V and the compensation and recovery of improper benefits set out under Part VI of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003 (No. 3 of 2003) shall apply to this Act with the necessary modifications.88. Annual report
89. Regulations
90. Interpretation
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires-91. Members and staff
92. Savings
93. Repeal
The Public Private Partnerships Act, 2013 (No. 15 of 2013) is repealed.History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
31 December 2021 this version
23 December 2021
07 December 2021
Assented to
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