This is the version of this Act as it was from 31 December 2022 to 2 September 2024. Read the latest available version.
National Youth Service Act
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Is amended by Amendment of the First Schedule

CAP. 208
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXI—No. 4 on 11 January 2019
- Assented to on 31 December 2018
- Commenced on 1 February 2019 by National Youth Service Act Commencement
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the National Youth Service Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to the youth;"Chairperson" means the Chairperson of the Council of the Service appointed under section 9;"confidential information" means information whose unauthorised disclosure is likely to be prejudicial to national interests;"Council" means the Council of the Service established by section 9;"Director-General" means the Director-General of the Service appointed under section 16;"disciplined service" includes the Kenya Defence Forces, the National Police Service, the Kenya Prison Service, the National Intelligence Service, the Kenya Wildlife Service, the Kenya Coast Guard Service, the Kenya Forest Service, the National Youth Service and the National Government Administration;"financial year" means the period of twelve months ending on the 30th June;"Kenya Defence Forces" means the Kenya Defence Forces established by Article 241 of the Constitution;"member of the Service" means uniformed and disciplined officers listed under the First Schedule;"member of the Council" means the Chairperson and members of the Council appointed under section 9;"narcotic drugs" has the meaning assigned to it under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act (Cap. 245);"national security organ" means a national security organ established by Article 239(1) of the Constitution;"National Security Council" means the National Security Council established by Article 240 of the Constitution;"officer" means a member of the Service who holds any of the ranks prescribed in Part I of the First Schedule or a member of any of the disciplined service, where applicable;"psychotropic substances" has the meaning assigned to it under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act (Cap. 245);"restricted information" means information which requires security protection other than information that is deemed to be top secret, secret or confidential;"Service" means the National Youth Service established by section 5;"Service stores" means—3. Object of the Act
The object of this Act is to establish the National Youth Service.4. Guiding principles
The Service shall observe and uphold the national values and principles of governance set out in Article 6(3), Article 10, the Bill of Rights enshrined in Chapter Four, the values and principles of Public Service set out in Article 232(1) of the Constitution and for the avoidance of doubt, shall—Part II – ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SERVICE
5. Establishment of the National Youth Service
6. Determination of the numbers of the Members of the Service
7. Functions of the Service
8. Powers of the Service
9. Establishment of the Council of the National Youth Service
10. Vacancy of member of the Council
The office of the Chairperson or a member of the Council shall become vacant if the holder—11. Committees of the Council
12. Functions of the Council
13. Terms and conditions of members of the Service
14. Conduct of the business and affairs of the Council
15. Protection from liability
16. Appointment of Director-General
17. Functions of the Director-General
18. Director-General may delegate powers or functions
19. Term of office of Director-General
A person appointed as the Director-General shall serve for a single and non-renewable term of six years.20. Vacancy in the office of Director-General
21. Retirement or redeployment of Director-General
Despite the provisions of section 20, the President may in consultation with the Council remove, retire or redeploy the Director-General at any time before the expiry of his or her term of office.22. Oath of office by Director-General
A person appointed as Director-General shall, on his or her appointment, take and subscribe to the oath of office set out in the Third Schedule.23. Enlistment to the Service
A person is eligible to be enlisted as a member of the Service if he or she is a youth as defined under this Act.24. Termination of service
25. Resignation from the Service
26. Extension of Service during times of emergency
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, any member of the Service whose engagement or secondment expires, or who wishes to resign, during a state of war, insurrection, hostilities, disasters or emergency may be retained in the Service and his or her period of engagement or secondment extended for such further period, not being more than six months after the end of the engagement, secondment or resignation, as the Council may direct.27. Return of Service property
28. Members not to engage in any other gainful employment
During the period of service with the Service no member shall engage in any other gainful employment, outside the scope of his or her duties in the Service, except with the approval of the Council in the case of a uniformed and disciplined member, or the Director-General in the case of any other member.29. Pension Scheme and other schemes
30. Oath of Office by members of Service
31. Staff of the Service
32. Terms and conditions of service for staff of the Service
33. Disciplinary offences
34. Penalties for disciplinary offences
35. Power to summon witnesses
36. Loss or damage to property to be made good by recovery from salary
37. Desertion or absence without leave by members of the Service
38. Prohibition against torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
39. Application of this Part
40. Obstructing an officer
A person who—41. Procuring or assisting in the desertion of a member of the Service
A person who—42. Unlawful purchase of Service store
43. Unauthorised use of or dealing in uniform, decorations, etc., of the Service
44. Interference with aids to navigation, etc.
45. Application of this Part
46. Conditions for the limitation of rights or fundamental freedoms
47. Limitation of right to privacy
48. Limitation of the right to access to information
49. Limitation of the freedom of association
50. Limitation of the right to assembly, demonstration, picketing and petition
Despite the provisions of Article 37 of the Constitution a member of the service shall not assemble, demonstrate, picket or petition public authorities.51. Limitation of the right to labour relations
Despite the provisions of Article 41 of the Constitution a member of the Service shall not form, join, agitate for or participate in the activities of a trade union or go on strike.52. Limitation of economic and social rights
The economic and social rights set out in Article 43 of the Constitution may, in respect of a member of the Service, be limited, as prescribed by a regulation made under this Act, to the extent necessary for the training of members of the Service or for the operations of the Service.Part VI – FINANCIAL PROVISIONS
53. Funds of the Service
54. Accounts and audit
55. Uniforms of the Service
The Council shall, by notice in the Gazette, specify and designate uniforms for the members of the Service.56. Exemption from execution against public property
A judgment, decree or order given or made against a member of the Service shall not be enforced by the levying of execution on any property of the Service or for which the Service is responsible in the possession of the member against whom the judgement, decree or order was made.57. Next of kin of members of the Service
58. Uniforms and decorations not part of estate of members of Service
The uniforms and decorations issued or authorised to a member of the Service shall not, on the death of that member, form part of the estate of the member in relation to any claim by a creditor or for any of the purposes of the administration of the estate of the member and shall be delivered to the Director-General and thereafter disposed of in the manner prescribed by Regulations made under this Act.59. Protection of members on duty
60. Convening of boards of inquiry
61. Redress
62. Secondment from National Security Organs
63. Temporary holding areas
The Director-General may through standing orders designate temporary holding areas for the detention of persons suspected to have committed offences against discipline under this Act.64. Regulations
The Cabinet Secretary may, in consultation with the Council make such Regulations as are necessary or expedient to give full effect to or for the carrying out of the provisions of this Act including—65. Service Standing Orders
66. Interpretation of this Part
In this Part, "former Service" means the National Youth Service established under section 3 of the repealed National Youth Service Act.67. Transition
68. [Spent]
History of this document
03 September 2024
31 December 2022 this version
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
01 February 2019
Commenced by
National Youth Service Act Commencement
11 January 2019
31 December 2018
Assented to
Cited documents 6
Act 6
1. | Fair Administrative Action Act | 1956 citations |
2. | Public Finance Management Act | 678 citations |
3. | Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act | 448 citations |
4. | Work Injury Benefits Act | 405 citations |
5. | Kenya Defence Forces Act | 142 citations |
6. | Public Audit Act | 116 citations |
Documents citing this one 15
Gazette 5
1. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXI-No. 17 | |
2. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXI-No. 78 | |
3. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXII-No. 16 | |
4. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIV-No. 90 | |
5. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXV-No. 268 |
Judgment 5
Legal Notice 5
Subsidiary legislation
The National Youth Service (Disposal of Uniforms and Decorations) Regulations | Legal Notice 13 of 2021 | 31 December 2022 |
The National Youth Service (Stakeholder Engagement) Regulations | Legal Notice 12 of 2021 | 31 December 2022 |
The National Youth Service (Missing Officers) Regulations | Legal Notice 11 of 2021 | 31 December 2022 |
The National Youth Service (Limitation of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms) Regulations | Legal Notice 10 of 2021 | 31 December 2022 |
The National Youth Service (Board of Inquiry) Regulations | Legal Notice 9 of 2021 | 31 December 2022 |
The National Youth Service (Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations | Legal Notice 8 of 2021 | 31 December 2022 |