This is the version of this Act as it was from 30 June 2017 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
National Coroners Service Act
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

CAP. 89
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXIX—No. 85 on 30 June 2017
- Assented to on 21 June 2017
- Commenced on 7 July 2017
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the National Coroners Service Act, 2017.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"Cabinet Secretary" means the Cabinet Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to justice;"Coroner" means the Coroner-General appointed under section 9 and the coroners appointed under section 15;"custody" means detention or custody of a person in any place by the State and it includes custody of person while in transit;"interested person" in relation to a deceased person or an investigation into a person's death, means—(a)a spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, child of a brother or sister, stepfather, stepmother, half-brother or half-sister;(b)a personal representative of the deceased;(c)a medical examiner exercising functions in relation to the death of the deceased;(d)a beneficiary under a policy of insurance issued on the life of the deceased;(e)the insurer who issued a policy of insurance under paragraph (d);(f)a person who may by any act or omission have caused or contributed to the death of the deceased, or whose employee or agent may have done so;(g)in a case where the death may have been caused by an injury sustained in the course of an employment, a representative of a trade union of which the deceased was a member at the time of death;(h)a person appointed by, or representative of, an enforcing authority;(i)a person appointed by a Government department to inquire into the death or to assist in, or provide evidence for the purposes of, an investigation into the death;(j)a person appointed by the Coroner to represent muslims or any interest groups;(k)a medical practitioner who examined the deceased; and(l)any other person who the Coroner-General thinks has a sufficient interest as may be prescribed;"Service" means the National Coroners Service established under section 6.3. Objects of the Act
The objects of this Act are to—4. Guiding Principles
In the exercise of the powers and performance of functions under this Act, the Coroner General, coroners or any other person charged with a responsibility under this Act shall respect and uphold the values and principles enshrined in the Constitution.5. Relationship with other laws
6. Establishment and composition of the Service
7. Access to services
8. Independence of the Service
9. Appointment of Coroner-General and coroners
10. Qualifications for appointment as Coroner-General
A person is qualified for appointment as Coroner- General if that person—11. Term of service of the Coroner-General
12. Removal from office
13. Vacancy
The office of the Coroner-General shall become vacant if the holder—14. Structure of the Service
15. Officers and other staff of the Service
16. Professional code of conduct.
17. Scheme of Service
The Public Service Commission shall prescribe a Scheme of Service for the coroners and other members of the Service.18. Continuous training of member of the Service
The Cabinet Secretary in consultation with the Coroner-General shall ensure continuous training of coroners and other members of the Service.Part III – FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF THE SERVICE
19. Functions of Coroner-General
The functions of the Coroner-General shall be to—20. Functions of coroners
The Coroner shall be the administrative head of coronial services in a County in respect of which he or she is appointed, and shall, subject to the control and directions of the Coroner-General, be responsible for the investigations into the reportable deaths which occur or are reported within the County.21. Delegation by the Coroner-General
22. Powers of the Coroner
23. General responsibility of a coroner
24. Obligation to report certain deaths
25. Report of deaths in custody
26. Mandatory reporting of all deaths
The Coroner-General shall undertake full medical investigations of all deaths suspected to be of criminal nature, regardless of faith or other considerations that may require immediate disposal of bodies.27. Procedure where death is found to be due to an act amounting to an offence
Where a coroner finds that the death of the deceased person was occasioned by an act which amounts to an offence under any law in force in Kenya, the Coroner shall immediately after the investigation, and in accordance with this Act, forward a copy of the investigation report, together with the names and addresses of any witnesses, to the Director of Public Prosecutions and Inspector-General of Police.28. Deaths to be investigated by the Service
The Service shall have jurisdiction to investigate the cause of death where—29. Collection of forensic evidence, etc
For purposes of investigations under this Act, a coroner shall have the power to collect forensic and other evidence and to preserve it in such manner as the Coroner- General may from time to time specify.Part V – INVESTIGATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS
30. Purpose of investigation and matters to be ascertained
The purpose of an investigation under this Part into a person's death is to ascertain—31. Conduct of investigations
Where a coroner—32. Reports by the Coroners on investigations carried out
33. Particulars of an investigation report
34. Report prima facie evidence
35. Second opinion
36. Power to hold investigation on a body within local limits
Whenever an investigation ought to be conducted on any dead body lying within the local limits of the jurisdiction of any Coroner, the Coroner shall conduct such investigation, whether or not the cause of death arose within that jurisdiction.37. Place of investigation
Upon the notice to the Coroner of the death or discovery of a dead body, an investigation may be conducted either in the territory of the Coroner in whose jurisdiction the body was found or where the death took place.38. Coroner to be sent for when prisoner dies
39. Preservation and management of scene of crime
40. Preservation and movement of dead bodies
41. Transferring body to mortuary
42. Designation of temporary holding of the body
43. Power to conduct post-mortem
44. Exhuming body or recovering cremated remains
45. Observing an autopsy
46. Autopsy reports
47. Removing tissue for autopsy testing
48. Permit for disposal
When the investigations are closed, or before, if it be necessary, the Coroner shall give a permit for the disposal of the body on which the investigation has been conducted.49. Authorizing burial of body, etc
50. Notifying registrar when body is released and investigation ends
51. Control of deceased’s body
52. Direction for other coroner to conduct investigation
53. Discontinuance where cause of death is revealed
54. Investigations lasting more than a year
55. Right to make a complaint
56. Appeals to the Coroner-General
57. Funds of the Service
58. Annual estimates
59. Financial year of the Service
The financial year of the Service shall be—60. Accounts and audit
61. Reports
62. Cost of undertaking postmortem and autopsy
The cost of undertaking postmortem or autopsy on reportable deaths under this Act shall be borne by the State.63. Conflict of interest
A coroner shall not conduct investigation or participate in any matter where he or she has an interest.64. Protection from personal liability
Nothing done by a member of the Service or by any person working under the instructions of the Service shall, if done in good faith for the purpose of executing the powers, functions or duties of the Service under this Act or any other written law, render such member or officer personally liable for any action, claim or demand.65. Duty to co-operate
66. Gainful employment
A person employed by the Service shall not undertake any other gainful employment.67. Protection from liability for giving information and other things to coroner
68. The National Coroners Council
69. Offence of obstruction
Any person who obstructs a coroner in due execution of his functions under this Act commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month.70. Failure to supply information, etc
A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with a written notice by the Coroner requiring that person to supply information or documents or other things to the extent that the person is capable of complying with it, commits an offence.71. False or misleading statements and omissions in certain documents
72. Non-compliance with direction about removal of body
A person who—73. General penalty
Any person who commits an offence under this Act to which no other penalty is provided for shall be liable on conviction to—74. Regulations
History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
07 July 2017
30 June 2017 this version
21 June 2017
Assented to
Cited documents 4
Act 4
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2. | Public Audit Act | 116 citations |
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4. | Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act | 63 citations |
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Judgment 4
Bench Bulletin 1
1. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 38 |