Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Amends Agriculture and Food Authority Act
- Amends Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act

CAP. 378
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVIII—No. 107 on 9 September 2016
- Assented to on 3 September 2016
- Commenced on 23 September 2016
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Citation
This Act may be cited as the Fisheries Management and Development Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"access agreement or arrangement" means any agreement or arrangement entered into pursuant to section 128;"Act" includes regulations or other forms of subsidiary legislation made hereunder;"agent" means any person or unit appointed by the Board or Director-General to execute designated functions under this Act, or such other agent as may be appointed in accordance with section 17(1)(c);"aircraft" means any propelled or remotely controlled airborne device capable of sustained movement through the atmosphere and includes helicopters and monitoring devices;"artisanal fisheries" means small scale traditional fisheries that may be carried out for subsistence or commercial purposes in which the owner is directly involved in the day-to-day running of the enterprise and relatively small amounts of capital are used;"artisanal fishing vessel" means any local fishing vessel, canoe or un-decked vessel with a length overall of not more than ten meters, which is motorised or not motorised by an outboard or inboard engine not exceeding forty horsepower, or powered by sails or paddles, but does not include decked or undecked semi-industrial fishing vessels or vessels used for recreational fishing;"Authority" means the Fish Marketing Authority established by section 198;"aquaculture" means the cultivation, propagation or farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants whether from eggs, spawn, spat, seed or other means or by rearing fish lawfully taken from the wild or lawfully imported into Kenya, or by other similar process;"aquaculture establishment" means any area, enclosure, premise or structure set up or used on land or in water for the purposes of aquaculture, and includes any cage or raft or other system;"aquaculture resources" means live fish and marine plants cultivated under aquaculture;"authorized officer" includes a fisheries officer, a disciplines officer of the service and any person appointed by the Board under section 18;"automatic location communicator" means a device approved by the Director which is placed on a fishing vessel and is designed to transmit, whether independently or in conjunction with another device or devices, information or data concerning position, fishing and such other activities of the vessel as may be required and includes a mobile transceiver unit;"barter" means trade of fish and fish products by two or more persons without use of money;"beach management unit" means an organization of fishers, fish traders, boat owners, fish processors and other beach stakeholders who traditionally depend on fisheries activities for their livelihoods;"Board" means the Fisheries Service Board established by section 10;"Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Fish Marketing Authority established under section 201;"buy" includes—3. Jurisdiction and sovereign rights of Kenya
4. Application
This Act, unless the contrary intention appears, shall apply to—5. Objective and guiding principles
6. Establishment of the Kenya Fisheries Council
7. Establishment and status
8. Headquarters
The Service shall have its headquarters in Nairobi and may establish such offices in the counties as may be appropriate to ensure that its services are provided at the county level.9. Functions of Service
The functions of the Service shall be to—10. Establishment, functions, powers and duties of the Board of Directors
11. Membership of the Board
12. Termination of appointment as a member of the Board
13. Disclosure of interest
14. Meetings of the Board
15. Appointment of the Director-General
16. Functions of the Director-General
17. Other staff of the Service
18. Authorized officers
19. Honorary fisheries officers
20. Establishment of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Unit
21. Inter-agency monitoring, control and surveillance unit
22. Funds of the Service
23. Financial Year
The financial year of the Service shall be the period of twelve months ending on the thirtieth June in each year.24. Annual estimates
25. Accounts and audit
26. Director-General to report to the Board
27. Fisheries Research and Development Fund
28. Fish Levy Trust Fund
29. Fisheries vest in the State
Fisheries Development Measures
30. Fisheries development measures
The Director-General may, in consultation with County governments, other appropriate agencies and other departments of Government, promote the development of activities within the scope of this Act, through, inter alia—(a)providing a national framework of extension and training services;(b)conducting research and surveys;(c)promoting co-operation among fishers;(d)spearheading arrangements for the orderly marketing of fish;(e)stocking waters with fish and supplying fish for stocking;(f)promoting the adoption of alternative means of livelihood amongst fishers;(g)promoting the development of ornamental fisheries;(h)promote the development of other sustainable methods of in situ and ex situ fishing;(i)providing for the establishment of investor friendly licensing and approval systems;(j)developing a comprehensive fish marketing, system, including fish auction, through strengthening linkages along the market value chain;(k)encouraging persons in the private sector to organize into associations and form a national coordinating mechanism to ensure efficient marketing systems that adhere to sanitary and phytosanitary requirements;(l)facilitating participation in national, regional and international trade negotiations and meetings;(m)promoting value addition and utilization of fish by-products and by catch;(n)providing for the establishment of accredited fish safety and quality control laboratories and other infrastructural facilities; and(o)such other measures and actions as may be approved by the Board.International fisheries conservation and management measures
31. Notification by the Director-General
32. Implementation of international conservation and management measures
Where the Director-General has reason to suspect that a foreign fishing vessel is, or has been, involved in the contravention of an international conservation or management measure in areas beyond the national jurisdiction of Kenya, the Director-General may, and in cases where such measure has been notified pursuant to section 31(1)—(a)provide to the appropriate authorities of the flag State, relevant coastal States, relevant regional fisheries management organization and others as appropriate, relevant information, including any available evidence, relating to such contravention;(b)request immediate investigations by the flag State;(c)when such foreign fishing vessel is in a port in Kenya, promptly notify the appropriate authorities of the flag State of the vessel accordingly; and(d)take additional measures in conformity with international law, including such measures as the flag State of the vessel has expressly requested or to which it has consented and any measures agreed through the relevant regional fisheries management organization.Co-ordination of Fisheries Management with the Counties
33. Director-General to keep Counties informed of management measures, processes
34. County may develop fisheries management plans
35. County to submit fisheries management plans to Director-General for endorsement
Each fisheries management plan developed by authorities in each County shall—36. Relations between National and County governments
37. Establishment of Beach Management Units
Fisheries Conservation and Management
38. Responsibility for planning fisheries management
The Director-General shall be responsible for planning for the conservation, management, development and sustainable use of all fish and fisheries within Kenya fishery waters.39. Fisheries management plans
40. Fisheries management measures
41. Limitation of fishing and fishing related activities
42. Prohibited fishing gear and methods
43. Damage, destruction to and interference with fishing gear, vessel, person prohibited
44. Leaving or abandoning objects in the sea Prohibited
45. Declaration of endangered species of fish
46. Prohibitions and requirements for marine mammals
47. Marine Protected Areas
48. Fisheries impact assessments
49. Pollution of the Kenya Fishery Waters
50. Fish landing stations, etc.
51. Placing of live fish
52. Director-General to direct stock assessments, collection and analysis of other information and forward to the Board
53. Prohibited activities relating to fish or fish products taken contrary to the laws of another State
54. Import and release of live fish
55. Export of live fish
56. Possession and trade in fish, fish product or other marine resources prohibited
57. Promotion of fish production and marketing
The Director-General may, in consultation with Fish Marketing Authority, for the purposes of promotion of fish production and marketing—Part VII – FISH QUALITY AND SAFETY
58. Competent authority
59. Harmonization of fish safety and quality standards
The Director-General may, pursuant to the Treaty Making and Ratification Act (Cap. 4D) in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary enter into arrangements or agreements with other States within shared fishery resources for the purpose of harmonization of fish safety and quality standards.60. Sale, export of adulterated or contaminated fish, or fish products prohibited
61. Aquaculture activities requirements
62. Aquaculture development plan
63. Collaboration with Counties
The Director-General shall, in collaboration with County authorities and relevant bodies, ensure that—64. Prohibited to deprive community of traditional access to fisheries
65. County' s responsibility to monitor non-commercial aquaculture activities
66. Permission of Director-General and approval by Board required
67. Director-General's authority to inspect, seize fish destined for import or export or diseased, highly invasive fish
68. Aquaculture waste
69. Escapement
70. Use of drug, chemical, etc. restricted
71. Information on wild, genetically modified species
The Director-General shall have the authority to collect information and data on wild and genetically modified species for the purpose of assessing their impact on aquaculture.72. Interfering with aquaculture establishment prohibited
73. Transboundary aquaculture ecosystems
Subject to applicable regional and international law, the Director-General shall initiate dialogue with other riparian States to ensure that governments and aquaculture farmers are obliged to protect transboundary aquatic ecosystems from—74. Regulations for Aquaculture
75. Information, data and records
76. Ownership of information
Ownership of all information required to be reported, notified or otherwise given to the Government and all information generated by automatic location communicators or similar device that is part of a vessel monitoring system under this Act is vested in the Government.77. Information in partnership agreements between vessel agents and vessel owners
78. Information on labels of containers, etc. containing fish harvested in Kenya fishery waters
79. Information to be true, complete and correct
80. Confidential information
81. Registers of licences and authorizations
82. Information on legal and administrative action taken in respect of violations of the Act
The Director-General shall maintain and make publicly available a record of the outcome of any legal or administrative action taken in respect of any violation against this Act that results in a judgment or administrative determination.83. Information available to public
The Director-General shall make information available to the public and as necessary disseminate relevant information to stakeholders for purposes of fisheries conservation, management and development, including regional and international organizations, except for such information that may be designated confidential in accordance with section 82.Part X – LICENSING AND REGISTRATION
Licences, authorizations and registration
84. Licences and authorizations required
85. Subsistence exemption from licence requirements
86. Grant, renewal and issuance of licences and authorizations
87. Standards for approval, renewal and issuance of licences and authorizations
88. Denial of licences and authorizations
89. Application for the grant or renewal of licences or authorizations
90. Terms and conditions of licences and authorizations
91. Preference for employment of citizens of Kenya
92. Period of validity of licences and authorizations
A licence or authorization issued pursuant to this Act shall, unless otherwise provided, be valid for a maximum period of one year and may be renewable, subject to any fisheries management decision taken in accordance with this Act and the terms and conditions set out in the licence or authorization.93. Fees, charges or levies
94. Suspension or cancellation of licence or authorization
95. Termination of licences and authorizations
96. Transfer of licences and authorizations
97. Right of appeal
An applicant for a licence who is aggrieved by a decision not to grant or renew any licence or authorization under this Act, or to a person who holds a licence or authorization who is aggrieved by a decision to suspend or cancel such licence or authorization may appeal to the Board within thirty days of receiving notification of such decision, and may further appeal to the Cabinet Secretary within thirty days of receiving notification of the Board's decision.Fishing, transhipment and fish aggregating devices
98. Conditions for fishing for industrial or semi-industrial fishing vessel
99. Conditions for industrial fishing vessels
100. Reporting requirements for industrial fishing vessels
101. Conditions for semi-industrial fishing vessels
102. Reporting requirements for semi-industrial fishing vessels
103. Registration of artisanal fishing vessels
104. Registration of vessels
105. Applications for licences, etc
Unless otherwise provided, an application for a licence, authorization or registration under this Act shall be made in the prescribed form.106. Conditions for recreational fishing vessels.
107. Requirements for transhipment
108. Deployment and maintenance of a fish aggregating device
109. Designated fish aggregating device
110. Markings, equipment for fish aggregating devices
111. Disposal of unauthorized fish aggregating devices
Fish processing and marketing
112. Conditions for fish processing licence
113. Period of validity, renewal, additional conditions and suspension of fish processing licence
114. Inspectors to request information and keep records
115. Returns
116. Establishment and operation of aquaculture
117. Registration of Aquaculture Establishment, notice of transfer
118. Aquaculture permits
119. Application for an aquaculture licence
120. Standards for approval of aquaculture licence
121. Inspection of proposed site
122. Conditions for aquaculture licences
123. Exclusive rights
An aquaculture licence shall confer on the holder exclusive rights to harvest the products of the relevant aquaculture establishment within the area specified in the licence.Part XI – COMPLIANCE WITH, LICENCES, AUTHORIZATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR FISHING VESSELS
124. Unlicensed activities prohibited
125. Foreign fishing vessels
Where a foreign fishing vessel—126. Stowage of fishing gear
127. Transshipment at sea prohibited
128. Fisheries access
129. Fisheries access requirements
In addition to any other terms or conditions for fisheries access that may be prescribed or required, each agreement, arrangement, right, licence and authorization for fisheries access shall require—130. Fisheries access review
131. Requirements for joint venture and charter agreements, rights and vessel licensing for foreign fishing vessels.
132. Agents or companies to designated for purposes of legal process, information
133. Preference for Kenya products
The holder of a licence issued for purposes of fisheries access pursuant to this Part shall, in the conduct of all relevant activities, give preference to:134. Performance bond
135. Force majeure or distress
A foreign fishing vessel may be permitted entry into port for reasons of force majeure or distress exclusively for the purpose of rendering assistance to persons, ships or aircraft in danger or distress.Part XIII – MONITORING, CONTROL AND SURVEILLANCE
Powers of authorized officers
136. Authority and general powers of authorized officers
137. Identification of authorized officers
138. Declaration of boarding and inspection
139. Powers of hot pursuit
An authorized officer may, following hot pursuit from within the Kenya fishery waters in accordance with international law, stop board and search outside the fisheries waters any vessel which the authorized officer has reasonable grounds to believe has been used in the commission of an offence under this Act, exercise any powers conferred by this Act and bring such vessel and all persons and things aboard back into the Kenya fishery waters.140. Powers of entry and search of authorized officers
141. Power to take, detain, remove and secure information and evidence
142. Power of arrest
143. Power to give direction
144. Seizure of vessels, etc
145. Removal of parts from seized vessels, etc
146. Authority of authorized officer or inspector in relation to abandoned fishing vessels, fishing gear, fish or fish products
Appointment and functions of observers and inspectors
147. Observer programme
148. Appointment of, and identification by inspectors and observers
149. Application of Act to observers in areas beyond national jurisdiction
Any observer who performs duties in areas beyond national jurisdiction in accordance with this Act, any international agreement or international conservation and management measures shall, unless the contrary is provided, continue to be subject to all provisions of this Act, and all proof of identification as an operators, crew members or other relevant persons towards such observer under this Act shall be fully applicable.150. Requirements for monitoring of off loading
151. Duties of operators. etc, to inspectors and observers
152. Conditions for observers
Protection of and duties owed to authorized persons
153. Authorized persons
For the purposes of this portion, "authorized person" includes any authorized officer, inspector or observer appointed pursuant to this Act.154. Protection of authorized persons from liability
155. Insurance for authorized persons
The Service shall ensure full group insurance coverage for all authorized persons.156. Obstruction, etc of authorized persons
Requirements for vessel monitoring systems
157. Vessel Monitoring Systems
158. Use of port without authorization prohibited
159. Vessels may be prohibited from entering port
160. Denial of the use of port to a foreign fishing vessel
161. Inspection of foreign fishing vessels in port
162. Arrest or detention and release of foreign fishing vessels, crew members
163. Prompt judicial or administrative proceedings for arrested persons
164. Conditions for bail
If the master of a fishing vessel is granted bail for an offence under this Act, the court granting bail may, if it thinks it necessary or desirable in the circumstances of the case, impose a condition whereby, pending the conclusion of the case, the accused is denied access to the vessel or is allowed access only on conditions determined by the Court.165. Delivery and notice for seized items
166. Disposal of perishable items
167. Notice of detainment or seizure of property
168. Treatment of items detained or seized
169. Release of seized goods
170. Application of bond, etc
Any bond, security or net proceeds of sale held in respect of any vessel, vehicle, aircraft or other item shall be applied as follows—171. Unlawful removal of seized goods
172. Liability for loss, damage or deterioration of things in custody
The State shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage to or deterioration in the condition of any vessel, vehicle, aircraft or other item while in the custody of the State pursuant to this Act, provided that the State takes reasonable care given the circumstances.Part XV – EVIDENCE
173. Certificate evidence
The Director-General or any person designated in writing by him may give a certificate stating that—174. Validity and procedure for certificate
175. Certificate as to the location of a vessel
176. Electronic location device
177. Photographic evidence
178. Presumptions
179. Onus of proof
180. Interference with evidence and avoidance of seizure
181. Tampering with item, etc. that may be used in evidence of non-compliance with the Act
182. Decision to proceed administratively
183. Summary administrative proceedings
184. Jurisdiction of the Court
185. Conduct of prosecutions
Any authorized officer may, subject to the direction of the Director of Public Prosecutions, conduct any prosecution for any offence under this Act or the regulations made thereunder, and shall for that purpose have all the powers conferred upon a public prosecutor by the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 75).186. Forfeiture
187. Disposition of forfeited property
188. Deprivation of monetary benefits
189. Costs incurred by State
190. Liability for non-payment of pecuniary penalties
All pecuniary penalties not specifically designated as fines and all forfeitures incurred under or imposed pursuant to this Act, and the liability to forfeiture of any article seized under the authority thereof, and all rents, charges, expenses and duties and all other sums of money payable under this Act may be sued for, determined, enforced and recovered by suit or other appropriate civil proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction in the name of the State as the nominal plaintiff.191. Liability for loss or damage
192. Civil liability of officers of companies
193. Liability of operators
In any proceedings under this Act, the act or omission of a crew member of a fishing vessel or in association with a fishing vessel shall unless otherwise expressly provided, be deemed to be that of the operator of the vessel.194. Continuing offences and repeat offenders.
195. Banning order
Where a person has been convicted of an offence against this Act, the Court may in addition to any other penalty or forfeiture, order that for a period not exceeding five years that person be banned from going on or remaining aboard any fishing vessel in the Kenyan fishery waters.196. Citizen suits and civil enforcement
A person who incurs loss or damage as a result of harmed by a violation of any provision of this Act or the accompanying regulations may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against any responsible person, (except the Government and its employees).197. Injunctions
A court of competent jurisdiction may issue an injunction to enforce any provision of this Act against any person including the Ministry.Part XVIII – ESTABLISHMENT OF FISH MARKETING AUTHORITY
198. Establishment of Fish Marketing Authority
199. Objects and purpose
The object and purpose of the Fish Marketing Authority shall be to market fish and fisheries products from Kenya.200. Functions of the Fish Marketing Authority
The functions of the Fish Marketing Authority shall be to—201. Board of Directors
202. Tenure of office and vacation of office
203. Conduct of meeting of the Authority
The conduct of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be in accordance with the Third Schedule.204. Disclosure of interest
205. Delegation of functions
Subject to this Act, the Board of Directors may, by resolution either generally or in any particular case, delegate to any committee of the Board of Directors or to any member, officer, employee or agent of the Fish Marketing Authority, the exercise of any of the powers or, the performance of any of the functions or duties of the Board of Directors under this Act.206. Appointment of chief executive and other staff
207. Funds of the Fish Marketing Authority
208. Regulations
209. Suprecession
Where any conflict arises between the provisions of this Act and any other law in matters relating to fisheries, the provisions of this Act shall prevail.Part XX – REPEALS AND TRANSITIONAL
210. Repeals and transitional provisions
211. [Spent]
History of this document
31 December 2022 this version
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
23 September 2016
09 September 2016
03 September 2016
Assented to
Cited documents 4
Act 4
1. | Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act | 1097 citations |
2. | Public Audit Act | 116 citations |
3. | Public Health Act | 95 citations |
4. | Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act | 21 citations |
Documents citing this one 32
Gazette 17
Legal Notice 6
Act 3
1. | Agriculture and Food Authority Act | 50 citations |
2. | Penal Code | 43 citations |
3. | Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act | 21 citations |
Judgment 3
Bench Bulletin 2
1. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 41 | |
2. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 47 |
Bill 1
1. | Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Bill, 2018 |