This is the version of this Act as it was from 13 January 2017 to 3 May 2017. Read the latest available version.
Court of Appeal (Organization and Administration) Act
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement
- Is amended by Contempt of Court Act

- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVII—No. 145 on 24 December 2015
- Assented to on 15 December 2015
- Commenced on 2 January 2016
- [Amended by Contempt of Court Act (Cap. 8F) on 13 January 2017]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Court of Appeal (Organization and Administration) Act, 2015.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —"Chief Justice" means the Chief Justice appointed under Article 166 of the Constitution;"Chief Registrar" means the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary referred to in Article 161 of the Constitution;"Commission" means the "Judicial Service Commission established under Article 171 of the Constitution;"Court" means the Court of Appeal, established under Article 164 - of the Constitution;"judge" means a judge of the Court appointed pursuant to Article 164(1)(a) and in accordance with Cap. 9 Article 166 - (1)(b) and (4) of the Constitution"President of the Court " means the President of the Court elected in accordance with Article 164(2) of the Constitution;" presiding judge" means —(a)the President of the Court;(b)a judge chairing a session of the Court at any sitting of the Court referred to in section 9;(c)a presiding judge referred to in section 9(1) (b);"Registrar" means the Registrar of the Court appointed in accordance with section 20;"Rules" means the Court of Appeal Rules made under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act;"Station" means Station of the Court designated as such by the Chief Justice under Section 6 and includes the Secretariat to the Court.3. Guiding principles
4. Constitution of the Court
5. Jurisdiction of the Court
The Court shall exercise the jurisdiction conferred on it by Article 164(3) of the Constitution.6. Stations of the Court
7. Divisions of the Court
8. Presiding Judge
In relation to a station of the Court outside Nairobi, the senior-most judge in that station shall be the presiding judge and shall be responsible for –9. Seniority of Judges
10. President of the Court
11. Election of the President of the Court
12. Election of the Court's representative to the Judicial Service Commission
Section 11 shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to —13. Functions of the President of the Court
14. Station of the presidency of the Court
The Office of the President of the Court shall be located in Nairobi.15. Removal of the President of the Court
16. Exercise of powers of the President of the Court by a presiding judge in a station outside Nairobi, etc.
17. Committees of the Court
The Court may establish committees for the purposes of efficient management of its affairs, including the welfare of the judges and staff of the Court.18. Sittings of the Court
19. Establishment and organization of court registry
20. Registrar and Deputy Registrars
21. Qualifications for appointment of the Registrar of the Court
A person shall be qualified for appointment as Registrar if the person —22. Functions of the Registrar
23. Staff of the Court
The Commission shall appoint such number of staff as may be necessary for the effective discharge of the functions of the Court.24. Supporting resource structures
25. Seal of the Court
26. Court recess
27. Transfer of judges
The transfer of judges from one station to another shall be in accordance with an administrative policy determined by the Commission.28. Practice and procedure of the Court
The Court shall exercise its jurisdiction in accordance with the rules of practice and procedure prescribed by written law.Part IV – MISCELLANEOUS
29. Case Management
30. Records of the court
31. Performance management inspections and monitoring
The presiding judge shall upon consultation with the Commission oversee the implementation of a performance management system comprising of performance contracting, appraisal and evaluation of the judges of the Court in the discharge of their mandate, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, this Act and of other law.32. Ethics and integrity
33. Languages of the Court
34. Judgements of the court
35. Deleted
Deleted by Act No. 46 of 2016, s. 4036. Access to justice
37. Protection of judges and Judicial officers from personal liability
38. Rules
39. Code of Conduct for judges of the Court
The Chief Justice shall, within six months of the commencement of this Act, prescribe the code of conduct applicable to a judge of the Court.History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
04 May 2017
13 January 2017 this version
Amended by
Contempt of Court Act
02 January 2016
24 December 2015
15 December 2015
Assented to
Cited documents 4
Act 4
1. | Appellate Jurisdiction Act | 1339 citations |
2. | Contempt of Court Act | 321 citations |
3. | Judicial Service Act | 245 citations |
4. | Statutory Instruments Act | 226 citations |
Documents citing this one 28
Judgment 19
Bench Bulletin 3
1. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 31 | |
2. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 45 | |
3. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 49 |
Bill 3
1. | The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) Bill, 2019 | |
2. | The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2016 | |
3. | The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2020 |
Act 1
1. | Contempt of Court Act | 321 citations |
Gazette 1
1. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVIII-No. 127 |
Legal Notice 1
1. | The Value Added Tax Regulations |