This is the version of this Act as it was from 9 May 2014 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
Marriage Act
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

CAP. 150
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CXVI—No. 59 on 9 May 2014
- Assented to on 29 April 2014
- Commenced on 20 May 2014
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Marriage Act, 2014.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"child" means an individual who has not attained the age of eighteen years;"cohabit" means to live in an arrangement in which an unmarried couple lives together in a long-term relationship that resembles a marriage;"conciliatory body" means—Part II – GENERAL PROVISIONS
3. Meaning of marriage
4. Minimum age
A person shall not marry unless that person has attained the age of eighteen years.5. Witnesses to a marriage
6. Kinds of marriages
7. Declaration of marriage registration areas
The Cabinet Secretary may, by notice in the Gazette, declare any area of Kenya to be a registration area for the purposes of this Act.8. Conversion of marriages
9. Subsisting marriages
Subject to section 8, a married person shall not, while—10. Prohibited marriage relationship
11. Void marriages
12. Voidable marriages
Subject to section 50, a marriage is voidable if—13. Spouses and the law of tort
Despite the provisions of any other written law—14. Arrangement to live apart
15. Rights of widow and widowers
16. Duration of marriage
A marriage registered under this Act subsists until it is determined by—Part III – CHRISTIAN MARRIAGES
17. Christian marriages
This Part applies to a marriage where a party to the marriage professes the Christian religion.18. Interpretation of Part
In this Part "marriage officer" means a licensed church minister appointed by the registrar under section 50.19. Objection to give a notice of intention to marry
20. Obligations of the church minister in relation to objection
21. Signing of the marriage certificate
22. Recognition of foreign marriages as Christian marriages in Kenya
A marriage celebrated outside Kenya otherwise than in accordance with this Part, shall be recognized as a marriage under this Part if—23. Christian marriages at the embassy, high commission or consulate
A marriage celebrated in the embassy, high commission or consulate of a foreign country in Kenya is a Christian marriage under this Part if—Part IV – CIVIL MARRIAGE
24. Celebration of civil marriages
A marriage under this Part shall be celebrated by the Registrar in the place determined by the Registrar.25. Notice of intention to marry
26. Publication of notice of intention to marry
After receiving a notice under section 25, the Registrar shall publish such notice in the prescribed manner in the place where the marriage is to be celebrated.27. Objection to a notice of intention to marry
28. Obligation of the person in charge of a place where a marriage is to be celebrated in relation to objections
29. Determination of objection
30. Effect of an appeal to an objection
A marriage ceremony may not be performed until any appeal that has been made against a decision of the Registrar to permit the marriage ceremony to be performed is heard and determined.31. Appeal proceedings
32. Certificate of no impediment
33. Power of Registrar to dispense with notice
34. Effect of appeal on the findings of an objection
35. Contraction of civil marriage
When a marriage has been celebrated in the presence of a Registrar, the Registrar shall—36. Certificate of no impediment
37. Civil marriages at the Kenyan embassy, high commission or consulate for non-Kenyan citizens
A person who is not a Kenyan may celebrate a marriage under this Part in a foreign country if the marriage is celebrated in the presence of the Registrar or a person authorised by the Registrar for that purpose in any Kenyan embassy, high commission or consulate.38. Civil marriages in foreign countries
A marriage celebrated in a foreign country otherwise than in accordance with section 37 is valid if—39. Civil marriages at the Kenyan embassy, high commission or Consulate for Kenyan citizens
40. Recognition of foreign marriages as civil marriages in Kenya
A civil marriage contracted in a foreign country shall be recognized as a valid marriage if—41. Appointment of diplomatic staff as celebrants of marriage
42. Duty to register marriages
43. Governing law for Customary marriage
44. Notification of Customary marriage
The parties to a customary marriage shall notify the Registrar of such marriage within three months of completion of the relevant ceremonies or steps required to confer the status of marriage to the parties in the community concerned.45. Contents of notification of Customary marriage
46. Application of this Part
This Part shall apply only to persons who profess the Hindu faith.47. Persons authorised by Registrar to solemnize Hindu marriages
48. Application of Islamic law
This Part shall only apply to persons who profess the Islamic faith.49. Officiation of Islamic marriages
50. Appointment of Registrar and Marriage officers
51. Appointment of marriage officers in foreign countries
52. Licensing ministers of faith
53. Registration of Christian marriages
54. Registration of civil marriages
55. Registration of Customary marriage
56. Registration of Hindu marriages
57. Registration of Islamic marriages
58. Registration of marriages contracted abroad
59. Evidence of marriage
60. Copies of decrees of annulment and divorce to be sent to Registrar
Where a court grants a decree of the annulment of a marriage or the dissolution of a marriage, it shall deliver a certified copy of the decree to the Registrar and the Registrar shall register the annulment or dissolution in a register maintained for the purpose.61. Registration of foreign annulments and divorces
62. Endorsement of marriage registers
63. Correction of errors
Dissolution of a Christian marriage
64. Mediation of disputes in Christian marriages
The parties to a marriage celebrated under Part III may seek the services of any reconciliation bodies established for that purpose that may exist in the public place of worship where the marriage was celebrated.65. Grounds for dissolution of a Christian marriage
A party to a marriage celebrated under Part III may petition the court for a decree for the dissolution of the marriage on the ground of—(a)one or more acts of adultery committed by the other party;(b)cruelty, whether mental or physical, inflicted by the other party on the petitioner or on the children, if any, of the marriage;(c)desertion by either party for at least three years immediately preceding the date of presentation of the petition;(d)exceptional depravity by either party; or(e)the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.Dissolution of a civil marriage
66. Right to petition for separation or divorce
67. Dismissal of petition deception or non-disclosure
Where a foreign court has granted a decree in matrimonial proceedings whether arising out of a marriage celebrated in Kenya or elsewhere, that decree shall be recognized in Kenya if—(a)either party is domiciled in the country where that court has jurisdiction or had been ordinarily resident in Kenya for at least two years immediately preceding the date of institution of proceedings;(b)being a decree of annulment, divorce or separation, it is effective in the country of domicile of the parties or either of them.Dissolution of a customary marriage
68. Mediation of disputes in Customary marriages
69. Grounds for divorce of Customary marriages
Dissolution of a Hindu Marriage
70. Grounds for divorce of Hindu marriages
A party to a marriage celebrated under Part VI may petition the court for the dissolution of the marriage on the ground that—(a)the marriage has irretrievably broken down;(b)the other party has deserted the petitioner for at least three years before the making of the petition;(c)the other party has converted to another religion;(d)since the celebration of the marriage, the other party has committed rape, sodomy, bestiality or adultery;(e)the other party has committed cruelty on the other; and(f)the other party has committed exceptional depravity on the other.Dissolution of an Islamic marriage
71. Governing law for Islamic divorce matters
The dissolution of marriage celebrated under Part VII shall be governed by Islamic law.72. Registration of divorce under Islamic law
Where a Kadhi, sheikh, imam or person authorised by the Registrar grants a decree for the dissolution of a marriage celebrated under Part VII, the Kadhi, sheikh, imam, Mukhi or authorised person shall deliver a copy of the decree to the Registrar.Annulment of Marriage
73. Grounds for annulment of marriage
74. Party to petition for annulment of marriage
75. Effect of a decree of annulment
The parties to a marriage which has been annulled by decree absolute of the court shall be deemed never to have been married but a decree of annulment shall not—Part XI – OTHER RIGHTS OF ACTION
76. Effect of a promise to marry
Except as provided in this section a promise by a person to marry another person is not binding.Part XII – MAINTENANCE OF SPOUSE AND OTHER RELIEFS
77. Grounds for order of maintenance
78. Lapsing of maintenance
Except where an order for maintenance of a spouse is expressed to be for any shorter period or where any such order has revoked and subject to section 79, the order shall lapse—79. Termination of an order of maintenance
An order of maintenance shall lapse upon the remarriage of the beneficiary of the order.80. Revocation and variation of an order for maintenance
81. Assessment of maintenance
Maintenance payable to a person under an order of the court shall not be assigned or transferred or liable to be attached, sequestrated or levied upon for, or in respect of, any debt or claim.82. Recovery of maintenance arrears
83. Compounding of maintenance
84. Other relief
85. Order concerning children
Custody and maintenance of children shall be dealt with in accordance with the Children Act (Cap. 141) and any other written law relating to children.Part XIII – OFFENCES AND PENALTIES
86. False statement in the notice of intention to marry or notice of objection
87. Marriage to a person under minimum age
Any person who marries a person who is below the minimum age commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding one million shillings or to both.88. Marriage of persons within prohibited marriage relationship
89. Coercion, fraud, etc.
A party to a ceremony purporting to be a marriage who at the time, knows or has reason to believe that the consent of the other party was induced by coercion or fraud or by a mistake as to the nature of the ceremony or that the other party was suffering from any mental disorders or mental disability whether permanent or temporary or was intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, so as not fully to appreciate the nature or purport or the ceremony, commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine of three hundred thousand shillings or to both.90. Ceremony performed by unauthorized person
A person who celebrates a union purporting to be a marriage and who at the time of the ceremony is not authorised to do so commits an offence and shall on conviction be is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or a fine of three hundred thousand shillings or to both.91. Absence of witnesses
A person who celebrates a union purporting to be a marriage at which the required witnesses are not present commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding ten thousand shillings or to both.92. Offence relating to the celebration or witnessing of a union
93. Celebration of other marriages
94. Provisions on delegated powers
95. Rules
The Rules Committee established under the provisions of the Civil Procedure Act (Cap. 21) may make rules regulating court practice or procedure under this Act.96. Transitional Provisions
97. Repeals
The Acts of Parliament listed in the Schedule are repealed.98. Savings
History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
20 May 2014
09 May 2014 this version
29 April 2014
Assented to
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The Marriage (Customary Marriage) Rules | Legal Notice 46 of 2017 | 31 December 2022 |
The Marriage (General) Rules | Legal Notice 61 of 2014 | 31 December 2022 |