The Representatives of the Government and Public Benefit Organizations:Desirous to further develop and strengthen the working relations between the two sectors;Recognizing the importance of mutual co-existence and the need to work together for the posterity of the nation and people of Kenya;Aware of the necessity of complementary efforts of the Government and public benefits organizations for social, economic and cultural development;Determined to strengthen collaboration, dialogue and relations between the Government and public benefit organizations;Conscious that these principles only serve as a guide for engagement between the Government and public benefit organizations who choose to work together;Committed to principled collaboration;Hereby agree to the following principles for collaboration to guide our collaborative work.Part I – OBJECTIVES
1.Objectives of the principlesThe objectives of these principles for effective collaboration are to—(a)strengthen collaboration between the Government and civil society organizations;(b)reinforce complementary efforts of the Government and civil society organizations and their contribution in enhancing the country's development;(c)enhance the enabling environment for the achievement of joint development programming of both sectors;(d)offer guidance to the Government and civil society organizations in their relations and interactions with each other;(e)serve as a basis for resolving conflicts that affect Government and civil society organization collaboration;(f)promote effective coordination and dissemination of information on Government and civil society organization collaboration; and(g)provide the basis for a legal or policy framework aimed at guiding Government and civil society organization collaboration.Part II – GUIDING PRINCIPLES
1. Guiding principles for collaborationDialogue and Communication Government and public benefit organization sectors shall ensure that dialogue is open, respectful, informed, sustained and welcomes diverse viewpoints; and that they provide forums where they can meet each other periodically for focused discussions, consultation and consensus building.2. CommunicationThe sectors shall aim to ensure—(a)free flow of information between and to all actors involved in any collaboration initiative to promote similar comprehension with regard to it and to facilitate efficiency;(b)engagement in regular, open and inclusive communication and problem solving; and(c)establishment of clear and open communication processes iri which information and ideas are shared openly and regularly.3. Managing Diverse ExpectationsThe sectors shall individually, and where appropriate, collectively, inform their respective stakeholders and the public as well, of their roles and contributions to society and the successes achieved through their collaboration.4. Conflict ManagementThe sectors shall—(a)make provisions to set up agreeable modalities or processes to manage conflicts inherent in the work they jointly do;(b)identify and address all disagreements and conflicts immediately and devote substantial time, resources and personal effort to the management of all conflicts, on behalf of any collaborative initiative's continuation;(c)address challenges to any collaboration with open dialogue and negotiation or acknowledge the need for re-negotiation; and(d)verify any risks to any collaboration at the beginning and define ways of mitigating such risks.5. Learning and SharingTo enhance the knowledge and practice of collaboration, the sectors shall ensure that they—(a)convey a readiness to accept constructive criticism;(b)accommodate new ideas from each other;(c)pursue a harmonized approach where this is deemed necessary for the promotion of the collaborative initiative and in the public interest;(d)work jointly to identify an agreed, common vision and align collaboration activities and programs with it;(e)demonstrate a willingness to make changes in themselves as part of the process of working with others, that is, show flexibility; and(f)share ideas, perspectives, information, experiences and knowledge consistently in order to contribute to a better understanding of the different work styles, cultures and time frames and to promote best practice in collaboration.6. Sustainability and capacity development across the boardThe sectors shall aim to ensure sustainability of the collaborative initiative and its benefits through developing their capacities and those of their beneficiaries in the context of their collaborative efforts.The sectors will work jointly to identify capacity gaps and develop a plan to build their capacities for successful implementation of collaborative programs.7. Joint initiativesTo ensure clarity of roles, synergy and sustainability of collaborative initiatives, the sectors shall jointly—(a)embark on harmonized planning of activities at the beginning of the initiative to identify needs, define objectives and agree on each party's roles and responsibilities with regard to the collaboration;(b)develop modalities or structures that are agreeable to each of them, for the implementation of the collaboration;(c)provide their implementing agencies or officials with the necessary incentives, resources, and opportunities to participate in the collaborative effort;(d)involve each other in the collaborative initiative's decision making.8. InstitutionalizationThe sectors shall aim to secure institutional memory and ensure continuity in their collaborative initiatives through—(a)designating focal points at all relevant levels, for all activities and issues concerning their collaboration;(b)integrating the collaboration process into ongoing programs;(c)embarking on succession planning at the beginning of the collaboration; and(d)ensuring effective representation throughout the collaboration.9. ResourcesIn line with their competencies (technical, financial or other), the sectors shall provide appropriate and sufficient resources to any collaborative effort, in order to maximize its chances of success, growth, maturation and continuation.10. Good Governance(a)Good Stewardship of ResourcesThe sectors shall ensure proper care, use and allocation of resources during their collaborative initiatives.(b)Transparency and AccountabilityThe sectors shall aim to convey openness and responsibility for the activities and use of resources during their collaboration. The sectors shall also consider themselves fully accountable for the success or failure of their collaborative endeavours.The sectors shall work jointly to promote and ensure—(a)a culture of ethical conduct and best practices is upheld m their collaborative initiatives;(b)identification of, and adherence to or application of quality standards of sound management and institutional excellence, in the implementation of collaborative initiatives; and(c)the identification of agreeable modalities to detect and address conflicts of interest.11. Equity and Equality in PartnershipsWithin the context of their collaboration, the sectors shall reinforce—(a)mutual respect for each sectors' rights;(b)identification and participation of partners in the collaborative initiative on the basis of competence; and(c)building of synergies based on their comparative strengths.12. Promotion of Trust12.1 Enabling EnvironmentThe sectors shall work together to provide an enabling environment for collaboration through—(a)promoting mutual respect, understanding, appreciation and acceptance of each other and of the diversity or workings of the other partner(s) and constraints they work within;(b)acknowledging and valuing each other's core competencies; and(c)setting up measures for frequent communication, constructive discussions and the dissemination of information to relevant stakeholders.12.2 Shared CreditThe sectors shall ensure that their public relations activities—(a)accurately reflect their collaborative efforts;(b)take into consideration each organization's policies, procedures and communication needs; and(c)promote the spirit of collaboration.13. Monitoring, Evaluation and ReportingThe sectors shall work together to ensure that—(a)all of their collaborative efforts are aimed at meeting identified needs of their beneficiaries through adopting results-based management;(b)they report publicly on their collaborative efforts using clear, consistent and transparent reporting policies;(c)they develop and use procedures and tools agreeable to each of them to monitor and evaluate the development impact of their efforts; and(d)they evaluate, on an annual basis, any progress observed in the number of collaborative initiatives entered, as well as the manner in which the initiatives are taking place and the successes achieved through them.14. PredictabilityThe sectors shall work together to ensure that their collaborative initiatives are predictable in practice through—(a)definition, in advance, of all processes required;(b)recognition, in advance of their relationships with third parties, which may influence their collaboration; and(c)identification, in advance, of risks, needs and support required for effective implementation.Part III – COMMITMENTS
1. The Government commits itself to—(a)establish, respect, and promote an enabling environment for public benefit organization work; and(b)promote the use of these guiding principles in all Government-public benefit organization collaborative initiatives.2. Public benefit organisations commit themselves to—(a)explore opportunities for principled and structured collaboration with the Government in their activities; and(b)promote the use of these guiding principles in all Government-public benefit organization collaborative initiatives.3. The sectors jointly commit themselves to—(a)collaborate in a manner consistent with these guiding principles;(b)champion the repeated use of these principles by their sectors, over the long-term.4. The sectors agree to establish a joint committee of not more than fifteen members, with shared representation from both sectors in pursuance of the provisions of these principles. The joint committee shall annually monitor and assess progress made by the sectors in terms of application of these principles and report this to interested parties and stakeholders.5. The joint committee shall—(a)base its report on information collected from evaluation processes conducted by individual Government and public benefit organization actors and also on emerging issues with regard to collaboration;(b)champion the dissemination of the principles amongst the sectors, their respective stakeholders and the public as well;(c)clarify any questions touching on the construction, meaning or effect of these principles or their contents.6. The joint committee shall review these principles on an annual basis and will receive proposals for review of the principles from either the Government or public benefit organization actors, and any reviews will be agreed upon by means of exchange of letters.SECOND SCHEDULE
1. Indirect government support in the form of—(a)exemptions from—(i)income tax on income received from membership subscriptions and any donations or grants;(ii)income tax on income acquired from the active conduct of income producing activities if the income is wholly used to support the public benefit purposes for which the organization was established;(iii)tax on interest and dividends on investments and gains earned on assets or the sale of assets;(b)preferential treatment under value added tax (VAT), and customs duties in relation to imported goods or services that are used to further their public benefit purposes;(c)incentives for donations by legal and natural persons;(d)employment tax preferences and;(e)special tax incentives for donations to form endowments, prudent investment policies, etc.2. Provision of direct government financing for public benefit organizations that partner with the government, via budget subsidies, grants for specific purposes, and contracts to perform certain work.3. Preferential treatment in public procurement procedures and bidding for contracts.4. Provision of information to enable public benefit organizations to contribute effectively to the policy processes.5. Access to training courses that are relevant to public benefit organizations and offered by government institutions.THIRD SCHEDULE (s. 41)
1. The Cabinet Secretary shall, within fourteen days of the commencement of this Act, by advertisement in the Gazette and· in at least three daily newspapers of national circulation, declare vacancies and invite applications from persons qualified under this Act for nomination as members of the Board.2. An application under paragraph 1 shall be forwarded to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for the time being responsible for planning and national development within fourteen days of the advertisement and may be made by—(a)any qualified person; or(b)any person, org~nization or group of persons proposing the nomination of any qualified person.3. The names of all applicants under paragraph 1 shall be published in the Gazette.4. The Cabinet Secretary shall, within seven days of the expiry of the period prescribed under paragraph 1, convene a committee comprising of representatives of a broad spectrum of public benefit organizations for the purposes of considering the applications, interviewing and short listing twelve persons qualified for appointment as members of the Board.5. The committee shall rank and provide comments regarding each of the finalists to the Cabinet Secretary.6. MeetingsThe Cabinet Secretary shall, within seven days of the expiry of the period provided for in paragraph 4, forward the shortlisted names to the National Assembly.7. The National Assembly shall, within fourteen days of the receipt of names under paragraph 6, through an open and consultative vetting process, consider all nominations and approve the names of six nominees for appointment as members of the Board.8. Upon consideration and approval by the National Assembly, the Clerk of the National Assembly shall within seven days forward the names of the approved persons to the Cabinet Secretary for appointment.9. Where the National Assembly fails to approve the minimum number of nominees required, the Clerk of the National Assembly shall within three days of the decision communicate the names of the approved nominees and those of the rejected nominees to the Cabinet Secretary for the submission by the Cabinet Secretary, within seven days, of fresh nominations in respect of the rejected candidates.10. Upon submission of fresh nominations by the Cabinet Secretary procedure under paragraphs 7 and 8 shall apply.11. Upon receipt of the names of the nominees, the Cabinet Secretary shall, by notice in the Gazette, appoint the approved persons as members of the Board.10. In nominating or appointing persons as members of the Board, the National Assembly and the Cabinet Secretary shall have regard to gender equity and regional balance.FOURTH SCHEDULE (s.44)
1. Meeting(1)The Board shall meet not less than four times in every financial year and not more than four months shall elapse between the date of one meeting and the date of the next meeting.(2)Notwithstanding subparagraph (1), the Chairperson may, and upon requisition in writing by at least five members shall, convene a special meeting of the Board any time for the transaction of the business of the Board.(3)Unless three quarters of the total members of the Board otherwise agree, at least fourteen days' written notice of every meeting of the Board shall be given to every member of the Board.(4)The quorum for the conduct of the business of the Board shall be half of the total members including the chairperson or the person presiding.(5)The chairperson, or in his absence the vice-Chairperson, shall preside at every meeting of the Board but the members present shall elect one of their number to preside whenever the chairperson and vice-Chairperson are absent, and the person so elected shall have all the powers of the Chairperson with respect to that meeting and the business transacted thereat(6)Unless a unanimous decision is reached, a decision on any matter before the Board shall be by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting, and in case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson or the person presiding shall have a casting vote.(7)Subject to subparagraph (5), no proceedings of the Board shall be invalid by reason only of a vacancy among the members thereof.(8)Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Board may determine its own procedure and the procedure for any committee of the Board and for the attendance of other persons at its meetings and may make standing orders in respect thereof.2. Committees of the Board(1)The Board may establish such committees as it may deem appropriate to perform such functions and responsibilities as it may determine.(2)The Board shall appoint the chairperson of a committee established under subparagraph (1) from amongst its members.(3)All decisions by the committees appointed under paragraph (1) shall be ratified by the Board.3. Disclosure of Interest(1)A member who has an interest in any contract, or other matter present at a meeting shall at the meeting and as soon as reasonably practicable after the commencement, disclose the fact thereof and shall not take part in the consideration or discussion of, or vote on, any questions with respect to the contract or other matter, or be counted in the quorum of the meeting during consideration of the matter.(2)A disclosure of interest made under subparagraph (1) shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which it is made.(3)A member of the Board who contravenes subparagraph (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand shillings.4. Contract and instrumentsAny contract or instrument which, if entered into instruments. or executed by a person not being a body corporate, would not require to be under seal may be entered into or executed on behalf of the Authority by any person generally or specially authorized by the Board for that purpose.FIFTH SCHEDULE
1.InterpretationIn this Schedule—"appointed day" means the day on which this Act shall come into operation;"former Board" means the Board known as the Non-Governmental Organization Co-ordination Board existing immediately before the commencement of this Act.(1)All the funds, assets and other property, both liabilities. movable and immovable, which immediately before the appointed day were vested in the former Board shall by virtue of this paragraph and without further assurance, vest in the Authority.(2)All rights, powers, liabilities and duties, whether arising under any written law or otherwise, which immediately before the appointed day were vested in, imposed on or enforceable by or against the former Board shall by virtue of this paragraph, be transferred to, vested in, imposed on, or be enforceable by or against the Authority.(3)On and after the appointed day, all actions, suits or legal proceedings by or against the former Board may be continued or prosecuted by or against the Commission and no such suit, action or legal proceedings shall abate or be affected by the coming into operation of this Act.(4)Any reference in any written law or in any document or instrument to the former Board shall, on and after the appointed day, be construed to be a reference to the Authority.3.Annual estimatesThe annual estimates of the former Board, for the financial year in which the appointed day occurs, shall be deemed to be the annual estimates of the Authority for the remainder of that financial year:Provided that such estimates may be varied by the Authority in such manner as the Cabinet Secretary may approve.4.Administrative decisionsThe administrative decisions made by the former Board or by the Cabinet Secretary which are in force immediately before the appointed day shall, on or after such day, have force as if they were directions made by the Authority or the Cabinet Secretary under this Act.5.Non-governmental Organizations organisations registered by the former Board(1)Every non-governmental organization which on the appointed day is registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act (now repealed) shall, be deemed to be registered as a public benefit organization under this Act and registered by shall have up to one year from the appointed day to seek the former registration as a public benefit organization under this Act.(2)A non-governmental organization referred to in paragraph (1) that fails to seek registration under this Act, after specific notice to it and a reasonable opportunity to do so, shall cease to have public benefit organization or any similar or equivalent status thirty days after the expiration of the specific notice period, unless it has by then, filed its application to be registered as a public benefit organization.6.Members of the Board of the Authority(1)A person, other than a public officer, who was a member of the former Board immediately before the the Board of commencement of this Act shall be deemed to be a member of the Board of the Authority and shall continue in office as if appointed under this Act for the remainder of the three year term as provided for under this Act and shall be eligible for re-appointment once.(2)Until such time as the terms of all persons serving the remainder of their term under subparagraph (1) have lapsed, the Board shall be deemed to be properly constituted notwithstanding that it has more members than has been provided for in section 35 of this Act.(3)The Executive Director appointed under the former Act and in office immediately before the commencement of this Act shall continue as the Director under this Act for his or her unexpired term and shall continue in office as if appointed under this Act for the remainder of a five-year term as provided for under this Act:Provided that that person shall be eligible for re-appointment as Director.7.(1) A non-governmental organization registered under the repealed Act shall be deemed registered under this Act and any obligations including duty to submit reports or returns pending or in the process shall be deemed as obligations under this Act in so far as such are consistent with this Act.(2)A non-governmental organization that was exempted from registration under the provisions of the former Act shall within three months of the commencement of this Act, apply for registration.8.The staff or agents of the former board shall be deemed to be members of staff or agents of the Authority.9.Members of the governing board of the Non-Governmental Organizations Council in office immediately before the commencement of this Act shall continue in office as members of the governing board of the Federation under this Act as if elected to office under this Act, but only for the remainder of their term but shall be eligible for election to the governing board of the federation under this Act:Provided that cessation of membership in the governing board of the council under this paragraph shall not affect the membership of a member of the Board of the Authority, who shall, despite that cessation, continue in office as provided for in paragraph 1.SIXTH SCHEDULE
An organization that has as its objective the promotion of public benefit in any of, but not limited to the areas set out below may be registered by the Authority—(h)environment and conservation generally;(m)housing and settlement;(t)population and reproductive health;(v)disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation;(x)pastoralism and the marginalized communities;