This is the version of this Act as it was from 17 May 2019 to 30 December 2022. Read the latest available version.
Nutritionists and Dieticians Act
Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

CAP. 253B
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. CIX—No. 85 on 16 November 2007
- Assented to on 22 October 2007
- Commenced on 21 October 2008 by Nutritionists and Dieticians Act Commencement
- [Amended by Health Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019 (Act No. 5 of 2019) on 17 May 2019]
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Nutritionists and Dieticians Act, 2007.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—“approved” means passed as sufficient and adequate by the Council or other body legally empowered to declare persons and processes fit and proper;“article” includes —(a)any food, nutrient or food supplements and any labelling or advertising materials in respect thereof; and(b)anything used for the preparation, preservation, packing or storing of any food, nutrient or food supplements;“Council” means the Council of the Institute of Nutritionists and Dieticians established under section 6 of this Act;“consultant nutritionist” means a nutritionist who works under a specific contract of service in a health facility or in private practice;“consultant dietician” means a dietician who works under a specific contract of service in a health facility or in private practice;“Council” means the Council of the Institute set up under section 5;"diet" means food or nutrient concentrates consumed by an individual or population for the purpose of nourishment and can either be formal diets, non-formal diets or informal diets;"dietetic technologist" means a person who has undergone professional training at diploma level with a bias in dietetics, registered and licensed under this Act;"dietician" means a person who has undergone professional training at degree level, with bias in clinical dietetics and food service diet therapy registered and licensed under this Act;“health institution” means a hospital, clinic, nursing home, or any other lawful place that offers healthcare services, whether private or public;"indexing" means a process of keeping records of an individual student pursuing a course in nutrition or dietetics for purposes of monitoring and subsequent professional examination, registered and licensed under this Act;“Institute” means the Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute established under section 4;"internship" means undergoing supervised one-year competency practice in a specialized area of nutrition or dietetics;“Kenya Coalition for Action in Nutrition” means the association of that name registered under the Societies Act;“Kenya Medical Association” means the association of that name registered under the Societies Act (Cap. 108);"label" includes any legend, work or mark attached to, included in, belonging to or accompanying any food or food supplements;"medical personnel" includes a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act Act No. 20 of 1977, (Cap. 253) and a nurse within the meaning of the Nurses Act (Cap. 257);“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Health;"nutrients" means compounds contained in food which nourish the body such as amino acids, simple sugars, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals;“Nutrition Association of Kenya” means the association of that name registered under the Societies Act (Cap. 108);"nutritionist" means a person who has undergone professional training at degree level, with a bias in clinical, food science, community and public health competencies in nutrition registered and licensed under this Act;"nutrition technician" means a person who has undergone professional training at certificate level, registered and licensed under this Act;"nutrition technologist" means a person who has undergone professional training at diploma level, registered and licensed under this Act.[ Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.]3. Restriction on use of title
4. Establishment of the Institute
5. Establishment and composition of the Council of the Institute
6. Functions of the Institute
The functions of the Council shall be to—7. Delegation of powers of the Institute
Subject to this Act, the Institute may either generally or in a particular case, delegate to any committee of the Council or to any member, officer, employee, agent of the Institute or technical working group, the exercise of any of the powers of the Institute under this Act.[ Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.]8. Remuneration of Council members
The Institute shall pay such remuneration, fees, and other allowances to members of the Council as may be determined from time to time by the Council in consultation with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.[ Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.]9. The Chief Executive Officer
9A. Corporation Secretary
10. Staff of the institute
The Institute shall appoint such officers and other staff as are necessary for the proper discharge of its functions under this Act, upon such terms and conditions as the Council may determine.11. Protection from personal liability
No action of a member of the Council or by any officer, employee or agent of the Institute shall, if the action is done bona fide for executing the functions, powers or duties of the Institute, render the member, officer, employee or agent personally liable to any action, claim or demand.Part III – EXAMINATION, REGISTRATION, LICENSING AND DISCIPLINE
12. The Establishment of the Accreditation Committee
13. Functions of the Accreditation Committee
The Accreditation Committee shall generally, in the conduct of examinations —14. Deleted
Deleted by Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.15. Deleted
Deleted Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.16. Persons entitled to be registered
A person shall be entitled to registration if he satisfies the Council that he is of good conduct and has paid the registration fee and—17. Registration of nutritionists and dieticians
18. Certificate of registration
The Institute shall issue to every person registered under this Act, a certificate in the prescribed form.19. Deregistration
20. Restoration of name
Where the name of any person has been removed from the register the Council may, either of its own motion or on the application of the person concerned made in the prescribed manner, and in either case after holding such inquiry as the Council thinks fit, direct—21. Appeal against Order of the Council
22. Licensing
23. Qualification for practice on own behalf
24. Validity of licence
25. Establishment of the Disciplinary Committee
26. Disciplinary Powers of the Committee
27. Funds of the Institute
The funds of the Institute shall comprise—27A. Establishment of General Fund
28. Investment
The Institute may—29. Financial year of the Institute
The financial year of the Institute shall be the period of twelve months ending on the thirtieth of June in each year.30. Annual estimates
31. Deleted
Deleted by Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.Part V – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
32. Offences by persons not eligible to be registered or licensed
33. Offences by person eligible to be registered or licensed
Any person who, though eligible to be registered or licensed under this Act, is not so registered or licensed but practices as a nutritionist or dietician commits an offence is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.34. Offences by persons conducting training courses or examinations without authority
Any person, being in-charge of a training institution which is not approved by the Institute as an institution for the training of persons seeking registration under this Act, who—35. Examination offences
Any person who—36. Employment of unregistered staff
37. Falsification of registers or records
Any person who willfully makes or causes to be made any false entry in, or falsification of, any register or record kept under this Act, or who presents or attempts to present himself or any other person to be registered or licensed under this Act by making or producing or causing to be made or produced false or fraudulent representation or declaration, either orally or in writing, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.38. Regulations
The Institute may, with the approval of the Minister, make regulations generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations for—39. Deleted
Deleted by Act No. 5 of 2019, Sch.History of this document
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
Read this version
17 May 2019 this version
Amended by
Health Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019
21 October 2008
Commenced by
Nutritionists and Dieticians Act Commencement
16 November 2007
22 October 2007
Assented to
Documents citing this one 14
Gazette 4
1. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXII-No. 15 | |
2. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXI-No. 58 | |
3. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIV-No. 136 | |
4. | Kenya Gazette Vol. CXXIV-No. 146 |
Judgment 4
Bench Bulletin 2
1. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 41 | |
2. | Bench Bulletin - Issue 46 |
Bill 2
1. | The Health Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2018 | |
2. | The Nutritionist and Dieticians (Amendment) Bill, 2017 |
Legal Notice 2
1. | The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations | 1 citation |
2. | The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations |
Subsidiary legislation
The Nutritionists and Dieticians (Training Institutions) (Fees) Regulations | Legal Notice 216 of 2019 | 31 December 2022 |
The Nutritionists and Dieticians (Entry Requirements) (Training Institutions) Regulations | Legal Notice 215 of 2019 | 31 December 2022 |