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CAP. 488
- Published in Kenya Gazette Vol. XCI—No. 39 on 22 September 1989
- Assented to on 13 September 1989
- Commenced on 1 November 1989
- [Amended by Banking Act Commencement (Legal Notice 342 of 1989) on 3 November 1989]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1989 (Act No. 20 of 1989) on 29 December 1989]
- [Amended by Finance (No.2) Act,1991 (Act No. 8 of 1991) on 1 January 1991]
- [Amended by Banking (Amendment of First Schedule) Order, 1992 (Legal Notice 443 of 1992) on 24 December 1992]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 1993 (Act No. 4 of 1993) on 11 June 1993]
- [Amended by Bankimg (Amendement) Act, 1994 (Act No. 13 of 1994) on 27 October 1995]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 1997 (Act No. 8 of 1997) on 19 June 1997]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Repeals and Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1997 (Act No. 10 of 1997) on 7 November 1997]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 1998 (Act No. 5 of 1998) on 1 January 1999]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 1999 (Act No. 4 of 1999) on 10 June 1999]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2000 (Act No. 9 of 2000) on 15 June 2000]
- [Amended by Banking (Amendment) Act, 2001 (Act No. 7 of 2001) on 31 December 2001]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2003 (Act No. 15 of 2003) on 13 June 2003]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2005 (Act No. 6 of 2005) on 1 July 2005]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2006 (Act No. 10 of 2006) on 1 January 2007]
- [Amended by Banking (Amendment) Act, 2006 (Act No. 9 of 2006) on 2 May 2007]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2007 (Act No. 9 of 2007) on 15 June 2007]
- [Amended by Microfinance Act (Cap. 493C) on 2 May 2008]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008) on 1 January 2009]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2009 (Act No. 8 of 2009) on 1 January 2010]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2010 (Act No. 10 of 2010) on 11 June 2010]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2012 (Act No. 4 of 2012) on 1 January 2012]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2012 (Act No. 57 of 2012) on 1 January 2013]
- [Amended by Microfinance (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act No. 41 of 2013) on 11 December 2013]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2013 (Act No. 38 of 2013) on 1 January 2014]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2015 (Act No. 14 of 2015) on 1 October 2015]
- [Amended by Banking (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act No. 25 of 2016) on 14 September 2016]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2016 (Act No. 38 of 2016) on 1 January 2017]
- [Amended by Companies and Insolvency Legislation (Consequential Amendments) Act, 2015 (Act No. 19 of 2015) on 3 July 2017]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2018 (Act No. 10 of 2018) on 1 October 2018]
- [Amended by Finance Act, 2019 (Act No. 23 of 2019) on 7 November 2019]
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
- [Amended by Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Terrorism Financing Laws (Amendment) Act, 2023 (Act No. 10 of 2023) on 15 September 2023]
- [Amended by Business Laws (Amendment) Act, 2024 (Act No. 20 of 2024) on 27 December 2024]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Banking Act.2. Interpretation
3. Restrictions on carrying on banking business, etc.
4. Application for licence
5. Licensing of institutions
6. Revocation of licence
7. Minimum capital requirements
8. Location of places of business
8A. Branches and subsidiaries
9. Amalgamations and transfers of assets and liabilities
9A. Directors, Chief Executive Officers and significant shareholders to be fit and proper persons
10. Limit on advances, credits and guarantees
11. Restrictions on advances, credits and guarantees
12. Restriction on trading and investments
An institution shall not—13. Restrictions on ownership of share capital of an institution
14. Restrictions on advances for purchase of land
15. Mortgage finance companies
16. Restrictions on deposit-taking
16A. Imposition of charges and payment of interest
17. Ratio between core capital and deposits
The core capital of an institution shall at all times be not less than eight per cent of its total deposit liabilities.[Act No. 4 of 1999, s. 82.]18. Ratio between capital and assets
19. Minimum liquid assets
20. Restrictions on dividends
20A. Financial year
21. Form of accounts
22. Accounts to be exhibited
23. Submission of accounts to the Central Bank
24. Appointment of auditors
25. Change of auditors to be notified to the Central Bank
26. Auditor’s duty of confidence
27. Collection of information by Central Bank
The Central Bank shall collect such date and other information as may be necessary to enable it to maintain supervision and surveillance of the affairs of institutions or their duly authorised agencies and the protection of their depositors and, for this purpose, may require institutions to submit statistical and other returns on a periodic basis in addition to any other returns required by law.[Act No. 8 of 2009, s. 57.]28. Furnishing of information
29. Cabinet Secretary may require further information
The Cabinet Secretary may require the Central Bank or an institution to furnish to him, at such time and in such manner as he may direct, such information as the Cabinet Secretary may require.[Act No. 19 of 2015, s. 79.]30. Time to furnish information
Where the Central Bank or an institution is required to furnish information under this Part, it shall furnish that information and any supplemental material that may be required as a result of that information within the period specified in this Part or the relevant direction or within such reasonable period thereafter as may be agreed.31. Publication of information
31A. Disclosure of information on loans
A bank or financial institution shall, before granting a loan to a borrower disclose all the charges and terms relating to the loan.[Act No. 25 of 2016, s. 2.]31B. Information on next of kin
32. Inspection of institutions
32A. Vetting of officials
32B. Examination and control of Groups
The Central Bank may upon receipt of a report under section 32(5)—33. Powers of Central Bank to advise and direct
33A. Powers upon audit or inspection report
Where an auditor's report under section 24(4) or an inspection report under this Part reveals that an institution conducts its business in a manner contrary to the provisions of this Act, or in any manner detrimental to or not in the best interests of its depositors or members of the public, or that an institution is undercapitalized, the Central Bank may—33B. [Repealed by Act No. 23 of 2019, s. 45.]
33C. Power of Central Bank to prescribe conditions on deposits or withdrawals
33D. Powers on anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism and countering proliferation financing matters
33E. Penalties for violations relating to money laundering, terrorism financing
34. Powers of Central Bank to intervene in management
34A. Voluntary liquidation
35. Liquidation of insolvent institutions
35A. [Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2015, s. 39.]
35B. Power to place institutions in administration in certain circumstances
35C. Right of appeal in respect of Board's exercise of powers under section 35
35D. Offences under sections 35 and 35B
36. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1).]
36A. [Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2015, s. 40.]
36B. [Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2015, s. 41.]
36C. [Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2015, s. 42.]
37. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1).]
38. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1)]
39. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1).]
39A. [Repealed by Act No. 14 of 2015, s. 43.]
40. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1).]
40A. Rights of assignment
41. [Repealed by Act No. 13 of 1994, s. 16.]
41A. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1).]
42. [Repealed by Act No. 10 of 2012, s. 75(1).]
43. Representative offices of foreign institutions
44. Restrictions on increase in bank charges
No institution shall increase its rate of banking or other charges except with the prior approval of the Cabinet Secretary.44A. Limit on interest recovered on defaulted loans
45. Cabinet Secretary to consult with the Central Bank
46. Bank holidays
47. Orders by High Court
48. Disqualification of officers
49. Penalties for offences
Where any institution or other person contravenes any of the provisions of this Act—50. Penalties for default by officers
51. Misleading advertisement for deposits
52. Civil obligations
52A. Act to prevail in event of conflict
53. Exemptions
54. Act not to apply to certain institutions
54A. Rights and fundamental freedoms
All persons subject to this Act shall enjoy all rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Constitution unless limited to the extent specified in Article 24 of the Constitution, this Act or any other Act.[Act No. 10 of 2023, Sch.]54B. Limitation of right to privacy
55. Regulations
56. Repeal and savings
57. Amendments of other laws
The several written laws specified in the first column of the Second Schedule are amended, in relation to the provisions thereof specified in the second column, in the manner specified in the third column.History of this document
27 December 2024 this version
Amended by
Business Laws (Amendment) Act, 2024
15 September 2023
31 December 2022
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
07 November 2019
Amended by
Finance Act, 2019
01 October 2018
Amended by
Finance Act, 2018
03 July 2017
01 January 2017
Amended by
Finance Act, 2016
14 September 2016
Amended by
Banking (Amendment) Act, 2016
01 October 2015
Amended by
Finance Act, 2015
01 January 2014
Amended by
Finance Act, 2013
11 December 2013
Amended by
Microfinance (Amendment) Act, 2013
01 January 2013
Amended by
Finance Act, 2012
01 January 2012
Amended by
Finance Act, 2012
11 June 2010
Amended by
Finance Act, 2010
01 January 2010
Amended by
Finance Act, 2009
01 January 2009
Amended by
Finance Act, 2008
02 May 2008
Amended by
Microfinance Act
15 June 2007
Amended by
Finance Act, 2007
02 May 2007
Amended by
Banking (Amendment) Act, 2006
01 January 2007
Amended by
Finance Act, 2006
01 July 2005
Amended by
Finance Act, 2005
13 June 2003
Amended by
Finance Act, 2003
31 December 2001
Amended by
Banking (Amendment) Act, 2001
15 June 2000
Amended by
Finance Act, 2000
10 June 1999
Amended by
Finance Act, 1999
01 January 1999
Amended by
Finance Act, 1998
07 November 1997
19 June 1997
Amended by
Finance Act, 1997
27 October 1995
Amended by
Bankimg (Amendement) Act, 1994
11 June 1993
Amended by
Finance Act, 1993
24 December 1992
01 January 1991
Amended by
Finance (No.2) Act,1991
29 December 1989
03 November 1989
Amended by
Banking Act Commencement
01 November 1989
Commenced by
Banking Act Commencement
22 September 1989
Published in Kenya Gazette 39
13 September 1989
Assented to
Cited documents 18
Act 18
1. | Companies Act | 1554 citations |
2. | Kenya Revenue Authority Act | 1128 citations |
3. | Income Tax Act | 748 citations |
4. | Insolvency Act | 590 citations |
5. | Value Added Tax Act | 454 citations |
6. | Co-operative Societies Act | 387 citations |
7. | Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act | 316 citations |
8. | State Corporations Act | 156 citations |
9. | Kenya Deposit Insurance Act | 115 citations |
10. | Sacco Societies Act | 83 citations |
Documents citing this one 359
Judgment 313
Act 24
1. | Evidence Act | 9651 citations |
2. | Income Tax Act | 748 citations |
3. | Co-operative Societies Act | 387 citations |
4. | Societies Act | 383 citations |
5. | Insurance Act | 256 citations |
6. | Trustee Act | 163 citations |
7. | Mining Act | 155 citations |
8. | Excise Duty Act | 147 citations |
9. | Unclaimed Financial Assets Act | 136 citations |
10. | Kenya Deposit Insurance Act | 115 citations |
Legal Notice 22
Subsidiary legislation
The Banking Act-Exemption | Legal Notice 85 of 2024 | 7 June 2024 |
Banking Act - Exemption | Legal Notice 52 of 2024 | 12 April 2024 |
The Banking (Credit Reference Bureau) Regulations | Legal Notice 55 of 2020 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking Act - Exemption | Legal Notice 154 of 2017 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking (Increase of Rate of Banking and other Charges) Regulations | Legal Notice 34 of 2006 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking (Deposit Protection Fund) Regulations | Legal Notice 10 of 2003 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking (Penalties) Regulations | Legal Notice 77 of 1999 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking (Fees) Regulations | Legal Notice 188 of 1994 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking (Liquidation of Institutions) Regulations | Legal Notice 402 of 1992 | 31 December 2022 |
The Banking (Licences) (Forms and Fees) Regulations | Legal Notice 116 of 1969 | 31 December 2022 |