[Act No. 13 of 1975, s. 2, Act No. 7 of 1976, s. 2, Act No. 12 of 1977, s. 5, Act No. 8 of 1978, s. 9, Act No. 6 of 1981, s. 5, Act No. 8 of 1983, s. 17, Act No. 13 of 1984, s. 21, Act No. 18 of 1984, s. 5, Act No. 8 of 1985, s. 14, Act No. 10 of 1986, s. 33, Act No. 10 of 1987, s. 36, Act No. 3 of 1988, s. 43, Act No. 10 of 1988, s. 34, Act No. 10 of 1990, s. 59, Act No. 8 of 1991, s. 74, Act No. 13 of 1995, s. 87, Act No. 8 of 1996, s. 44, Act No. 8 of 1997, s. 49, Act No. 5 of 1998, s. 39, Act No. 6 of 2001, s. 53, Act No. 10 of 2006, s. 29, Act No. 9 of 2007, s. 27, Act No. 8 of 2008, s. 38, Act No. 10 of 2010, s. 32, Act No. 57 of 2012, s. 23, Act No. 38 of 2013, s. 22, Act No. 16 of 2014, Act No. 14 of 2015, Act No. 38 of 2016, Act No. 11 of 2017, Act No. 15 of 2017, Act No. 9 of 2018, Sch., Act No. 23 of 2019, s. 14, Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch. Act No. 8 of 2020, s. 8, Act No. 8 of 2021, s. 18. Act No. 22 of 2022, s. 20, Act No. 4 of 2023, s. 24, Act No. 12 of 2024, s. 14.]Part I – INCOME ACCRUED IN, DERIVED FROM OR RECEIVED IN KENYA WHICH IS EXEMPT FROM TAX
1.So much of the income of a person as is expressly exempted from income tax by or under the provisions of any Act of Parliament for the time being in force, to the extent provided by such Act.2.The income of any person who, or organization which, is exempt from income tax by or under any Act of Parliament for the time being in force, to the extent provided by such Act.3.Deleted by Act No. 57 of 2012, s. 23(a).4.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.5.Deleted by Act No. 13 of 1984, s. 21.6.The income, other than income from investments, of an amateur sporting association, that is to say, an association–(a)whose sole or main object is to foster and control any outdoor sport; and(b)whose members consist only of amateurs or affiliated associations the members of which consist only of amateurs; and(c)whose memorandum of association or by-laws have provisions defining an amateur or a professional and providing that no person may be or continue to be a member of such association if such person is not an amateur.7.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.8.The income of any county government.9.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.10.Subject to section 26, the income of an institution, body of persons or irrevocable trust, of a public character established solely for the purposes of the relief of the poverty or distress of the public, or for the advancement of religion or education–(a)established in Kenya; or(b)whose regional headquarters is situated in Kenya,in so far as the Commissioner is satisfied that the income is to be expended either in Kenya or in circumstances in which the expenditure of that income is for the purposes which result in the benefit of the residents of Kenya:Provided that any such income which consists of gains or profits from a business shall not be exempt from tax unless such gains or profits are applied solely to such purposes and either–(i)such business is carried on in the course of the actual execution of such purposes;(ii)the work in connexion with such business is mainly carried on by beneficiaries under such purposes; or(iii)such gains or profits consist of rents (including premiums or any similar consideration in the nature of rent) received from the leasing or letting of land and any chattels leased or let therewith; and provided further that an exemption under this paragraph–(A)shall be valid for a period of five years but may be revoked by the Commissioner for any just cause; and(B)shall, where an applicant has complied with all the requirements of this paragraph, be issued within sixty days of the lodging of the application.Provided further that in this paragraph, “institution, body of persons or irrevocable trust, of a public character” means an entity established to benefit the public in a transparent and accountable manner without restriction or discrimination regardless of the level of charges or fees levied for services rendered, and which utilises its assets or income exclusively to carry out the purpose for which the entity was established without conferring a private benefit to an individual.11.The income of any person from any management or professional fee, royalty or interest when the Cabinet Secretary certifies that it is required to be paid free of tax by the terms of an agreement to which the Government is a party either as principal or guarantor and that it is in the public interest that such income shall be exempt from tax.12.The income of any registered pension scheme.13.The income of any registered trust scheme.14.The income of any registered pension fund.15.The income of a registered provident fund.16.The income from the investment of an annuity fund, as defined in section 19 of this Act, of an insurance company.17.Pensions or gratuities granted in respect of wounds or disabilities caused in war and suffered by the recipients of such pensions or gratuities.18.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.19.Deleted by Act No. 8 of 1978, s. 9.20.Deleted by Act No. 8 of 1978, s. 9.21.Deleted by Act No. 8 of 1978, s. 9.22.That part of the income of any officer of the Government or of the Community accrued in or derived from Kenya which consists of foreign allowances paid to such officer from public funds in respect of his office:Provided that, where any person to whom such an allowance is paid is granted a deduction under section 15 of this Act in respect of any expenditure incurred in relation to an activity for which the allowance is paid, then the exemption conferred by this paragraph shall not apply to so much of such allowance as is equal to the amount of such deduction.23.The income of the East African Development Bank and of Corporations established under Article 71 of the Treaty for East African Co-operation together with the income of subsidiary companies wholly owned by that Bank or by any of the said Corporations.24.Deleted by Act No. 8 of 1978, s. 9.25.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.26.The emoluments–(a)deleted by Act No. 38 of 2013, s. 22;(b)of any person in the public service of the Government of that country in respect of his office under that Government where such person is resident in Kenya solely for the purpose of performing the duties of his office,where such emoluments are payable from the public funds of such country and are subject to income tax in such country.27.The emoluments payable out of foreign sources in respect of duties performed in Kenya in connexion with a technical assistance or other agreement for developmental services or purpose to which the Government or the Community is a party to any non-resident person or to a person who is resident solely for the purposes of performing those duties, in any case where the agreement provides for the exemption of such emoluments.28.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.29.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.30.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.31.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.32.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.33.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.34.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.35.Interest on a savings account held with the Kenya Post Office Savings Bank.36.Such part of the income of an individual, chargeable to tax under section 3(2)(f) as consists of a gain derived from the transfer of–(a)deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.;(b)deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.;(c)a private residence if the individual owner has occupied the residence continuously for the three-year period immediately prior to the transfer concerned:Provided that–(i)in determining whether or not a person has occupied a residence continuously for three years, any period during which he was temporarily absent from the residence shall be ignored;(ii)references to a private residence include the immediately surrounding land utilized exclusively for personal purposes as an adjunct to the residence and not for the production of income, but does not include any part of the residence and land utilized for business purposes;(iii)no individual may claim or be taken to have used more than one residence as his residence at the same time for the purposes of this Act;(iv)no individuals may claim or be taken to have used more than one residence as their residence for the purposes of this Act at any time when they were husband and wife living together;(v)no individual shall claim or be taken to have used a residence as a residence at any time when he was a dependant of either or both of his parents;(vi)where a residence is used in part for business purposes, or is transferred in a single transaction together with land and other property used for the production of income, the taxable value of such property used for residential purposes shall be separately determined from that used for business purposes or for the production of income;(d)property (being land) transferred by an individual where–(i)the transfer value is not more than three million shillings; or(ii)agricultural property having an area of less than fifty acres where such property is situated outside a municipality, gazetted township or an area that is declared by the Cabinet Secretary, by notice in the Gazette, to be an urban area for the purposes of this Act;(e)deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.;(f)property (including investment shares) which is transferred or sold for the purpose of adminstering the estate of a deceased person where the transfer or sale is completed within two years of the death of the deceased or within such extended time as the Commissioner may allow in writing:Provided that where there is a court case regarding such estate the period of transfer or sale under this paragraph shall be two years from the date of the finalization of such court case.(g)property, including investment shares, which is transferred or sold for the purpose of transferring the title or the proceeds into a registered family trust.37.Deleted by Act No. 57 of 2012, s. 23(c).38.Deleted by Act No. 10 of 1987, s. 36.39.Deleted by Act No. 10 of 1987, s. 36.40.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.41.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.42.The income of a non-resident person who carries on the business of aircraft owner, charterer or air transport operator, from such business where the country in which such non-resident person is resident extends a similar exemption to aircraft owners, charterers or air transport operators who are not resident in such country but who are resident in Kenya.43.The income of a registered individual retirement fund.44.Deleted by Act No. 8 of 2020, s. 8.45.Income of the National Social Security Fund provided that the Fund complies with such conditions as may be prescribed.45A.The income of the National Hospital Insurance Fund established under the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998 consisting of –(a)all contributions and other payments into and out of the Fund; and(b)monies invested under section 34 of the Act.46.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.47.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.48.Gains arising from trade in securities listed on any securities exchange operating in Kenya by any dealer licensed under the Capital Markets Authority Act (Cap. 485A):Provided that such securities have been held for a period not exceeding twenty-four months from the date of acquisition.49.Interest income accrued in or derived from Kenya under financial arrangements made or guaranteed by the Export-Import Bank of the United States, an agency of the United States of America.50.(1) Investment income of a pooled fund or other kind of investment consisting of retirement schemes, provided that all the constituent schemes of the pooled fund are registered by the Commissioner.(2)For the purposes of this paragraph, "pooled fund" has the meaning assigned to it under the Retirement Benefit Act, 1997 (No. 3 of 1997).51.Interest income accruing from all listed bonds, notes or other similar securities used to raise funds for infrastructure and other social services, provided that such bonds, notes or securities shall have a maturity of at least three years.52.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.53.Payment of pension benefits from a registered pension fund, registered provident fund, registered individual retirement fund, public pension scheme or National Social Security Fund, upon attainment of the retirement age determined in accordance with the rules of the fund or the scheme:Provided that this exemption shall also apply to—(a)payment of gratuity or other allowances paid under a public pension scheme;(b)payment of a retirement annuity; or(c)withdrawals from the fund prior to attaining the retirement age due to ill health; or withdraws from the fund after the twenty years from the date of registration as a member of the fund.54.Interest income on bonds issued by the East African Development Bank.55.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.56.Deleted by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.57.The income of the National Housing Development Fund.57.The principal sum of a registered family trust.58.Income earned by an individual who is registered under the Ajira Digital Program for three years beginning 1st January, 2020;Provided that–(a)the individual shall qualify for the exemption upon payment of registration fee of ten thousand shillings per annum; and(b)the Cabinet Secretary shall, in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary for the ministry responsible for information communication technology, issue regulations for the better carrying out of this provision.58.Any capital gains relating to the transfer of title of immovable property to a family trust.59.The amount withdrawn from the National Housing Development Fund to purchase a house by a contributor who is a first-time home-owner.60.Interest income accruing from all listed bonds, notes or other similar securities used to raise funds for infrastructure, projects and assets defined under Green Bonds Standards and Guidelines, and other social services:Provided that such bonds, notes or securities shall have a maturity of at least three years.61.Deemed interest in respect of an interest free loan advanced to a company undertaking the manufacture of human vaccines.62.Payments made to non-resident service providers not having a permanent establishment in Kenya in respect of services provided to a company undertaking the manufacture of human vaccines.63.Compensating tax accruing to a company undertaking the manufacture of human vaccines.64.Dividends paid by a company undertaking the manufacture of human vaccines to any non-resident person.65.Deleted by Act No. 4 of 2023, s. 24(b)66.Dividends paid by Special Economic Zone enterprises, developers and operators licensed under the Special Economic Zones Act (Cap. 517A).67.Dividends paid by Special Economic Zone enterprises, developers and operators to any non-resident person.68.Royalties paid to a non-resident person by a company undertaking the manufacture of human vaccines.69.Interest paid to a resident person or non- resident person by a company undertaking the manufacture of human vaccines.70.Investment income from a post-retirement medical fund, whether or not the fund is part of a retirement benefits scheme.71.Income earned by a non-resident contractor, sub-contractor, consultant or an employee involved in the implementation of a project financed through a one hundred per cent grant under an agreement between the Government and a development partner, to the extent provided for in the Agreement:Provided that—(a)the non-resident contractor, subcontractor, contractor or employee shall maintain this status for the tenure of the agreement;(b)any other income not directly related to the project earned by that non-resident contractor, sub-contractor, consultant or employee shall be subject to tax.72.Gains on transfer of property within a special economic zone enterprise, developer and operator.73.Royalties, interest, management fees, professional fees, training fees, consultancy fee, agency or contractual fees paid by a special economic zone developer, operator or enterprise, in tHE first ten years of its establishment, to a non-resident person.Part II – SECURITIES, THE INTEREST ON WHICH IS EXEMPT FROM TAX
Repealed by Act No. 2 of 2020, Sch.SECOND SCHEDULE
1.Deduction of investment allowance(1)Where a person incurs capital expenditure in respect of an item listed in the first column of the table, an investment allowance may be deducted in computing the gains or profits of that person at the corresponding rate specified in the second column, for each year of income–Capital expenditure incurred | Rate of Investment Allowance |
(a) Buildings | |
(i) Hotel building | 50% in the first year of use |
(ii) Building used for manufacture | 50% in the first year of use |
(iii) Hospital buildings | 50% in the first year of use |
(iv) Petroleum or gas storage facilities | 50% in the first year of use |
(v) Residual value to item (a)(i) to (a)(iv) | 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(vi) Educational buildings including student hostels | 10% per year, in equal instalments |
(vii) Commercial building | 10% per year, in equal instalments |
(viii) Industrial Building | 10% |
(ix) Dock | 10% in equal instalments |
(b) Machinery | |
(i) Machinery used for manufacture | 50% in the first year of use |
(ii) Hospital equipment | 50% in the first year of use |
(iii) Ships or aircrafts | 50% in the first year of use |
(iv) Residual value items (b)(i) to (b)(iii) | 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(v) Motor vehicles and heavy earth moving equipment | 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(vi) Computer and peripheral computer hardware and software, calculators, copiers and duplicating machines | 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(vii) Furniture and fittings | 10% per year, in equal instalments |
(viii) Telecommunications equipment | 10% per year, in equal instalments |
(ix) Filming equipment by a local film producer licensed by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for filming | 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(x) Machinery used to undertake operations under a prospecting right | 50% in the first year of use and 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(xi) Machinery used to undertake exploration operations | 50% in the first year of use and 25% per year, in equal instalments |
(xii) Other machinery | 10% per year, in equal instalments |
(c) Purchase or an acquisition of an indefeasible right to use fibre optic cable by a telecommunication operator | 10% per year, in equal instalments |
(d) Farmworks | 50% in the first year of use and 25% per year, in equal instalments |
Provided that–(a)in the case of change of user of a building, the deduction shall be restricted to the residual value or unclaimed amount at the applicable rate;(b)in respect of a hotel, educational or hospital building, the building shall be licensed by the competent authority; and(c)"building used for manufacture" includes any structure or civil works deemed to be part of a building where the structure or civil works relates or contributes to the use of the building;(d)"commercial building" includes–(i)a building used as an office, shop, showroom, godown, storehouse, or warehouse used for storage of raw materials for manufacture of finished or semi-finished goods; or(ii)civil works relating to water or electric power undertaking, but does not include an undertaking not carried on by way of trade;(e)"machinery used for manufacture" means machinery used directly in the process of manufacture, and includes machinery used for the following ancillary purposes–(i)generation, transformation and distribution of electricity;(ii)clean-up and disposal of effluents and other waste products;(iii)reduction of environmental damage;(iv)water supply or disposal;(v)maintenance of the machinery; or(vi)scientific research and development;(f)"manufacture" means the refining or making, including packaging, of goods from raw or semi-finished goods, or the generation of electrical energy, or the transformation and distribution of electricity, but does not include design, storage, transport, administration or any other ancillary activity;(g)civil works include-(i)roads and parking areas;(ii)railway lines and related structures;(iii)water, industrial effluent and sewerage works;(iv)communications and electrical posts and pylons and other electrical supply works;(v)security walls and fencing; and(vi)earthworks for telecommunication equipment and construction works undertaken in connection with the installation and maintenance of telecommunication equipment and related structures(h)"Farm works" means farmhouses, labour quarter, any other immovable building necessary for the proper operation of the farm, fences, dips, drains, water and electricity supply works and other worksnecessary for the proper operation of the farm.(i)“dock” includes a container terminal berth, harbour, wharf, pier, jetty, storage yard, or other works in or at which vessels load or unload merchandise but does not include a pier or jetty used for recreation;(j)“industrial building” includes a building in use for the purpose of transport, bridge, tunnel, inland navigation water and electricity or hydraulic power undertaking;(k)“machinery used for agriculture” means machinery used directly in agriculturalactivities including tilling, planting, irrigation, weeding and harvesting;(l)“telecommunications equipment” includes civil works deemed as part of the telecommunication equipment or civil works that contribute to the use of the telecommunication equipment.(1A)Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the investment deduction shall be one hundred per cent where-(a)the cumulative investment value in the preceding three years outside Nairobi City County and Mombasa County is at least one billion shillings:Provided that where the cumulative value of investment for the preceding three years of income was one billion shillings on or before the 25th April, 2020, and the applicable rate of investment deduction was one hundred and fifty per cent, that rate shall continue to apply for the investment made on or before the 25th April, 2020 or the investment deduction shall be one hundred and fifty per cent where the cumulative investment value for the preceding four years from the date that this provision comes into force or the cumulative investment for the succeeding three years outside Nairobi City County or Mombasa County is at least one billion shillings;(b)the investment value outside Nairobi City County and Mombasa County in that year of income is at least two hundred and fifty million shillings; or(c)the person has incurred investment in a special economic zone.(1B)Paragraph (1A) shall apply to items listed under paragraphs 1(1)(a)(i) and (ii), and (1)(b)(i).2.Calculation of written down or residual valueThe written down or residual value of each item referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated separately, and shall be the balance of capital expenditure taking into account the sale of the item after deducting investment allowance.3.Treatment of excess or deficit of realised amountsWhere the amount realised from the sale of an item referred to in paragraph 1 exceeds the written down or residual value, the excess shall be treated as a trading receipt or, conversely, a trading loss for the year of income.4.Balancing charge or deduction on cessation of business(1)Where an investment allowance has been deducted under paragraph 1 in computing the gains or profits of a person and that person ceases to carry on business for the purposes of which the item was used and the item ceases to be owned by him, a balancing charge or balancing deduction shall be made or allowed for the year of income in which he ceased to carry on business.(2)Where the person referred to in subparagraph (1) is a partnership, the person shall be deemed to have ceased to carry on business only when all the partners cease to carry on that business.(3)Where the items are sold by a liquidator of a company, the balancing charge or balancing deduction shall be made or allowed in the year of income in which the winding up commenced.(4)Where on cessation of a business, a balancing charge or balancing deduction is to be made or allowed under this paragraph and –(a)the consideration received exceeds the residual value at the time of cessation, the balancing charge shall be the excess amount or, where the residual value is nil, the consideration received; or(b)a consideration is not received by the person who owns the items, or the residual value at the time of the cessation exceeds the consideration received, the balancing deduction shall be the residual value at the time of cessation, or the excess thereof over the consideration received.5.Determination of market value of items used in a businessWhere an item is brought into use for a business without being purchased or ceases permanently to be used without being sold, it shall be deemed to have been purchased or sold, and the cost or amount realized shall be deemed to be the market value.6.Restriction on capital expenditure on motor vehicles(1)Where capital expenditure exceeding three million shillings is incurred on a motor vehicle, other than a commercial vehicle, that capital expenditure shall be restricted to three million shillings.(2)Where the motor vehicle referred to in subparagraph (1) is sold, the sale price shall be deemed to be the proportion of the proceeds of sale, having regard to the original purchase price and three million shillings.7.Limitation on capital expenditure on buildingsCapital expenditure incurred on the construction of a building does not include capital expenditure on the acquisition of, or of rights in or over, land.8.Ascertainment of capital expenditure on buildings(1)Where a building is used partly for purposes other than the purposes specified in paragraph 1, the capital expenditure on which the deduction in respect of the building is calculated shall be the expenditure attributable to that portion of the building which is used for those purposes, but where the expenditure attributable exceeds ninety per cent of the total expenditure incurred on the construction of the building the whole building shall be treated as used for the specified purposes.(2)Where an existing building is extended by further construction, the extension shall be treated as a separate building.(3)Where capital expenditure is incurred on the construction of a building and before that building is used it is sold, the seller shall not be allowed a deduction.(4)Where a person purchases the building referred to in subparagraph (3), that person shall be deemed to have incurred capital expenditure on its construction equal to the capital expenditure actually incurred on its construction or to the amount paid by him, whichever is lesser.(5)Where the building referred to in subparagraph (3) is sold more than once before it is used, subparagraph (4) shall apply but only in relation to the last sale.(6)Where a building referred to in subparagraph (3) is sold by a person carrying on a business of construction for sale, the qualifying capital expenditure shall be the price paid on the sale.9.Expenditure incurred for a personAny expenditure incurred on behalf of a person by another person, shall not qualify for deduction under this Schedule.THIRD SCHEDULE
1.Personal ReliefThe amount of the personal relief shall be twenty-eight thousand eight hundred shillings:Provided that for the year of income 1995, all the income over £19,500 shall be charged additional tax at the rate of one-half shilling in each twenty shillings.2.Insurance ReliefThe amount of insurance relief shall be fifteen per cent of the amount of premiums paid but shall not exceed sixty thousand shillings per annum.3.Deleted by Act No. 12 of 2024, s. 16(a)(i).4.Deleted by Act No. 12 of 2024, s. 16(a)(ii).HEAD B – RATES OF TAX
1. The individual rates of tax shall be - | |
| Rate in each shilling |
On the first Ksh. 288,000 | 10% |
On the next Ksh. 100,000 | 25% |
On the next Ksh. 5,612,000 | 30% |
On the next Ksh. 3,600,000 | 32.5% |
On all income over 9,600,000 | 35% |
1A.[Deleted by Act No. 4 of 2023, s. 26(b)(ii).]2. The corporate rate of tax shall be– |
(a) in the case of a resident company– | |
| Rate in each twenty shillings |
(i) for the year of income 1974 and each subsequent year of income up to and including the year of income 1990 | 9.00 |
(ii) for the year of income 1990 | 8.50 |
(iii) for the year of income 1991 | 8.00 |
(iv) for the year of income 1992 | 7.50 |
(v) for the year of income 1993 upto and including the year of income 1997 | 7.00 |
(vi) for the year of income 1998 up to and including the year of income 1999 | 6.50 |
(vii) for the year of income 2000 and each subsequent year of income | 6.00 |
(viii) for the year of income 2020 and each subsequent year of income | 5.00 |
(ix) for the year of income 2021 and each subsequent year of income. | 6.00 |
Provided that this provision shall apply to the income earned from the 1st January, 2021. | |
Provided that for a resident company with an accounting period ending between the 1st July, 1994 and the 30th June, 1995 the corporation rate of tax shall be increased by one-half shilling in each twenty shillings(b) In the case of a non-resident company having a permanent establishment in Kenya– |
| Rate in each twenty shillings |
(i) for the year of income 1974 and each subsequent year of income up to and including the year of income 1989 | 10.50 |
(ii) for the year of income 1990 | 10.00 |
(iii) for the year of inc |