Related documents
- Is amended by Land Adjudication Act
- Is amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act, 2023
- Amends Registration of Documents Act
- Amends Trustee Act

CAP. 283
- Assented to on 17 July 1959
- Commenced on 28 July 1959
- [Amended by Land Registration (Special Areas) Act, 1959 (Amendment) Regulations, 1962 (Legal Notice 273 of 1962) on 28 July 1959]
- [Amended by Kenya (Land) Order in Council, 1960 (Legal Notice 589 of 1960) on 7 December 1960]
- [Amended by Kenya (Land) Order In Council, 1960 Commencement (Legal Notice 591 of 1960) on 7 December 1960]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance, 1961 (Act No. 15 of 1961) on 8 August 1961]
- [Amended by Africans' Wills Act (Act No. 35 of 1961) on 26 December 1961]
- [Amended by Missing Act (Act No. 44 of 1962) on 1 January 1962]
- [Amended by Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order, 1963 (Legal Notice 142 of 1963) on 19 February 1963]
- [Amended by Land Registration (Special Areas) Ordinance (Amendment) Regulations, 1963 (Legal Notice 324 of 1963) on 4 June 1963]
- [Amended by Registered Land Act (Act No. 25 of 1963) on 16 September 1963]
- [Amended by Kenya (Amendment of Laws) (Written Laws) Order, 1963 (Legal Notice 2 of 1964) on 12 December 1963]
- [Amended by Kenya (Amendment of Laws) (The Land Adjudication Act) Order, 1963 (Legal Notice 66 of 1964) on 12 December 1963]
- [Amended by Kenya (Amendment of Laws) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 6) Order, 1964 (Legal Notice 365 of 1964) on 12 December 1963]
- [Amended by Magistrate's Courts Act (Act No. 17 of 1967) on 1 August 1967]
- [Amended by Land Adjudication Act (Cap. 284) on 28 June 1968]
- [Amended by Constitution of Kenya Act (Act No. 5 of 1969) on 18 April 1969]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1969 (Act No. 10 of 1969) on 27 June 1969]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act, 2023 (Act No. 19 of 2023) on 11 December 2023]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Land Consolidation Act.[L.N. 589/1960, First Sch., Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch., Act No. 35 of 1968, First Sch.]2. Application
3. Effect of Act to be promulgated
When this Act has been applied to any area, the Adjudication Officer of the district in which such area is situate shall forthwith cause notice of the general effect of the provisions of this Act to be given throughout the said area.[L.N. 66/1964, s. 4.]4. Interpretation
In this Act, except where the context otherwise requires—“adjudication area” means an area to which this Act has been applied under section 2(1) of this Act;“Adjudication Officer” means an Adjudication Officer appointed under section 6 of this Act;“Adjudication Register” means an Adjudication Register completed under section 24 of this Act;“adjudication section” means an adjudication section declared under section 7 of this Act;“adverse possession” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“African court” deleted by Act No. 17 of 1967, First Sch.;“Arbitration Board” means an Arbitration Board formed under section 10 of this Act;“Assistant Registrar” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“borrower” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“certificate of title” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“charge” means a charge created on land for the purpose of securing the payment of money or money’s worth or the fulfilment of any condition, and includes a subcharge;“Committee” means a Committee appointed under section 9 of this Act;“court”, save as is otherwise expressly provided, means the Supreme Court or a subordinate court held by a Resident Magistrate;“dealing” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“Demarcation Officer” means a Demarcation Officer appointed under section 6 of this Act;“Demarcation Plan” means a Demarcation Plan prepared under section 23 of this Act;“document” includes any deed, judgment, decree, order or other instrument in writing requiring or capable of registration under this Act;“guardian” means any person responsible (whether under native law and custom or otherwise) for protecting the interests of any person who is under a disability, whether by reason of age, unsoundness of mind or any other cause;“land” includes land covered with water, any estate or interest in land other than a charge, all things growing thereon and buildings and other things permanently affixed thereto;“lease” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“lender” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“lessee” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“lessor” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“proprietor” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“Record of Existing Rights” means a Record of Existing Rights prepared under section 15 of this Act;“Recording Officer” means a Recording Officer appointed under section 6 of this Act.“the Register” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“the Registrar” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“registration district” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“registration section” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“the Registry” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“the Registry Map” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“transfer” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;“transmission” deleted by Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.;[Act No. 15 of 1961, Sch., Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch., Act No. 17 of 1967, First Sch.]Part II – ASCERTAINMENT AND RECORDING OF RIGHTS AND INTERESTS IN LAND; CONSOLIDATION AND DEMARCATION; AND CREATION OF ADJUDICATION REGISTER
5. Publication of notices
6. Officers
7. Adjudication sections
8. Staying of land suits
9. Committee
10. Arbitration Board
11. Committee to adjudicate
12. Notice of adjudication or arbitration
Every Committee or Arbitration Board shall give seven clear days’ warning of its intention to carry out an adjudication or arbitration, specifying the parcel or parcels of land upon which it proposes to adjudicate or arbitrate and stating the time and place at which it intends to adjudicate or arbitrate.13. Attendance before Committee or Arbitration Board
14. Procedure in Committees and Arbitration Boards
15. Record of Existing Rights
16. Notice of completion of Record of Existing Rights
When the Record of Existing Rights in respect of any adjudication section has been completed, the chairman of the Committee and its executive officer shall sign and date a certificate to that effect and shall forthwith give notice of such completion, and of the place or places within the adjudication section at which the Record can be inspected.17. Objection to Record of Existing Rights
Any person named in or affected by Part I of the Record of Existing Rights who considers the Record to be inaccurate or incomplete in any respect may, within sixty days of the date upon which the notice mentioned in section 16 of this Act is published at the office of the Regional Government Agent within whose district the adjudication area to which the Record relates is situated (and such date shallbe endorsed upon the said notice), lodge an objection with the executive officer of the Committee concerned, stating in what respect the Record is alleged to be inaccurate or incomplete.[L.N. 66/1964, s. 9.]18. Procedure with regard to objections
19. Decision of Adjudication Officer to be final
Any confirmation or determination of an Adjudication Officer made under section 18 of this Act shall be final and shall be notified in writing, signed by the Adjudication Officer, to the executive officer of the Committee concerned, who shall make such alteration, if any, as may be required in the Record of Existing Rights to give effect to such confirmation or determination.20. Record of Existing Rights to be final
After the expiry of sixty days from the date mentioned in section 17, or on the date upon which all alterations to the Record of Existing Rights have been made in accordance with section 19, of this Act, whichever is the later, the Record shall be deemed to be a true and complete record of all existing rights and interests in the adjudication section to which the Record relates:Provided that no inaccuracy in, or omission of, any particular shall in any way affect the validity of any lease or license granted under Part VI of the Trust Land Act (Cap. 288).21. Consolidation
22. Interests not amounting to ownership
23. Demarcation
24. Adjudication Register
25. Notice of completion of Adjudication Register
When the Adjudication Register in respect of any adjudication section has been completed the executive officer of the Committee shall sign and date a certificate to that effect and shall forthwith give notice of the completion thereof and of the place or places within the adjudication section at which the same can be inspected.26. Objection to Adjudication Register
27. Adjudication Register to be final
After the expiration of sixty days from the date of the certificate mentioned in section 25, or on the determination of all objections in accordance with section 26, of this Act, whichever shall be the later, the Adjudication Register shall be final.28. Correction of errors in Adjudication Register
The Adjudication Officer may correct any clerical error or error of a like nature in the Adjudication Register.29. Saving for records, etc., made before application of Act
30. Fees for adjudication
Every landowner whose name is contained in an Adjudication Register compiled or deemed to have been compiled in accordance with the provisions of this Part, whether such register was made before or after the application of this Act, shall pay a fee at such rate as may be prescribed in respect of the adjudication area or section.31. Regulations
The Minister may make regulations for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions and purposes of this Act.[Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.]32. Fees
All fees, costs, charges and expenses to be paid under or by virtue of this Act shall be a civil debt recoverable summarily by the Chief Land Registrar appointed under the Registered Land Act (Cap. 300).[Act No. 25 of 1963, Sch.]History of this document
11 December 2023 this version
27 June 1969
18 April 1969
Amended by
Constitution of Kenya Act
28 June 1968
Amended by
Land Adjudication Act
01 August 1967
Amended by
Magistrate's Courts Act
12 December 1963
16 September 1963
Amended by
Registered Land Act
04 June 1963
19 February 1963
Amended by
Laws of Kenya (Revision) Order, 1963
01 January 1962
Amended by
Missing Act
26 December 1961
Amended by
Africans' Wills Act
08 August 1961
07 December 1960
Amended by
Kenya (Land) Order in Council, 1960
28 July 1959
17 July 1959
Assented to
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 135
Judgment 130
Legal Notice 4
Act 1
1. | Land Adjudication Act | 646 citations |