Related documents
- Is amended by 24th Annual Supplement

CAP. 363
- Assented to on 27 March 1950
- Commenced on 1 June 1950 by Kenya Meat Commission Act Commencement
- [Amended by Missing Act (Act No. 8 of 1955) on 1 January 1955]
- [Amended by Missing Act (Act No. 28 of 1962) on 1 January 1962]
- [Amended by Kenya Meat Commission (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Act No. 32 of 1963) on 4 September 1962]
- [Amended by Kenya Meat Commission (Amendment) Act, 1963 (Act No. 32 of 1963) on 29 October 1963]
- [Amended by Statutory Commodity Boards (Amendment of Laws) Act, 1963 (Act No. 45 of 1963) on 10 December 1963]
- [Amended by Kenya (Amendment of Laws) (Written Laws) Order, 1963 (Legal Notice 2 of 1964) on 12 December 1963]
- [Amended by Kenya (Amendment of Laws) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 6) Order, 1964 (Legal Notice 365 of 1964) on 12 December 1963]
- [Amended by Kenya Meat Commission (Amendment) Act, 1966 (Act No. 3 of 1967) on 14 January 1967]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1968 (Act No. 8 of 1968) on 16 February 1968]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Repeal and Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1980 (Act No. 13 of 1980) on 24 December 1980]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Repeals and Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1981 (Act No. 10 of 1981) on 13 November 1981]
- [Amended by Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 1988 (Act No. 13 of 1988) on 16 December 1988]
- [Amended by Licensing Laws (Repeals and Amendment) Act, 2006 Commencement (Legal Notice 53 of 2007) on 20 April 2007]
- [Amended by Licensing Laws (Repeals and Amendment) Act, 2006 (Act No. 17 of 2006) on 1 May 2007]
- [Revised by 24th Annual Supplement (Legal Notice 221 of 2023) on 31 December 2022]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Kenya Meat Commission Act.2. Interpretation
3. Establishment of Commission
4. Incorporation of Commission
5. Procedure and meetings of Commission
6. Managing commissioner
7. Power to appoint staff
8. [Repealed by Act No. 17 of 2006, s. 104.]
9. Powers of Commission
10. Exclusive privileges of Commission
11. Restriction on purchase of fresh products of slaughter stock
12. The National Treasury advances
13. Banking accounts and reserve and stabilization funds
14. Surplus profits
15. Accounts
The Commission shall cause to be kept proper books of account and other books in relation thereto and to all its undertakings, works and property, and shall prepare yearly balance sheets made up to the thirty-first day of December in each year, showing in detail the assets and liabilities, revenue and expenditure of the Commission.16. Audit
17. Powers of the Auditor-General
18. Annual report to Cabinet Secretary
19. Commission to comply with Cabinet Secretary’s directions
In the exercise of its powers and in the performance of its functions under this Act, the Commission shall act in accordance with any general or special directions that may be given to it by the Cabinet Secretary.[Act No. 45 of 1963, s. 12.]20. Acquisition of scheduled undertaking
21. Matters to be taken into account in determining compensation
22. Matters to be neglected in determining compensation
In determining the compensation to be paid for any scheduled undertaking, the arbitrators shall not take into consideration—23. Vesting
Upon such date as the Cabinet Secretary may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint, any scheduled undertaking named in such notification acquired under this Act, and the lands, buildings, plant, machinery, apparatus, equipment and appurtenances of such undertaking shall vest in the Commission without any further transfer or assurance:Provided that nothing in this section shall operate to vest in the Commission any debt owing to or by the undertaking, or the benefit or burden of any contract entered into by or on behalf of the undertaking.24. Compensation to officers of scheduled undertakings
Upon any scheduled undertakings vesting in the Commission, there shall be paid by the Commission, in such cases and to such extent as may be agreed between the Commission and owner or operator of the undertaking and the officer or employee concerned or as, failing such agreement, may be prescribed, compensation to officers and employees of any such undertaking who suffer loss of employment or diminution of emoluments, pension rights or gratuity rights or whose position is worsened in consequence of the vesting.25. Rules
The Commission may make rules for the good government and conduct of the business of the Commission, the appointment, pay, superannuation and conditions of service of its employees and any other matters necessary or convenient to be provided for carrying on its business.26. Regulations
27. Cess
28. Penalty
29. Supply of animals for sacrificial purposes
The Commission shall, on the recommendation of the official head of any recognized religious community, supply such live animals as may be required for sacrificial purposes, and shall, in every abattoir operated by it, provide facilities for the ritual slaughter of animals.30. Saving of pig industry
Nothing in this Act shall apply to the pig industry or authorize or enable the Commission to trade or otherwise deal in pigs or pig products.History of this document
31 December 2022 this version
Revised by
24th Annual Supplement
01 May 2007
20 April 2007
16 December 1988
13 November 1981
24 December 1980
16 February 1968
14 January 1967
Amended by
Kenya Meat Commission (Amendment) Act, 1966
12 December 1963
10 December 1963
29 October 1963
Amended by
Kenya Meat Commission (Amendment) Act, 1963
04 September 1962
Amended by
Kenya Meat Commission (Amendment) Act, 1963
01 January 1962
Amended by
Missing Act
01 January 1955
Amended by
Missing Act
01 June 1950
Commenced by
Kenya Meat Commission Act Commencement
27 March 1950
Assented to
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 7
Judgment 3
Legal Notice 2
1. | The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations | 1 citation |
2. | The Statutory Instruments (Exemption from Expiry) Regulations |
Act 1
1. | Firearms Act | 98 citations |
Gazette 1
1. | Kenya Gazette Vol. LXVI-No. 1 |
Subsidiary legislation
The Kenya Meat Commission (Grading) Regulations | Legal Notice 142 of 1969 | 31 December 2022 |
Kenya Meat Commission (Sale of Slaughter Stock by Auction) Regulations | Legal Notice 24 of 1964 | 31 December 2022 |
The Kenya Meat Commission (Inspectors) Regulations | Legal Notice 566 of 1962 | 31 December 2022 |
Nairobi Abbatoir | Gazette Notice 199 of 1951 | 31 December 2022 |